River Falls Shooting Range Rules
The River Falls Shooting Range is a privilege to be enjoyed by interested River Falls residents. Our range is committed to strict adherence to gun safety and gun handling rules. The following rules apply to everyone, novice and expert alike. Violation of these rules may result in revocation of shooting privileges. Gun safety is everyone’s responsibility and a “zero-tolerance” policy will be enforced against violators.
- All shooters must pass a gun safety test before using the range. A shooters safety card will be issued to River Falls residents upon passing the gun safety test. Shooters must present their shooters safety card upon request by another shooter (non-residents must present their gun safety quiz). Non-resident guests must be accompanied by a River Falls resident. Shooters safety cards will not be issued to non-residents.
- All shooters must sign in as range users before shooting.
- All shooters must sign a liability release form prior to shooting on the range.
- Shooting hours are 9:00am to sunset.
- A trap thrower and shooting benches are provided for the enjoyment of River Falls homeowners and their guests. Shooters must provide their own clay and paper targets.
Range Rules:
- Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
- Always point gun muzzles down while approaching shooting area.
- No more than two people are allowed at a shooting bench at one time.
- Keep the action open and firearm unloaded until ready to use.
- Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until ready to fire.
- Only one gun at a time is allowed in the shooting area (even if two people are present).
- Carry only one gauge/caliber of ammunition when shooting. When at the range with more than one firearm, use one at a time and when complete, store that firearm and its ammunition before using the next one.
- Be sure the firearm and ammunition are compatible.
- Know what you are shooting at and what is beyond your target. Be mindful of adjacent areas and shoot in a safe direction.
- Shoot only at designated targets. Do not shoot any animals down range (jackrabbits, prairie dogs, crows, etc.).
- Firearms can only be fired from established shooting stations.
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the range. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to shoot.
- Be sure ground level targets have a backstop.
- Anyone on the range may call a ceasefire.
- During a ceasefire, open the action and ground or bench your firearm. NO HANDLING OF FIREARMS WHEN ANOTHER SHOOTER IS DOWN RANGE.
- Always call a ceasefire before going down range. Make sure everyone has “made safe”.
- Eye and ear protection are required.
- Shooters are required to retrieve their used shot shells and brass and other casings. Leave no trash behind.
- Shooters age 17 and under (21 for pistol range) must be accompanied by an adult River Falls resident (property owner) and his/her parent or guardian.