Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Michael Plotkin
Program or Department Name: / Life Sciences
Area Dean: / Carlos Tovares / Campus: / SJC
Area Vice President:
Account Code:
Total Amount Requested: / 800
One Time Funding __X__ / On Going Funding___ / Safety _____ / Personnel____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
Instructions: Explain what you are requesting (equipment, software, conference attendance, budget augmentation, faculty training, etc), why the request is timely and important and where the need was identified (analysis of assessment data, necessaryequipment has failed, department meeting discussion, etc.)
We are requesting Wi-Fi in our biology lab room. This would support the computers we have purchased with STEM grant money and would allow our students to complete labs, use digital lab note books, visit important online databases and other websites and complete class work in our classroom. We are currently quite limited in our ability to have students do online work in class as we do not have reliable access to the internet except on our class smart room computer. The cost may be substantially less than $800.
Section I / Explain how your request is supported by your Program Review (2011) or Annual Program Assessment (2012-13, 2013-14):
Instructions: To receive points (6)for this section, you must connect this RAP to your 2011 program review or 2012-13 or 2013-14 annual program assessment. If applicable, cut and paste from your program review or annual program assessment. Cite the document (either program review or annual program assessment, and the year if the language utilized is from an annual program assessment) and the page number. NOTE: From this point on, no partial credit will be awarded for your responsesso make alltiesto this RAP from your program review documents, learning outcomes andinstitutional plans, priorities and goals as clear and strong as possible!
Our APA emphasizes increasing diversity of courses offered and improving our biotechnology program. Both of these endeavors will benefit greatly from reliable access to the internet.
Section I / Describe how your request is supported by your Unit Plan (provide link to 2013-14 Unit Plan)
Instructions: To receive points (5) for this section, you must join this RAP to the current unit plan created by your dean. If applicable, cut and paste from the unit plan, citing the page number.
The Unit Plan emphasizes making fuller use of our labs. Wi-Fi in our main classroom would allow greater use of the classroom, rather than having to send students to the library for online access. The Unit Plan also identifies installing Wi-Fi in other places on campus and until we get a campus wide network, we are in great need of this service.
Section I / Explain how your request is supported by your CLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
Instructions: To receive points (9) for this section, you must tie this RAP to your current learning outcomes. List the learning outcomes that link to this RAP and explain how these learning outcomes support this RAP.
Our CLOs can be assessed using online technology (surveys or multiple choice questions on Blackboard), and a number of our CLOs would be measurable by online activities students can currently only complete in the cafeteria, library or at home.
Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to strategic plan)
Student Success
Instructions: To receive points (10) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in student success. How would funding this RAP improve student learning? Describe specifically how students would benefit.
There are a number of activities, tutorials, assessments, databases and other online resources that are currently not accessible to our students while in class. Our students could participate in real world activities if they had internet access. For example our students in BIOL-150 are currently engaged in annotating a fruit fly genome. This work contributes to research by scientists at Washington University. Unfortunately, we had to hold class in the cafeteria so all students could have hands on training in the software necessary to do the work.
Fiscally Sound Position:
Instructions: To receive points (8 for this section, you must connect this RAP to a more fiscally sound position for the district.. For example, how would funding this RAP increase district revenues or decrease district expenditures?
We investing thousands of dollars in our computer flock—much of it biotech funds from our STEM grants. Access to the internet would make these computers much more useful in class, and we could design a number of curricular elements using the computers that we are not able to do now.
Systematic Planning and Assessment:
Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must fasten this RAP to an enhancement in the district's institutional effectiveness effort. For example, how would funding this RAP improve assessment, the program review process or the use of data for decision-making and/or institutional improvements?
The computers when connected to the internet could be used for assessment and would allow the design of additional units for our biotech programs.We can also use the computers in conjunction with some of our lab equipment (photomicroscope, gel visualization apparatus, etc.).
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
Instructions: To receive points (3) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in institutional pride or improvement of our district's organizational culture. For example, how would funding this RAP increase student and/or staff investment and pride in the institution?
When we advertise our excellent biology program we emphasize the up to date nature of our lab facilities. Most modern classrooms and labs have access to the WWW, as many instructors use online resources in teaching and in class activities. We need Wi-Fi for students to be able to participate in these activites.
Community Partnerships and Service
Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must connect this RAP to an improvement in community partnerships and/or service. For example, how would funding this RAP make our local communities view our district in a more favorable light?
Our students can participate in projects like the Genome Education Program at Washington University and share in the community of students and biologists only through the internet. It would expedient to have the internet available in the classroom so the instructor could oversee student activities.
Section III / Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (link to Strategic Plan)
Instructions: Return to the strategic plan and study the 12 institutional goals. Connect this RAP to as many of these goals as possible. To ensure the points (10) for this box are awarded, list those goals that link to this RAP. Fully explain how these goals tie to this RAP.
Student Success
❶ Improve course completion rates.
❷ Accelerate “time-to-completion” rate for those students pursuing a transfer track.
