Course: / Herbal Competencies/Board Prep Class / Date: / April 16, 2011
Class #: / 1 / Prof: / Violet Song

Need to know ratios between herbs in the formulas. Need to know toxic herbs and doses. Know the doses for emergency herbs too.

Reviewing: V will give paired up herbs for review – commonalities, differences. Differences between similar herbs.

General Stuff

Herbal Properties

Some q’s won’t directly test you about the nature, but will give q’s in which you have to know the temp in order to answer the question correctly.

–Nature (temperature)
Temperature of herbs may be reflected in questions – like you wouldn’t choose a hot herb for someone with heat, balah balah balah.


–Acrid: Disperse (Bo He), Move (qi: Xiang Fu, Blood, Chuan Xiong)

–Sweet: Tonify (Ren Shen), Relieve (Yi Tang), Harmonize ( Da Zao)

–Sour (acerbity) : astringent (Wu Mei)

–Bitter: Purge (Huang Lian, Xing Ren, Da Huang), Dry ( Cang Zhu)

–Salty: Soften (Kun Bu), Purge (Mang Xiao)

–Bland: diuresis (Fu Ling)

Channel tropism (what channel an herb goes to) is hard to memorize one at a time. Not all that necessary. Hard to memorize all of the channels an herb goes to. Combine function for this. Generally only 1-2 questions related to this. Can get a clue from the effect. Some are special, however. Example: bai zhi treats frontal headache, so Stomach. Qiang huo treats back of the head and thus Bladder.

Memorize these!!

–18 Incompatibilities

Gan Cao with: Gan Sui, Da Ji, Yuan Hua, Hai Zao

WU Tou/ Fu Zi with: Bei Mu, Gua Lou, Ban Xia, Bai Lian, Bai Ji

–Li Lu: 5 “shen” herbs (xuan shen, dang shen, etc.), 2 Shao Yao herbs, and Xi Xin

–19 Antagonisms

–Ding Xiang+ Yu Jin

–Rou Gui+ Chi Shi Zhi

–Pregnancy forbidden

–This is a high risk group. The board loves to test you on this. No blood movers for preggers – except Dan Shen. That’s ok.

Know this! Esp Gui Zhi and Bai Shao (1:1).



–Before meals (tonify)

–After meals (digestive)

–Before sleep

–Certain time

–Frequent taking (emergency rescue type, for pts who are vomiting – freq small doses)

Pediatric doses are also tested. 1/6th, 1/3rd of adult, etc.

New Born Baby (0-28days) / 1/6 of adult dose
1 month - 1 year / 1/3 of adult dose
1-6 years / ½ of adult dose
7 – 12 years / 2/3 of adult dose
Over 12 years / Same as adult

Herbs-Release Exterior

General Information

•Herbs are predominantly: Acrid going to LU, UB channels

•Function to:

–Release exterior syndrome

–Disperse LU

–Promote diuresis /urination

–Vent rashes

•Caution for these herbs:

–Patient should stop when syndrome is controlled

–Not suitable for people with poor body constitution – combine with tonification herbs

–Should only be decocted for a short time because they contain aromatic/volatile oils – long term decoction will decrease effectiveness.

Herbs - Release Exterior: Wind/Cold

Ma Huang / Stronger for sweating
Calms wheezing
Promotes urination
Better for edema and wheezing than gui zhi / Common:
Promote sweating
Release exterior
Gui Zhi / Milder for sweating
Dredges and warms channels
Opens chest bi and yang
Zi Su Ye / Regulates Qi
Calms fetus
/ Common:
Release W/C
Harmonize/regulate Middle Jiao
Antidote for poisoning from fish
Sheng Jiang / Warms Middle Jiao to stop vomi
Jing Jie / Vents rashes and stops itching
Tan form stops gynecological bleeding as this herb goes upward
/ Common:
Release exterior
Treats either WH or WC as both are very mild
Fang Feng / Treats dampness to stop pain and convulsions
Qiang Huo / Taiyang headaches
/ Common:
Release W/C
Relieve headaches due to WD
Gao Ben / Jueyin headaches (goes to LV ch)
Xi Xin / Strongest to stop pain
Most aromatic, strongest, harshest
Warms LU to resolve water retention
/ Common:
Open the nose
Stop pain (especially sinus pain)
Bai Zhi / Yangming/frontal headache
Astringes dampness in the upper - nose
Astringes dampness in the lower – vagina
Xin Yi Hua / Nothing special
Cang Er Zi / Slightly toxic – use chao/stir-fried version
Dries dampness
Often paired with Xin Yi Hua

