KES PTA 2015-2016

Board Meeting Minutes: 3/8/2016- 6:30 pm- KES Library Learning Commons

I. Welcome & Call to Order

Tracey Florence, PTA President, called to order this PTA Board Meeting of Kaechele Elementary School (KES) at 6:41 pm.KES Board Members, the KES Principal (Cindy Patterson), and the PTA Teacher Representative (Meredith Dobranski) were in attendance.

II. Adoption of the Agenda & Minutes

Tracey Florence, KES PTA President, made a motion to adopt the agenda. Elizabeth Stadler seconded the motion. President made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 2016 meeting. Jennifer Walsh seconded the motion.

III. Principal’s Update

Mrs. Patterson, KES Principal,reminded Board Members that Spring Break is only two weeks away, Kindergarten Registration is April 14th, Spring pictures are March 11th, and there will be a spirit day (wear green) on St. Patrick’s Day (3/17). Mrs. Patterson reported that the Parent Survey responses were at about 63% and asked people to spread the word and complete the surveys by Friday, 3/11. The goal is 80%, which a near by (“rival”) school has achieved. Mrs. Patterson discussed that lost and found will be available until the end of the week and anything not claimed will be placed in the Clothing 2 Cash bins. Heather England thanked Mrs. Patterson for allowing the children to socialize during lunch following a conversation she had with friends to the contrary. Mrs. Patterson said that they try to foster respectful, quiet hallway behaviors and allow the students some lee way on the playground and in the cafeteria.

IV. Teacher Representative’s Update

Mrs. Dobranski, KES PTA Teacher Representative, thanked attendees for their continued support.

V. Treasurer’s Report

Chris O’Shea, KES PTA Treasurer, reported no significant changes since last month and said that the treasurer’s report is available on the website for viewing.

VI. New & General Business

Tracy Robinson reported seven teams/49 students competed in the DI Regional Tournament on 3/5/2016. The “Taco Loving Cuttlecorns” came in 1st place for the Instant Challenge and 2nd place for the Technical Team Challenge and therefore will advance to the state tournament on 4/9 at AtleeHigh School in Mechanicsville. All are welcome to come cheer them on.

Becky Gelrud discussed that it is once again time for the Volunteer of the Year to be selected. She said that a URL link to the form is available on nList, will be on the website, in the CC, on Facebook, and Twitter. Please respond by 3/23/2016.

Becky Gelrud also said she was passing around the Chairpersons List for 2016-2017 and asked Board Members to edit whether they wished to stay in their position or try something new. She said the list would be available over the next several meetings or to please let her know.

Mindy Cox said she is beginning planning for Teacher Appreciation Week. She discussed plans to once again use room moms to help with gift card collection (if they choose to participate) as gift card trees were overwhelmingly preferred by teachers to other gifts. She asked for suggestions about the “daily” for the teachers (wear teacher’s favorite color, bring in a drawing, etc). Several Board members made suggestions to add new items this year. Mindy said she also needs help with raffle prize donations and to please send her business names or people who may want to donate to it.

Tracey Florence discussed the need for some fourth grade parents to help with the Fifth Grade Celebration as a way of shadowing for the position the next year. Tracey asked current fourth grade parents to consider it or to let others know who may be interested. She reiterated that it should not be viewed as an opportunity to socialize but to help the fifth grade parents so they can be at the ceremony with their children instead of setting up for the party afterwards and also as a guide for making plans the next year.

Tracey Florence reminded Board Members to please take time to update their manuals and/or folders so that next year’s chairs have information about each position.

Jennifer Walsh reported that the Nominating Committee’s flyers went home in communication folders earlier this week and to please complete them by 3/22/2016. Also, current executive board members should please talk with her, Penny, or Michele about their intentions for next year.

VII. Chairperson/Committee Reports

Please see Committee Reports attached to the agenda.

Board members discussed the possible addition of Publix and Wegmans to the Grocery Rewards Program and the discontinuation of the Campbell’s Labels Program (so please get any labels in this year).

Chris O’Shea said that Hevila is confirming date and time with Ashland Skateland on 4/18/2016 for the final sprit night of the year.

Michele Hughes reported that we surpassed our goal and collected $1380 in box top rewards this year.

Tracey Florence explained a new system in Facebook where photos are pushed out more than comments. She reminded Board members that students’ pictures can not be posted but pictures of things (ie: the lost and found) or videos of events (ie: The Magician) were good options.

Becky Gelrud reported that the plants were looking pretty good after their first winter. She said that she had met with the teacher environmental committee to see how School Beautification Committee could assist with their courtyard project. She reported that Warren, the gentleman who helped with the phased plan of the SB Committee, is willing to help with the courtyard plans as well.

Elizabeth Stadler reported that a new After School Enrichment program would be starting in April. Lisha Levin will be the parent volunteer and it will be a Tech/Coding program that will run on Fridays 4/8-5/13. Tech Em Studios will be conducting the classes and it will be open for grades 3-5. A flyer regarding registration will be coming home soon.

Elizabeth Stadler reported that they are still accepting (until 3/11) visual art pieces to be included in the Festival of the Arts on 3/15/2016. They are hoping to have pictures of the art auction pieces online before the event. The Art Auction will run 5:30-6:45 that evening at the event only (must be present to bid).

VIII. General Discussion


IX. Adjournment

Tracey Florence, KES PTA President, made a motion for adjournment. Penny Mossseconded the motion. This meeting of the KES PTA was adjourned at 7:32pm.

The next KES PTA Board meeting will be Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 6:30 pm in KES Learning Library Commons.

Minutes submitted by: Jennifer Bradshaw ______

Minutes approved by: ( ) as submitted

( ) as corrected on ______

Approval date: ______