WVEIS on the Web (WOW) and Educator Evaluation Tools
The following provides basic information about how users of WVEIS on the Web (WOW) must be setup in order to utilize the Educator Evaluation tools. If additional information is needed, please contact your RESA WVEIS Support Staff.
WVEIS on the Web applications currently require usage of the Internet Explorer Browser (other browsers are not currently supported). Please contact your RESA for further guidance if the following checklist does not provide resolution.
Administrator Evaluation
- Superintendent/Designee
- EMP.EVALA Administrator Evaluation Menu Item must be assigned
- SUPER role must be utilized, selection should be made prior to access of the program
- Principals who will be evaluated by this individual must be identified under Principals Entry each year
- Employee number of Principal (numeric begins with a 9 in 1st digit, county code 2nd and 3rd digit)
- Teacher Id for Principal (Master Schedule)
- User Id for Principal (WVEIS User Id)
- Principal/Assistant Principal
- EMP.EVALA Administrator Evaluation Menu Item must be assigned
- PRINCIPAL role must be utilized, selection should be made prior to access of the program
- Principal must have the proper identifying information provided by the evaluating superintendent or designee under Principals Entry (Employee number, Teacher Id, and User Id)
- Principal should identify any assistant principals that they will be evaluating under Assistant Principals Entry
Educator Evaluation
- Principal/Assistant Principal
- EMP.EVAL Educator Evaluation Menu Item must be assigned
- PRINCIPAL role must be utilized, selection should be made prior to access of the program
- Principal/Assistant Principal must identify the progression path for each teacher within their school each year under Progressions
- Progression Designation Listing is generated from the master schedule for your school
- For individuals who will not be evaluated under Educator Evaluation (counselors, therapists, etc.) they should be designated as Not Applicable
- Individuals who are no longer at your school should be removed from the master schedule
- Individuals who should be evaluated but do not show on the listing should be added to the master schedule and appropriated designated under Progressions
- EMP.EVAL Educator Evaluation Menu Item must be assigned
- TEACHER or AUTOTEAC (if teacher self-registered for WVEIS on the Web) role must be utilized, selection should be made prior to access of the program
- Educator default (home school) must be properly identified for the Educator
- Educator must be properly identified within the master schedule and supporting files
- If all have been addressed and the educator does not see a progression identified under Progressions and if the Educator does not see elements under any of the progression paths or if they are identified under the wrong progression path, then the Principal will need to remedy under Progressions
- Counselor Evaluation
- Currently being constructed and a similar checklist will be provided as available