December 06,2018

7:00 p.m. – 85 Sanger’s Lane, Staunton, VA

Members Present / Staff Present Visitors
Mike Hamp, Chair
Phil Floyd, Vice Chair
Dan Sullivan, Treasurer
Susan Richardson
Sarah Rexrode
Linda Czyzyk Members Absent
Cynthia Burnett
John Hartless
Deborah Pyles
Misty Cook
Lisa Dunn
Mary Miller
Aaron LeVeck
Amber Lipscomb / Dave Deering
Tammy DuBose
Phil Love
Dana Fitzgerald
Tina Martina
Lauren Gearhart
Kathy Kristiansen
CALL TO ORDER / Chair, Mike Hamp,called themeeting to order at 7:00 pm.
ESTABLISH QUORUM / Mr. Hampestablished a quorum.
INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS / Three new members joined the Board. Mr. Hamp asked for introductions. Aaron LeVeck from Augusta County Sheriff’s Office will be representing Augusta County. Mary Miller, retired nurse, will be representing Waynesboro as well as Amber Lipscomb, teacher for Waynesboro Public Schools. The new members met with Dave Deering for orientation prior to the meeting. All members introduced themselves.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES / Cynthia Burnettmotioned to approve the October 25thBoardMinutes. Dan Sullivan seconded.Motion carried.
PUBLIC COMMENT / No public comments.
(Handout distributed) / The Executive Report was emailed to members prior to the meeting.
  • No additional information.

(Please review committee minutes for detailed information)
(Please review committee minutes for detailed information) / Finance Committee: Met on November 21st. Dan Sullivan reviewed topics.
  • Financials- Mr. Sullivan reported a surplus of $199,795 for October which yields a YTD surplus of $179,082. The surplus was primarily due to the accrual for the ICF operations which was $116,406. An additional $38,213 was received from the State for funding oftheir portion of the FY18 cost of living adjustment for VCSB staff. The committee reviewed and discussed a plan to replace the summer Camp Excel program with a summer Therapeutic Day Treatment (TDT) program.
  • Productivity Reports-Mr. Sullivan discussed October’s productivity reports which demonstrated continued but very slow improvement. Mr.Sullivan commented that the productivity for Outpatient clinicians would need to be recalculated because there is a larger number of group sessions than individual sessions.
  • Volume & Payor Mix- Reports show the continued growth in number of individual clients served with a much lower increase in the number of services provided. Mr. Deering commented that there are numerous vacant positions in PACT, Outpatient and Developmental Services.
  • ICF Cost Analysis-The ICFs were in a positive revenue cost balance of $371,267.
Mr. Sullivan motioned on behalf of the Finance Committee to accept the financial reports as presented. Motion carried.
Quality & Compliance Committee: Met on November 9th. Mr. Floyd reviewed highlighted topics from the meeting.
  • October Volumes-October was the second consecutive month for VCSB to record the highest number of unduplicated clients served in a month. The number of services increased to 8,700 in October.
  • Compliance Report-There was one human rights investigation in October and it was determined to be unfounded. There were two occurrences of non-compliance;one in the DS Support Coordination program and the other in Substance Use Outpatient Group.
  • Supervisory Audits- Reports show that nine programs achieved 100% scoring.
  • IT Update- Three of VCSB’s servers came under a Brute Force Attack at the beginning of November. Security of the servers was increased.
  • Behavioral Health Update- Emergency Services Data for October reported 401 Crisis Intervention Services, 42 admission facilitations and bed searches and 27 ECO/TDOs executed.The committee also reviewed a PowerPoint which described a three-phase process to improve VCSB’s Same Day Access program.
  • Medical Services Update- Terry Shiflett, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner has joined the VCSB Medical Services program. Mr. Floyd announced that Medical Services is now fully staffed.
  • Developmental Services (DS)- Mr. Floyd reported there were numerous staff changes within the department. Mr. Floyd commended Tina Martina, Director of DS, for her hands-on leadership in personally providing coverage at the ICFs.
Communication and Advocacy Committee: Ms. Rexrode commented on the following topics.
  • Five Board members are planning to attend the upcoming VACSB Legislative Conference. Ms. Rexrode invited other members to attend.
  • The committee reviewed information regarding the impact of the individual insurance mandate being suspended or appealed.
  • The committee discussed the need for the 10% match from the localities. Ms. Rexrode asked members to advocate with their prospective locality.
  • Ms. Rexrode reviewed the committee’s recommendation from the October meeting regarding changes to the bylaws. The committee requested that number five of the committee charges be deleted from the bylaws. Mr. Hamp motioned on behalf of the committee to approve the requested changes. Motion carried.
Mr. Deering shared additional information regarding the 10% local match. Mr. Deering noted that VCSB has to ask DBHDS each year for a waiver because we do not obtain the requested funding. Mr. Deering expressed concern that the waiver may not be granted in the future. Amber Lipscomb and Aaron LeVeck inquired further about the match. A lengthy discussion followed regarding local match and how VCSB compares to other CSBs. Mr. Hamp asked Mr. Deering to walk the Board through the composition, formula and recent history of each localities’ match at the January meeting.
Human Resource Committee: Met on November 15th. Ms. Richardson reviewed topics:
  • The committee presented minor revision to the HR Policies and Procedures based on the annual review. The policies were emailed to members. Ms. Richardson motioned on behalf of the HR Committee to approve the revisions. Motion carried.
  • The committee discussed the potential transitioning to VRS for the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan. More information to follow on this topic.
Executive Committee: The committee assembled on November 21st but did not have a quorum. Mr. Hamp commended staff on their accomplishments in 2017 and wished everyone a happy holiday season.
OLD/NEW BUSINESS / Mr. Deering shared that VCSB Outpatient staff will present at the next Q&C Committee meeting to show members what is required of clinicians and the requirements of the documentation for the Electronic Health Record (EHR).


/ Mr.Floydmotioned to adjourn.Ms. Richardsonseconded. Motion carried.

The Next Scheduled Meeting of the Board of Directors is February 28, 2018.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tammy DuBose