Monday – November 27, 2017 - 171127

Context: Practice - Make every rep count. If the form is sketchy, or you didn’t complete the rep, don’t count it.

Dynamic Warm Up Option: 3 sets of 5 with an empty bar: straight leg deadlift, front squat, hang muscle/power clean, shoulder press, then 2 sets of 10 reverse lunge steps, 10 sit ups

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: None

Strength: 7 x 1 Front Squat or front box squat 6 of 13 (7 sets of 1 rep at 80-90% of max front squat – 60-70% if you are box squatting, same weight with each set)

Super Set: 7 x 3 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression)

Metabolic Conditioning: “Baby 17.2“

9 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

40' front rack dumbbell lunge -one in each hand- (Health: 15lb / Athletic*: 30lb / Performance: 45lb)

8 toes-to-bar OR 4 bar muscle ups (Health: 12 hanging knee raises)

8 dumbbell hang power cleans (same)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3 - 7 rounds. Scale Up: 35/50lb db and only bar muscle ups

Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!

Coaching Tips: This one will feel a lot like Open 17.2, but the lunges will play a larger role. Pace these out and go fast on the toes to bar and hang cleans. If grip is a factor, plan on breaking them up into smaller sets with lots of rest. Remember that toes to bar means that any part of the shoe can touch the bar (including laces)!

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 4 min max row/airdyne OR 3 sets of 12 banded hamstring curls superset with 8-12 single arm db bench press

“By the Numbers” Book References: Walking lunge p. 220, T2B p. 434

Tuesday – November 28, 2017 - 171128

Context: Mental Toughness – Try to do a lot of unbroken sets

Dynamic Warm Up Option: 10 toy soldiers leg swings per leg, 10 squat jumps, 10 monkey swings on the pull up bar, then 3 sets of 5: straight leg deadlifts, hang muscle clean, front squats, shoulder press

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: none

Strength: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Deadlift (7 sets of 2 reps, increase weight with each set to max)

Super Set: 7 x 3 weighted strict ring dip or progression

Metabolic Conditioning: “CrossFit Open 13.2”

10 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 Shoulder-to-Overheads (Health: 55lb, Athletic*: 75 lb, Performance: 115lb)

10 Deadlifts (same)

15 Box Jumps or step ups -both ‘Rx’- (Health: 12 in, Athletic*: 20 in, Performance: 24 in)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5-11 rounds, about 1:15 per round.

Compare to: Open 13.2 (last done May, 24, 2017)

Coaching Tips: Use push jerks from the beginning to save your shoulders for the later rounds. Go right from the shoulder-to-overhead directly into the deadlifts, then rest in the middle of the deadlifts if needed. Watch the low back on the deadlifts, and be sure to keep the bar close to the shins. Letting it ‘drift’ out will blow your back up faster. Pace out the box jumps so you can right into the s2o each round. Keep the eyes up, and don’t get in the habit of starting down at the box.

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 9 db thrusters, 30 double unders, 4 minutes, OR 3 sets of 10-12 single arm ring rows (each arm) in a super set with 10-15 glute ham raises

“By the Numbers” Book References: Push jerk p. 424, Push Press p. 292, Deadlift p. 151, Box Jump p. 351, Jumping Mechanics p. 188

Wednesday – November 29, 2017 - 171129

Context: Competition - Hero workout! Go hard and get your best score

Dynamic Warm Up Option: 100m run with medball sharing with partner or 2 min jump rope. Then 2 sets of: 10 ring row, 10 push-ups, 10 lunge steps, 30s plank.

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) squat snatch or power snatch plus OHS. Or perform 3 squat snatches on the minute for 6 minutes (at 50-60%)

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Del“

For time

25 Burpees

400 m Run w/medicine ball (Health: 10lb, Athletic*: 14lb, Performance: 20lb) OR 5 wall ball, 20' medball shuttle run x2 round trips, 5 rounds

25 Pull-Up w/weighted w/medicine ball (same)

400 m Run with medicine ball (same)

25 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups

400 m Run with medicine ball (same)

25 Pull-Up (Chest To Bar)s

400 m Run with medicine ball (same)

25 Burpees

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 19 - 28 minutes

Compare to: BTWB

Coaching Tips: Get through the burpees fast, but pace the medball runs (they will take more out of you than you realize). For the weighted pull ups, you'll have to hold the ball between your legs. Make sure you practice your kipping handstand push-ups before the workout starts so you have your timing down. The second round of pull ups are just chest to bar (not weighted chest to bar). Sell out on the last run and burpees!

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: none

“By the Numbers” Book References: Burpees p. 415, Run p. 269, Kipping Pull-up p. 258, HSPU p. 500

Thursday – November 30, 2017 - 171130

Context: Practice - Using your abs (on everything)

Dynamic Warm Up Option: '"Moscow" KB warm up, 2 rounds: 6 halos per side, 8 goblet squats, 10 boot strappers, 12 single arm presses (6 per side), 2 crab bridges, quad smash, ankle mob – Video Here

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Perform 3 sets of Lsit 10-30s long each, use paralettes or rings.