❸ Integrate learning, engagement, access, and teaching initiatives that support student academics and personal
For goals 1, 2 and 3, adding Wi-Fi to our classroom will allow our students to effectively use a variety of online resources in biology classes and labs. This will open a world of opportunity that is sure to improve student engagement and success.
Fiscally Sound Position
❹ Intensify the pursuit of grants, contracts, and other income streams.
Having Wi-Fi in our classroom would allow us to participate in DNA Barcoding, the Genome Education Project our high quality program would be in a position in the future to obtain STEM and life science grants.
Systematic Planning and Assessment
❻ Emphasize College-wide data-driven assessment and decision-making utilizing internal and external data.
As noted above, we use online resources in a variety of assessments. Rather than using cell phones, Wi-Fi would enable us to continue to assess our students, and to make this process easier.
Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture
❼ Promote quality institutional communication as a key priority and practice.
❽ Advance and celebrate student learning, sense of community, safe and positive environment, diversity, and employee and student pride.
❾ Promote more student engagement in campus life.
Internet access by definition promotes communication. We would be able to involve our students in ongoing projects, create our own online presence and generally promote our institution.
Community Partnerships and Service
❿ Increase the College’s visibility, value, and recognition in our service area.
⓫ Intensify our reputation as a leader and important partner in all communities that we serve.
⓫ Enhance our interaction between MSJC faculty and staff and the faculty and staff from area middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities.
We participate in a variety of ongoing science projects hosted by colleges and universities around the country. Allowing our students access to these projects during class time would improve our ability to participate as a class.
Section III / Explain how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16 Educational Master Plan (2 points), Distance Education Plan (1 point), Technology Plan(1 point) and/or the Facilities Master Plan (1 point)):
Instructions: Review the plans above. Join this RAP to each applicable plan. To ensure the points for this section are maximized, list the plans that tie to this RAP and explain fully how each links to this RAP. Cut and paste plan verbiage where appropriate. Cite page numbers for each plan that is referenced.
We have sought a set of computers for our program and the Educational Master plan reflects this. Unfortunately, we have found the computers less useful than we had hoped due the lack of connectivity to the WWW. Rather than lending the computers to students to take to the LRC to complete work, we would like the ability to do the work in the classroom.
Computers with WWW connections would support the Distance and Technology Plan.
Section III / Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this improve student learning or enhance institutional services? (link to goals and objectives PowerPoint by our own assessment coordinator extraordinaire, Brandon Moore!!!)
Instructions: Follow the link above to review the structure of a "goal" and then share all goals for the project contained in this RAP. To ensure the points (10) for this section are earned, explain fully how each project goal connects to this RAP.
Our goal is to allow students easy access to the internet so as to allow us to use online resources and allow students to participate in ongoing research coordinated by faculty at other colleges.
Section IV / What are the measureable outcomes for this RAPthat will assess progress toward meeting your goal(s) (5 points)? Explain how your outcomes are tied to your CLO/PLO/AUO/SLO(10 points) (link to learning outcome resources and reference materials, as created and compiled by... yes, you guessed it... our own assessment coordinator extraordinaire, Brandon Moore!!! C'mon, put your hands together, PEOPLE!!)
Instructions: Follow the link above to review the structure of a "measurable outcome" and then create measurable outcomes for this RAP. To ensure the points earned for this section are maximized, explain fully 1.) how each outcome will assess the effectiveness of the (funded) RAP over its project's lifetime and 2.) join these RAP measurable outcomes to all applicable course, program, administrative or other student learning outcomes.
The outcome will be a number of new labs and lecture activities we can implement if we have Wi-Fi in our class.
Section V / What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal? Demonstrate the folllowing :
• (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project (3 points)?
• (b) What are the projected start and end dates (3 points)?
• (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the project (3 points)?
• (d) When will the outcomes be measured (3 points)?
• (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes (3 points)?
Instructions: O.K., you're almost done, so don't lose points now! To ensure all points (15 possible) are awarded, list who is in charge of implementing this RAP project, the start and end dates, all departments involved, when the RAP project measurable outcomes will be measured and how you will measure them. Once you've done this....Congratulations!!! You're DONE!!
  1. Michael Plotkin will be responsible for implementing the project.
  2. Summer 2014.
  3. None
  4. Ongoing, each semester when CLOs are assessed.
  5. As part of CLO assessment.

Projected Expense Profile
New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic Faculty Positions.
For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit I."
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Sub Total:
Non Personnel Requests:
Object Code / Title / Amount Requested
4XXX / Supplies and Materials
5XXX / Services
6XXX / New Equipment or Building/Site Improvements
Sub Total: / 800-
Total Budget Proposal: / 800
Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved)
For Personnel Requests:
What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location?
For Equipment and Technology Request
Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location?
Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs?
Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future years.
Fiscal Year / Anticipated Need / Estimated Amount
Dean Approval / Date / Vice President Approval / Date