Release exterior W/C (cont’d)

Xiang Ru / Used in summer time / Common:
Release W/C
Promote urination, reduce edema
Ma Huang / Stoops wheezing/asthma

Release Exterior: Wind Heat

Bo He / Refreshes the mind
Benefits throat (cools burning)
Soothes LV qi
/ Common:
Expels WH
Vents rashes
Niu Bang Zi / Expels both WH and heat toxins
Benefits throat (sore throat)
Eliminates sores
Chan Tui / Brightens eyes
Treats hoarse voice
Expels wind to stop convulsions
Night crying
Sang Ye / Stronger to release WH
Clear LU heat
Moisten dryness
/ Common:
Expel WH
Calm LV
Brighten eyes
Ju Hua / Stronger calm LV than Sang Ye
Clears heat toxins
Ge Gen / Weakest to lift yang
Pain/rigidity of upper back and neck
Moistens body fluids to stop thirst
Vents rashes
/ Common:
Release WH
Lift yang
Chai Hu / Medium in strength to lift yang
Treats shaoyang syndromes
Soothes LV
Sheng Ma / Strongest to lift yang
Clears heat toxins
Vents rashes
Man Jing Zi / Releases WH
Clears head
Stops headache
Dan Dou Chi / Releases exterior
Treats restlessness
often combined with Zhi Zi for this
Caution: Soy based – beware allergies/sensitivs

Herbs-Clear Heat

General Information

•These herbs clear interior Heat (not exterior)


–Herbs are cold or cool in nature and can damage Middle Jiao (esp MJ yang qi). Watch for loose stools and SP deficiency

–Stop taking them when syndrome is controlled

Drain Fire

Shi Gao / Sheng shi gao – very strong to clear excess heat
Shu shi gao – calcinated for plasters
/ Common:
Clear heat and drain fire
Eliminate restlessness due to excess heat and high fevers
Stop thirst
Zhi Mu / Nourishes yin and LU
Nourishes ST to increase body fluids
Treats dryness constipation
Tian Hua Fen / Stronger to promote body fluids
/ Common:
Clear heat
Promote body fluids
Relieve cough
Expel pus
Lu Gen / Milder to promote body fluids
Stops vomiting
Promotes urination
 Lung channel
Zhi Zi / Drains through all 3 jiaos
Eliminates damp heat
Cools blood
Reduces toxicity
/ Common:
Clear heat
Eliminate restlessness
Promote body fluids
Promote urination
Dan Zhu Ye / Stronger to promote urination
Xia Ku Cao / Dissipate nodules d/t phlegm and fire
Lower blood pressure
/ Common:
Clear LV fire
Brighten eyes
Jue Ming Zi / Moisten intestines

Cool Blood

Sheng Di / More nourishing than xuan shen
More cloying than xuan shen
Promotes body fluids
Stops heat type bleeding / Common:
Clear heat, cool blood
Nourish yin
Moisten intestines
Xuan Shen / Dissipates nodules
Clears heat toxins
Mu Dan Pi / Better to cool blood
Specialty 1: eliminate deficient heat
Specialty 2: Treat internal (intestinal) abscesses
/ Common:
From similar botanical flowers
Clear heat/cool blood
Move blood, remove stasis
Chi Shao / Better to stop pain
Specialty 1: clears LV fire
Specialty 2: for external abscesses
Zi Cao / Clear heat, cool blood
Vents rashes – diaper rash external but stains skin/clothing
Can cause LV damage taken internally
Shui Niu Jiao / Clear heat, cool blood
For Xue stage of heat disease

