HANDBOOK for fellows coming to University of Calgary for Neurosurgical training

What to do before arrival:

1.  International Credentials Services (EICS)

EICS is a branch of ECFMG used for verification of source documents, e.g. diplomas, residency certificates, and so on. Once verified, the EICS number is all you need for application to any Canadian accreditation board such as the CPSA. This make take some time to process since there will be a lot of mailing back and forth between your institutions and ECFMG. The process can take as longs as six months, but may be as short as six weeks if you give them a courier access number (FedEx or such). The website is www.ecfmg.org/eics . Check the specific requirements at http://www.cpsa.ab.ca/physicianregistration/registration_requirements.asp which will also indicate how to make sure EICS sends their results to the College.

2.  Fellowship supervisor

Once you have agreed upon your fellowship, request a Letter of Offer from your fellowship supervisor. An e-mailed document for print out or fax is acceptable. You will need this for application at your local Canadian embassy for a work visa (see below).

3.  Post-graduate Medical Education (PGME) UofC

Janice Elliot is the contact person in Post-Grad Medicine (), and her assistant is Pamela Saduera ().

The initial necessity is for them to obtain a Labour Market Opinion for you. This, together with the Letter of Offer from your fellowship supervisor is necessary for your application for a work visa at your local Canadian embassy (see below). A work visa is necessary for you to practice medicine in Canada. Be advised that application processing times vary from the Canadian embassies in each country. It can take as much as 4-5 months for your application to be processed and not all local embassies are amenable to expediting your application, so follow up closely.

Next, via e-mail with both Patti Sullivan (Training program coordinator, ) and PGME. Between, them they should send you a package for PGME (UofC) and for CPSA.

The PGME package is your letter of engagement, which you should sign and return with the application fee (about CAD$500) in the form of a manager’s or international cheque. They will also require:

(i)  A letter from your sponsor/supervisor indicating that you will be fully funded for the duration of your training and that you will return to your home country after your training is completed.

(ii)  A personal letter outlining the specialty you wish to enter and your future plans.

(iii)  Your complete Curriculum Vitae (we recommend that you put the most recent information first).

(iv)  Copies of your diplomas and documentation of previous training (in English)

(v)  Three letters of recommendation.

(vi)  Only if applying for residency training, a copy of the letter from the Medical Council of Canada with your scores on the Evaluating Exam (MCCEE)

Included in this package are some documents that are requirements for training at the Calgary Health Region. These include IT / security / privacy training, parking forms.

4.  College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)

PGME UofC will send you a CPSA application. The CPSA requires only your EICS verification, the completed application, and the application fee (CAD$100) in the form of a manager’s or international cheque.

5.  Work Permit Visa from local Canadian Embassy

You need at minimum a Letter of Offer and a Labour Market Opinion to apply for a Canadian work visa.. A work visa is necessary for you to practice medicine in Canada. Be advised that application processing times vary from the Canadian embassies in each country. It can take as much as 4-5 months for your application to be processed and not all local embassies are amenable to expediting your application, so follow up closely.

You should check what other documents are required for your country at the website of embassy of Canada in your country.

6.  Housing

Availability of housing depends on your requirements (single, couple, requires own kitchen, etc.)

Student housing at the University of Calgary is typically full, whether traditional dorm, or apartment/type. The waiting list usually goes up to 150-200. Check http://www.ucalgary.ca/residence/ where you can usually apply online.

Nearby housing includes Boardwalk Heights (http://www.bwalk.com) and Suncourt Place (http://www.erent.homestead.com/), both of which rarely have vacancies. Neighbourhoods near to UofC and Foothills Hospital include: Banff Trail, Hillhurst, University Heights, Parkdale, St. Andrews, and Montgomery. Try a google map search (http://maps.google.com) on Foothills Hospital, Calgary.

Other online resources include:






A shared room is usually available. A few apartments and basement suites may be available at a given time. Condos and houses are expensive or rare.

Anita Thiessen is an EEG technician who has been with the Dept Clin Neurosci for many years. She usually has a room (sometimes a full basement apt) for rent in her house in Dalhousie. This is about 20 minutes by transit to the hospital. The rent was $500 (in 2006) and this is for a bedroom, private bathroom, sitting area - shared kitchen area. Can rent by the month, altho’ price goes up. Anita's contact info Home phone: 403-288-2504, Work 403-944-8310

What to do when you arrive?

1. Work Permit

Your work permit will be issued at the Immigration section of the airport upon your arrival in Canada. Make sure you check the expiry date. Run off several photocopies as your will be using this a lot.

2. Housing

Settle your housing as soon as possible. Almost all of the following require a mailing address.

3. Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN). Check the details at http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca . The closest place to get this is the Human Resource Development office at Motel Village (about 15 min walk from hospital), but the website also provides a list of Service Centers. This is required because you will have to pay Canadian taxes on the income you receive in Canada. You will require a local address and a copy of your work permit. The SIN number will be issued to you immediately, but the card will be mailed to you.

4. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA)

You should have received email or mail confirmation of receipt of your application. You will then be provided with instructions to fax a copy of your work-permit visa and address in Calgary to the CPSA, and they will give you your medical license number. Email confirmation and the number can be received within the day, the card and receipt will be mailed to you.

5. Open a Canadian bank account

All you need to open a bank account is your passport (photo-ID), work permit, and your local address. There are a number of banks in Calgary, but any will suffice. Canada Trust has the longest bank hours (up to 7-9 pm), if you expect to bank late or after work. Royal Bank of Canada offers a student banking account with a credit card line. Make sure to get a couple of cheques, which, when voided, supply you with numbers for direct deposit (your salary) and debit (some expenses such as CMPA, see below). You will typically be issued a temporary bank card and the permanent card mailed to you.

6. Canadian Medical Protection Association (CMPA)

After you have a medical license number you can apply for malpractice insurance. As a fellow and employed by UofC and Calgary Health Region, your malpractice insurance is not covered. You can apply online, preferably with your CPSA number, but they will accept an application pending the number. You cannot touch patients until you have this. The website is http://www.cmpa-acpm.ca . Payment is via bank debit.

7. Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME)

Proceed to the Foothills Hospital Complex. Look for the Health Sciences Centre, ground floor. The PGME office is difficult to find, but is behind a door in a small corridor near but not adjacent to the Medical Bookstore. They will need your address, a copy of your work permit, and confirmation of your Alberta College license and malpractice insurance (CMPA). Inquire if they have your UofC ID number.

8. Hospital ID and access card

You will get a hospital ID card by going to the Parking office in the basement of the North Tower. From the Health Sciences Centre, it is easiest to exit the building and proceed directly. There is a form, which your fellowship supervisor must sign and indicate accesses. Once submitted, your photo will be taken and your card issued immediately.

9. UofC ID and campus card

You need a UofC ID to get an IT account and access to internet, full-text online journals, and internal websites. Proceed to university main campus, MacEwan Hall , Security section. They will take your photo and issue your card.

10. UofC IT account

Register for an IT account at https://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/itutil?process=WebRegister . This will give you your ucalgary.ca email address, user name, and password. This will be used for most internal website access and for wireless throughout the UofC campus.

11. Tuition fees

In July/August you will receive a statement for tuition fees. They will be about $2300 for the year - with half due in September and the other half due in January. You should discuss with your supervisor, whether this will be reimbursed to you.

12. Health insurance

With a work permit visa valid for at least 6 months, you are eligible to register for the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) at http://www.health.gov.ab.ca. You must do this to obtain a number. The plan costs $44 a month per individual and $88 a month per family. If your salary includes benefits, this is a standard benefit that is included. If it does not include benefits you have to pay this yourself.