Peer Support Integration


·  Welcome to our new attendee, Mike!


·  There will be tornado drills at 1:45pm!

·  CPS Training

o  First peer Specialist training in new curriculum happened last week M-F at Boscobel Correctional facility!!

§  18 men graduated

o  Schedules for new trainings will posted to the Wisconsin CPS website. Everyone who signs up for waiting list will be added to email list to receive new information.

o  People are submitting proposals for trainings, but there is nothing concrete yet.

·  Re-entry Peer Specialist Training

o  First Re-entry Peer Specialist training is scheduled for June 29 and 30 in Milwaukee

o  21 people are currently signed up, although the grant only allows for 15 to train.

o  Group of peers must interview you to determine if you will receive the certification.

o  Looking for some grant opportunities to make more trainings happen.

o  There will be another training sometime before September 29.

o  Per the grant, requirements to participate in training:

§  Already CPS or planning on becoming one by time next training is available.

§  Must have lived experience with Wisconsin Department of Corrections, so within the prison system.

·  Would be interested in expanding to include people who’ve been incarcerated in jail as well.

o  For anyone interested in learning more, get in contact with Mishelle O’Shasky.


·  A member of this group was just offered the job of a CCS Coordinator in Sauk County!

·  August 23, 8am-12:15pm at Mendota Conference Center will be the 5th Annual Consumer Conference (Ethics of Diversity).

o  Costs $15 to attend

o  Consumers and professionals can attend.

o  CEUs and CPS credits will be offered.


·  What are we trying to accomplish? Are we on-track with what the state is looking to accomplish?

o  The goal is to figure out the similarities between peer support culture in mental health and substance use, and then what can be done to integrate these cultures within the state. Also, what differences exist that are important to honor?

o  Shared vision of what peer support is.

·  The State and Mental Health Peer Support

o  Drop-in Centers, Recovery Centers

·  Hasn’t been equal support for Substance Use Peer Support

·  Are we brainstorming so the state can put together RFPs for programs focusing on integration?

o  It seems like we are more focused on coming up with ideas that can be taken back to the state, and less on coming up with RFPs.

·  On agenda for next meeting, we will plan to do an activity focusing on language!

o  Fish Bowl!

·  We can’t presume that everyone living with a mental health diagnosis is also living with substance abuse issues.

Integration Models

·  Minimal Collaboration: Substance Use and Mental Health entities are separate and rarely communicate.

o  Conflicting treatment modalities and recommendations

·  Basic Collaboration – At a Distance: Substance Use and Mental Health entities are separate and rarely communicate unless they have an individual or purpose in common.

o  Even if there is an individual or purpose in common and communication is attempted, it is often inaccurate.

·  “The Honeymoon”: Substance Use and Mental Health entities understand the importance of each other and find ways to work together. Entities may be separate and work together or co-located in the same location. Entity may have two parts, one focused on mental health and the other on substance use. The parts function separately but do collaborate.

·  Fully Integrated: One entity that supports both substance use and mental health and shares the same vision. Both parts are equal within the entity and the whole entity understands the importance of both.

o  Consumer is in the driver seat.

·  Examples of co-location?: Alliance Health Care, Community Living Alliance

·  Who is going to pay to make integration happen?

·  Combining advocates

o  Advocacy is really important.

§  Peer Run Respites, state-wide CCS all came from advocacy

o  We need to create a trade organization that combines all the different peer advocacy groups

·  We need education on what peer support is for many organizations.

·  More emphasis on how to collectively get involved with legislation.