Clear Heat/Dry Damp

Huang Qin / Upper jiao
Calm fetus
LU and LI fire / Common:
Clear heat
Dry damp
Huang Lian / Middle Jiao
Strongest for heat toxins
HT and ST fire
Huang Bai / Lower jiao
Yin deficiency with fire
Deficient fire
Long Dan Cao / Enters LV channel
Clears LV fire, excess heat/damp heat in LV / Common:
Clear heat
Dry damp
Ku Shen / Enters HT channel
Kills insects/stops itching
Promotes urination

Clear Heat/Relieve Toxicity

Jin Yin Hua / Stronger to clear heat toxins
Clears summer heat / Common:
Often paired – couplet herbs
Clears heat toxins (longer cook time - acne)
Expels WH (shorter cook time)
Lian Qiao / Treats sores, carbuncles, skin issues
Promotes urination
Pu Gong Ying / Breast abscesses
Promote urination
Dispel dampness / Common:
Clear heat toxins
Zi Hua Di Ding / Abscesses – skin and skin issues
Ye Ju Hua / Calms LV
Yu Xing Cao / Lung abscesses
Promote urination
Bai Jiang Cao / Intestine, LU, LV abscesses
- Blood stasis
- Pain
Commonly used post-partum with blood stagnation causing pain
Hong Teng or Da Xue Teng / Intestinal abscesses
Moves blood, relieves pain
Da Qing Ye / Cool blood
Eliminates heat-related purpura / Common:
From same plant
Clears heat toxins, cools blood
Benefits throat
Ban Lan Gen / Benefits throat – specialty for this
Qing Dai / Clears LV
Calms convulsions
Treats LV fire invading LU with coughing of blood
She Gan / Eliminate phlegm / Common: Throat Grouping!
Sore throat
Clears heat toxins
Shan Dou Gen / Stronger to stop pain – very cold
Ma Bo / Stops bleeding, spitting blood, deep red spots on back of the throat. (Fungal – could cause allergic rx)
Bai Tou Weng / Amoebic dysentery - #1 choice / Common: Dysentery/diarrhea Grouping
Clear heat, cool blood
Stop dysentery
Ya Dan Zi / Kill insects
Treat malaria
Eliminate warts
Toxic – used in China for gastric cancers
Chuan Xin Lian / Clear heat toxins
Dry damp
Clear LU/heat, stop cough
Mostly respiratory stuff
Bai Xian Pi / Clear heat toxins
Dry damp
Expel wind
Stop itching
Ban Bian Lian / Clear hat toxins
Promote urination
Cancer – esp LV cancer
Bai Hua She She Cao / Cancer – esp GI tract
Tu Fu Ling / Essential for syphilis
Clear heat toxins
Dry damp
Mercury poisoning

Clear Deficient Heat

Qing Hao / Clear LV heat
Clear summer heat
Treat malaria / Common:
Clear xu heat
Cool blood
Di Gu Pi / Clear LU heat
Stop cough, cough + blood
Promote body fluids
(Bark of root of gou qi zi)
Bai Wei / Promote urination
Yin Chai Hu /  / Common
Clear deficient heat
Eliminate/treat deficient heat assoc’d with malnutrition
Hu Huang Lian / Clear damp heat
Di Gu Pi / Clear LU heat
Stop cough / Common
Clear deficient heat
Cool blood
These aren’t from the same category
Mu Dan Pi / Move blood
Stop pain

Downward Draining Herbs

General info: Purges downward to drain interior excess heat. Includes purgatives, laxatives, and harsh expellants.


Easily damage vital Qi. Take care with weak/young/old px.

Stop taking when syndrome is controlled

Preggers: caution or just no.

Take purgatives and harsh expellants on an empty stomach

Laxatives are strong and harsh.


