Solicitation No: HTA-RFI 12-01
Mr. Winfred Pong
Procurement Officer
MUST BE RECEIVED BY 4:30 P.M. (Hawai‘i-Aleutian Standard Time)
Introduction and Purpose of the Request For Information (RFI)
The Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, a government agency of the State of Hawai‘i (“HTA”), requests information from qualified entities regarding qualifications, capabilities, industry customs and standards, trends and best practices for facilities management and world-wide marketing of the Hawai‘i Convention Center for meetings, conventions and incentives (MCI). This RFI will allow the HTA to include industry input in a subsequent procurement process to ensure fair and open competition.
Hawai‘i Tourism Authority
Established in 1998, the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority, is a government agency of the state of Hawai‘i and responsible for strategically managing tourism to optimize benefits for Hawai‘i that integrates the interest of visitors, the community and visitor industry. Tourism is our state’s leading economic driver and largest employer and the HTA continually works to ensure its sustainability well into the future. For more information on the HTA, please visit, find us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (@HawaiiHTA).
Hawai‘i Convention Center
Located in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, the Hawai‘i Convention Center is a state-owned facility built and operated continuously since 1998. The HTA is responsible for selecting the contractor or contractors directly responsible for the operations, management and marketing of the Hawai‘i Convention Center. Basic Hawai‘i Convention Center statistics are as follows:
· Over 200,000 sq. ft. divisible exhibit hall with drive-on floor access
· 350 pounds per sq. ft. floor load capacity
· 35,000 sq. ft. registration lobby
· 138,869 sq. ft. of total meeting space
· 47 breakout rooms plus two permanent theaters with tiered seating
· 35,000 sq. ft. ballroom
· 2.5 acre landscaped rooftop garden
· 20,000 sq. ft. production kitchen
Additional information on the Hawai‘i Convention Center is available at:
Existing Contract
The current contract between the HTA and its current Hawai‘i Convention Center contractor will expire on December 31, 2013. The annual expenditures under the current contract is approximately $18.4 million per year, including $1.2 million for major repair and maintenance and $3.5 million for MCI marketing. Section 201B-7 (a) (7) of the Hawai‘i Revised Statutes currently provides that “the contract for management of the convention center facility shall include marketing for all uses of the facility.” If a subsequent procurement solicitation is released, the projected date for release is late 2012.
The HTA requests information in the following areas:
· Qualifications and capabilities of the respondent;
· Industry standards for convention center facilities management, MCI marketing or both;
· Best practices for convention center facilities management, MCI marketing or both; and
· Other opportunities for improvement.
Qualified Respondents
Qualified respondents should have current contracts or expertise to manage convention center activities, including performing facilities management, MCI marketing, or both. However, HTA will accept responses from all respondents.
Under state law, the contractor hired for Hawai‘i Convention Center facilities management must also be responsible for destination marketing management for the convention center MCI on a world-wide basis. However, for the purpose of this RFI, HTA will accept inputs from contractors with experience in convention center management, convention center MCI marketing, or both.
All information included in this RFI is confidential and only for the recipient’s knowledge. No information included in this document or in discussions connected to it may be disclosed to any other party.
Uses of RFI Responses
This RFI is for only market research purposes in preparation for a future solicitation. The information obtained from the RFI will be used to improve the HTA’s knowledge of private industry’s capabilities. No evaluation of participating respondents will occur and participation in the RFI is not a promise of future business with the HTA. Failure to participate in the RFI will not bar anyone from competing in future solicitations. No contract will be awarded directly from the RFI.
The HTA intends to use the requested information to:
· Develop lists of sources of the services to be acquired for inclusion in research, requests for information, orientations, and acquisition notices;
· Invite selected respondents to engage in further communications with the HTA;
· Obtain industry input regarding customary practices of entities engaged in supporting and providing convention center facilities management and MCI marketing, such as type of contract, contract periods, KPIs, contract financing, fees, discounts, financing, payments, international monetary exchange rate leveraging, exclusivity, confidentiality, and any other key factors need to encourage full and fair competition;
· Determine whether industry trends, market conditions and business issues suggest changes in procurement acquisition approach; and,
· Consider whether opportunities exist to integrate, bundle or unbundle requirements, services or regions to encourage competition or generate efficiency or savings in costs or fees to HTA.
The same information will be gathered from any company responding to the RFI.
RFI Response Procedure
To answer this RFI, please fill in the Respondent Information form and respond to the requested information at Attachment 1. Limit your response to 5 pages. Make sure the proprietary information appears on all pages as appropriate.
The responses and information provided to this RFI will be evaluated by staff from different functions in the HTA.
All responses, information and other materials submitted shall become the property of the HTA and may be returned solely at the HTA’s option.
Each respondent is solely responsible for all expenses incurred for the preparation of the response to this RFI and any related communications or interactions with the HTA.
Respondents should frequently review the HTA website for additional information regarding this RFI.
How to Deliver the RFI Response
Send the attached form in word-format (format unchanged) by email to by the deadline for receipt of the RFI response on June 8, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. (HAST).
HTA Point of Contact
For questions regarding this RFI, you are welcome to contact:
Mr. Winfred Pong, Procurement Officer (HTA-RFI-12-01)
Phone: 808-973-2255
Hawai‘i Tourism Authority
Hawai‘i Convention Center, First Level
1801 Kalakaua Avenue
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96815
The timeframe provided below represents the HTA’s best estimate. The schedule may be changed from time to time in the sole discretion of the HTA. Respondents should regularly review HTA’s website at for any information regarding this RFI, including any amendment or update to the timeframe.
Event / DateRFI release / May 9, 2012
Last date for submission of responses / June 8, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. (HAST)
Communication with respondents / June 9, 2012 through September 30, 2012
Approximate solicitation release date / Late 2012
Start of next contract to operate & market the Hawai‘i Convention Center / January 1, 2014
Response to
HCC Facilities Management and MCI Marketing
(Attachment 1)
Response to HTA RFI 12-01
HCC Facilities Management and MCI Marketing
Instructions: Please provide company information and answer each RFI question. Limit your response to 5 pages not including this Respondent Information form. Make sure the proprietary information footer is included on all pages as appropriate.
Company nameCompany address
Company web page
Contact person
Main products/services
Main markets/customers
Company location(s)
Number of Employees
Number of Employees
in Facilities Management
Number of Employees
in Marketing and sales
Response to HTA RFI 12-01
HCC Facilities Management and MCI Marketing
RFI Question 1: Describe your qualifications and capabilities, including current convention center facilities management and / or MCI marketing contracts.RFI Question 2: Describe industry standards for convention center facilities management, MCI marketing or both, such as type of contract, contract periods, KPIs, contract financing, fees, discounts, financing, payments, international monetary exchange rate leveraging, exclusivity, confidentiality, and any other key factors need to encourage full and fair competition.
RFI Question 3: Evaluate whether industry trends, market conditions and business issues suggest changes in management and marketing or convention centers.
RFI Question 4: Describe best practices for convention center facilities management, MCI marketing or both.
RFI Question 5: Evaluate whether opportunities exist to integrate, bundle or unbundle requirements, services or regions to encourage competition or generate efficiency or savings in costs or fees to HTA, including integration of MCI for the Convention Center and other MCI facilities in Hawai‘i.
RFI Question 6: Describe other opportunities or suggestions for improvement.
This response includes proprietary and confidential data that shall not be disclosed outside the HTA and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than internal preparation for future solicitations.
HTA RFI 12-01 Page 3