Strength: 6 x 2 Front Squat or front box squat 6 of 13 (7 sets of 1 rep at 80-90% of max front squat – 60-70% if you are box squatting, same weight with each set)

Super Set: 6 x 4 strict handstand push up for depth (or progression)

Metabolic Conditioning: “Comrade Detective”

8 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

10 goblet squats (Health: 26lb / Athletic: 35lb* / Performance: 53lb)

15 American kettlebell swings (same)

5 round trip 20' lateral shuffle with line touch

Scaling Guide: 3 - 6 rounds, about 2 min per round. Scale Up: 16 kb snatches (same weight, one hand, switch as desired)

Compare to: NEW WORKOUT!

Coaching Tips: Keep the kb close to the chest on the goblet squats and remember to maintain an upright torso. Keep the hips 'snappy' on the kb swings. Bent arms are fine here if you wish (two hand kb snatch style), just make sure to finish the rep at the top. Push the pace on the lateral shuffles to keep the intensity up.

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 10 toes to bar, 15 wall ball, 4 rounds, OR 3 sets of 12-15 strict toes to bar in a super set with 15 glute bridges

“By the Numbers” Book References: Kettlebell swing p. 277

Friday – December 1, 2017 - 171201

Context: Practice – choosing the right number of sets and reps when doing 1 minute intervals

Dynamic Warm Up Option: 2 rounds of: 5 pvc pass throughs and 5 pvc OHS. Then 3 sets of 5 with an empty barbell: Good mornings, back squat, behind the neck presses snatch width, heaving snatch balance

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working on kipping drills, focused on kipping pull ups, chest to bars, and/or bar muscle ups.

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Love the Way You Lie"

For REPS – 4 rounds

1 min ring rows

1 min hang power snatch (Health: 35lb / Athletic: 65lb* / Performance: 95lb)

2 min calorie row

1 min rest

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 150 – 250 reps, about 50 reps per round. Scale Up: 135/85lb bar

Compare to: January 22, 2017

Coaching Tips: You can start on the ring rows OR the rowing each round. If you start on the row, your rest will be after the hang power snatches. Keep the ring rows strict. 'Rx' is feet on a box so you are parallel to the floor at the top of the pull with fingertips touching rib cage. Pace the ring rows and snatches so that you don't hit muscle fatigue too early (in the first round)! If finishing with the row, push it hard because of the rest.

Rowing sub: 2 muscle cleans (65/95lb or about 50% of max), 2 burpees = 2 cal/rep

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 10 db snatch, 10 burpees, 4 min OR 3 sets of 12 db shoulder press in a super set with 12 db step ups (per leg)

“By the Numbers” Book References: Ring row p. 122, Snatch p. 447, Row p. 142

Saturday – December 2, 2017 - 171202

Context: Competition - Using teamwork to get a good score

Dynamic Warm Up Option: Coach choice

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging deficit (1-2") deadlift (70-80% of max DL) or perform 5 reps on the minute for 5 minutes (50-60%)

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “The Conga Trio”

For time – 5 rounds

Teams of 3, conga line style (move through single file, don't move on until your teammate finishes the movement ahead of you)

5 'heavy' deadlift (Health: 85lb / Athletic: 175lb* / Performance: 275lb)

30 Double Unders

20 sit-ups

15 wall ball (Health: 10lb / 8ft, Athletic: 14lb / 9ft*, Performance: 20lb /10ft)

*Women’s “As Prescribed” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 10 - 15 minutes, about 3 minutes per round.

INDY VERSION: 5 rounds for time, 1 min rest between rounds

Compare to: October 29, 2016

Coaching Tips: Put who you think will be the fastest into the lineup first. The first round will probably have teammates 2 & 3 waiting a bit so don't worry about rushing to finish. As the rounds go on, the first two people will get a bit more of a lead and there will be less 'waiting'. If you are behind someone, slow your pace down so you don't finish hard and get stuck standing around. Communication is key so everyone knows how to pace.

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 15 push ups, 200m run, 5 rounds, OR 3 sets of 12-15 ring dips in a superset with 15-20 hip extensions (or good mornings)

“By the Numbers” Book References: Deadlift p. 151, Double Under p. 213, Butterfly Sit-up p. 512, Wall Ball p. 430

Sunday – December 3, 2017 - 171203

Context: Practice – Spotting on the bench/floor press (and spotting in general)

Dynamic Warm Up Option: 3 sets of: 8 ring rows, 8 squat jumps, 8 hanging knee raises or knees to elbow, 8 lunge steps, 1 crab bridge

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a challenging weighted ring dip or progression.

Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 bench or floor press (5 sets of 5 reps, increase weight with each set to max)

Super Set: 5-5-5-5-5 single leg deadlift with two dumbbells

Metabolic Conditioning: “Careless Whisper”

7 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

8 kipping pull-ups

8 plate burpee (Health: 15lb / Athletic: 25lb* / Performance: 45lb)

20' overhead plate lunge (same)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 4 - 7 rounds, about 1:45 per round. Scale Up: 12 chest to bar each round

Compare to: NEW WORKOUT

Coaching Tips: Be sure to use your hips for the kipping pull ups, and go for bigger sets. Thee burpees are where you lift the plate off the ground to overhead, then place it back onto the floor before dropping down and touching your chest to the plate. Be careful to keep the back flat on these! Do not take too large of steps on the lunges (usually hyper extending the back).

Optional ‘Cash Out’ or Hypertrophy: 16 suitcase lunge steps, 30s plank, 20 cal row, 4 rounds, OR 3 sets of 15 db curls in a superset with 12-15 db step ups (each leg)

“By the Numbers” Book References: Pull-up p. 258, Burpee p. 415, Walking Lunge p. 220


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