Da Huang / Much stronger than mang xiao
Special functions:
  • Elim damp, tx jaundice (w/yin chen hao and zhi zi)
  • Move blood (liquor proc’d)
  • Stops bleeding (tan)
  • Treats burns (powdered, topical)
Goes through breast milk! Caution w/preg. / Common
Often paired
Purge downward
Clear heat
Mang Xiao / Weaker than da huang
Strongly softens
Used externally can reduce lactation.
Fan Xie / Not as strong as da huang
Purges downward
Promotes urination
Eliminates distention / When combined w/da huang:
Causes strong peristalsis and px will have ab pain.


Huo ma ren /  / Common
Moisten dryness
Promote defecation
Yu li ren / Promotes urination, drains edema

Harsh Expellants

Gan sui / The more gan cao you use the more toxic gan sui becomes / Common
All 3 partially drive out water.
All are cold in nature
Don’t mix any of these with gan cao
Use da zao as the harmonizer
Da ji
(jing and hong da ji) / 
Yuan hua / 
Ba dou / The only harsh expellant that is hot in nature
Has to be processed to get toxic oils out.

Warm Interior, Expel Cold

General info:

Warm interior cold syndromes

Herbs are acrid, warm or hot

Go to SP/ST, KI, HT, and some to LU and LV

Category includes 8 herbs:
fu zi, gan jiang, rou gui, wu zhu yu, ding xiang, xiao hui xiang, hua jiao, gao liang jiang

Fu zi / Toxic – longer cook time reduces toxicity
Warms whole body like nuclear bomb, but heat doesn’t last that long (“fu zi walks”):
  • Upper jiao: HT yang
  • Middle jiao: SP yang
  • Lower: KI yang
/ Common
Rescue prolapsing yang
Disperse cold
Stop pain
Gan jiang / Non-toxic
Warms, but is stable and heat stays where targeted (“gan jiang stays”):
  • Upper jiao: LU
    Cold in lung, wheezing
  • Middle jiao: SP
    Cold epi pain, vomit/diarrhea

Fu zi / Better than rou gui to rescue yang / Common
Tonify yang
Expel cold
Stop pain
Rou gui / Warms channels – especially good for cold blocking the channels.
Guides fire back to the origin/vital gate
Rou gui / Focus is on the Interior
Guides fire back to the interior
/ Common
Both from same plant – cinnamon related
Gui zhi / Focus is on the Exterior
Ding xiang / Stops vomiting (descends) due to deficient cold.
Warms deficient Ki yang to treat impotence
/ Common
Warm middle jiao
Disperse cold
Xiao hui xiang / Regulates qi.
Treats lower ab pain due to cold coagulation
Hua jiao or shu jiao
/ Kills parasites
Treats toothache
Gao liang jiang / Warms middle jiao
Treats stomach cold
Wu zhu yu / To LV (Jueyin) to treat:
  • liver cold type pain (hernia)
  • headaches at the vertex due to internal cold
To ST (yangming) to treat:
  • Treats vomiting
To KI to treat:
  • KI yang xu induced cocks crow diarrhea
/ Slightly toxic. Side fx include n/v and dizziness.
Drink it cool and rest afterwards for 30-45 minutes.

Drain Dampness

General Info:

3 sections: 1) promote urination/relieve edema, 2) promote urination and relieve PUD, 3) drain damp and relieve jaundice.

About these herbs:

Dredges water passages to drain dampness

  • Treats edema, dysurias, jaundice, excessive leucorrhea, eczema, etc.
  • Promote urination, drain damp, eliminate jaundice.

