Auxiliary Oversight Committee


April 12, 2017

Members Present:Shari Shuman, Jay Coleman, Everett Malcolm

Support Staff Present:Scott Bennett, Devany Groves, Anne Hoover, Olga Igolnikov,

Jenny Johnson, Dawn Knipe, Christine Malek, Jennifer Nabors,

Valerie Stevenson, Celeste Watkins

  1. Academic Affairs – Brooks College of Health – Nutrition & Dietetics

Cathy Christie presented a request to establish a new auxiliary fund for monies received for contract payments from community agency services.

MOTION by Jay Coleman

SECOND by Everett Malcolm


  1. Academic Affairs – Brooks College of Health – Nutrition & Dietetics

Cathy Christie presented a request to establish a new auxiliary fund for monies received from editing and updating the nutrition manual quarterly.

MOTION by Jay Coleman

SECOND by Everett Malcolm


  1. Academic Affairs – Enrollment Services – Financial Aid Fee

Request to Add a Position

This request has been DEFERRED.

  1. Academic Affairs – Brooks College of Health – School of Nursing

Jenny Johnson presented a request from the School of Nursing to revise the FY17 Nursing Clinical Practice auxiliary budget in order to use this fund for payments from the Volunteers in Medicine contract.

MOTION by Jay Coleman

SECOND by Everett Malcolm


  1. University Development & Alumni Engagement – Phonathon Expenditures

Chris Decent presented a request to set up the budget in the UDAE Auxiliary for the funds from the rental of space by Ruffalo Noel Levitz to be used to offset Phonathon expenses.

MOTION by Everett Malcolm

SECOND by Jay Coleman


  1. Student Affairs – Student Union Administration

John Simms presented a request for additional spending authority in the amount of $40,000 to pay for the catering kitchen build-out, a graduate lounge door and other operating expenses not anticipated at the beginning of the year.

MOTION by Everett Malcolm

SECOND by Jay Coleman


  1. Administration & Finance – Business Services – Bookstore

Tully Burnett presented a request to transfer $47,000 from the Bookstore to the Golf Complex to pay for the repair of the netting system and to fund grass tee improvements.

MOTION by Everett Malcolm

SECOND by Jay Coleman