2014 Gas-Lift WorkshopPage 1
2015ALRDC/IBP Gas-Lift Workshop
Call for Abstracts
May 18 – 22, 2015
Please complete this form to nominate a presentation for the 2015 ALRDC/IBP Gas-Lift Workshop. Please do not write in the shaded areas.
Registration Information / Information Required for NominationName
Mailing Address
City/State/Zip Code
Telephone Number
FAX Number
E-Mail Address
Information on Presentation
Type of Presentation (PowerPoint, Paper, Poster)
Title of Presentation
Lead Author
Proposed Subject Area (See Below)
Due Dates
Abstracts must be submitted by: / December 31, 2014
Completed papers must be submitted by: / April 1, 2015
Presentations must be submitted by: / April 1, 2015
Formal papers are not required, but are encouraged.
Use of the Standard Presentation Format provided by the Workshop Steering Committee is required.
Presentations must use a minimum font size of 20 point, Ariel, Bold, so the audience can easily read them.
Presentations must NOT be commercial in nature.
Presentations must follow the guidelines that can be found on Workshops section.
If a presentation has been given elsewhere, approval must be obtained from the other organization to present it here.
Maximum of 300 words.
Electronic submission of this form is preferred. But, it may also be FAX'd or mailed if necessary.
(c)Mail:Gas-Lift Workshop
3100 Thousand OaksDrive
Austin, Texas78746
Presentations must "fit" within one of the following subject areas. We are interested in presentations from Operating Companies, Service Companies, Universities, and Consultants. We are especially interested in joint presentations by Operating and Service Companies.
Sub-Sea,Deepwater, TLP Gas-Lift
–Presentations and a panel discussion on offshore, deepwater gas-lift operations, including sub-sea, TLP’s, and multiphase boosting.
Gas-Lift Design
–Presentations and a panel discussion on gas-lift design for continuous, intermittent ,and dual gas-lift.
New or Developing Gas-Lift Technology
–Presentations and a panel discussion by Operating Companies, Service Companies, and others on new gas-lift technologies, how they are used, what their benefits are, etc.
Gas-Lift Standards
–Presentations and a panel discussion by Operating Companies, Service Companies, and others on use of gas-lift standards.
Gas-Lift Field Reviews, Experiences, Success Stories, Failures
–Presentations and a panel discussion by Operating Companies, Service Companies, or others on both successful and unsuccessful field applications of gas-lift.
–Presentations and panel discussions by Operating Companies, Service Companies, or others on other areas of gas-lift that will be of interest to workshop attendees.