Flavors are sweet bland or bitter

Temp is neutral mostly

These herbs go to UB, SP, and SI

Promote urination, relieve edema

Fu ling / Stronger to promote urination than yi yi ren.
Calms shen
The closer to the exterior of the fungus the more it promotes urination.
The closer to the interior the more it calms shen.
Not water soluble
Neutral – use for any temperature.
/ Common
Promote urination
Drain dampness
Strengthen SP
Yi yi ren / Treats water retention with heat
Eliminates pus both on the skin and in the intestines
Slightly cold/cool
Fu ling / Calms shen
The closer to the exterior of the fungus the more it promotes urination.
The closer to the interior the more it calms shen.
Not water soluble
Neutral – use for any temperature.
/ Common
Promote urination
Eliminate dampness
Zhu ling / (Just the + urination, -dampness…damp stagnation, edema, dysuria, diarrhea, d/h syndromes)
Ze xie / Cold in nature – good for heat type damp conditions
Drains KI fire, doesn not damage kidneys – used for xiao ke/diarrhea.

Promote urination, relieve PUD

Che qian zi / Eliminates dampness
Stops diarrhea (by moving excess water from Li to Bl)
Clears LU, stops cough (esp d/t LU heat)
Lowers BP
/ Common
Promotes urination
Treats Lin syndrome
Hua shi / Clear summer heat
Eliminates dampness
Promotes healing process externally
Mu tong / Clears Ht fire via SI
Promotes lactation
Use chuan mu tong (guan mu tong = KI toxins)
/ Common
Promotes urination
Treats D/H PUD
Tong cao / Promotes urination to clear heat
Promotes lactation.
Max dose: 6g
Deng xin cao / Clears Ht fire and eliminates restlessness.
Jin qian cao / Clears DH in Bl and Gb (stones, jaundice)
Yaoyao for stones!
Clears heat sx
+ urination, unblock PUD
Also tx snakebite (topical) / Common
Use cautiously as it moves stones and can get stuck in the gut.
All are cold or slightly cold
All clear damp/heat
Hai jin sha / + urination, dispel stones (GB and Bl stones)
+ urination, - edema
Coldest of the 3 (dispels DH)
Shi wei / Cool blood, stop bleeding.
-DH, unblock PUD
Expel phlegm, stop cough
Di fu zi / Expel wind, stop itching, esp for W/D chronic itching. Can be used internally or externally. / Common
Clear damp heat
Treat PUD
These are often compared on the boards! Know the specialties
Bian xu / Pruritis, vaginal itching too
Qu mai / Moves blood
Dredges channels.
Bi xie / Cloudy or gao lin
Expels W/D

Drain Damp, Relieve Jaundice

Yin chen hao / Yaoyao for jaundice
/ Common
Clear heat
Reduce/eliminate damp
Jin qian cao / Yaoyao for stones
Snakebite (topical)
+urination, -PUD

Expel Wind Damp


Treats W/D Bi, either cold or heat. They aren’t all that strong, so must be used in combo. Arthritis pain =focus

Acrid/bitter in flavor

Go to Liver/Kidney


  • Combine with blood and qi moving herbs.
  • For chronic Bi add Lv/Ki tonics, bone/sinew strengthening herbs.

Relieve Wind/Cold/Damp

Du huo / Milder than qiang huo
Interior focus
Goes to lower areas of body
Treats the Shaoyin including headaches related to hidden wind. / Common
Expel W/D
Disperse W/C
Stop pain
Not in the same category, but weren’t separated until the Tang dynasty.
Qiang huo / Stronger than du huo
Exterior resolution/focus
Goes to the upper areas of the body.
Treats Taiyang including headaches in the occiput and upper back/neck areas.
Wei ling xian / Strong, fast
Tx numbness/spasms in extremities due to W/C/D
Tx stuck fish bones in doses over 30g / Common
Expels W/D
Dredge channels
Hai feng teng / Milder
Moves blood
Good to tx channel blockage d/t traumatic injury
Qi she (bai hua she) / Common
Unblocks channels
Extinguishes wind / Stops tremors
Skin itching/numbness
Childhood convulsions
Wu shao she
Mu gua / Expel wind/pain
Strong elim damp fnx, but not drying
Tx stomach spasms  vomiting
Promo’s body fluids, but not greasy

Relieve Wind/Heat/Dampness