September 11, 2017 PTO Meeting Minutes
Called to order 6:08 pm
Roll call:
In attendance: Amanda Guthman Staci Marek Amy Buckli Tara Brown Mindy Hamilton Dustin Mertons Lori Thompson Alycia Liker Janene Haselhuhn Scott Kowalski
New faces.... Alycia Liker ?
Scott Kowalski (new asst principal) in attendance he will help to bridge the gap between teacher/staff and and PTO throughout the school year.
Introductions of everyone in attendance.
Amanda printed a list of events we coordinate throughout the year.... recap the events and discuss any ideas or changes for this upcoming year.
Current PTO balance:Janene shared the balance as Wendy was not able to attend.As of today’s date the balance is $ 12348.55.There is still apparel sale money that is in the works so we will get an updated statement after that is finished! Janene read a note from Wendy saying we should be a bit careful his year about spending since we spent a bit more last year,Amanda disagrees and was excited that last year we finally spent some of the money and were able to purchase the picnic tables which is why the balance is less $3000 from what is was last year (they cost around $3000). The picnic tables were a huge hit and the staff and students love them!
Homecoming ideas... Last year we ordered foam fingersthey were a huge hit,Last year Ms. Neby made up a fun song to go along with them!Tara will research some different ideas but everyone is in favor of ordering the orange and purple fingers again with a budget of $200 to spend on them!Motion made to put budget of $200 on Homecoming gift for students by Staci, seconded by Amanda, all in favor and approved. Tara will update us on the Facebook page as to what’s available and final cost.
Pumpkin patch:families like it because we keep it affordable.This is a no cost event for us so even if a lot of families don’t attend, it’s still a good thing for us to coordinate to make it more affordable for families. Amy is going to check on dates and see what’s available. She will update us on the Facebook page and if we need to do it before the next meeting she will work on getting it scheduled.
Book fair:Lori is taking over the book fair responsibilities as Janene will be stepping down from coordinating that. (Thank you Janene for coordinating it these past years!). We are going to use scholastic dollars to give kiddos $5 coupons during fall parent teacher conferences.Lori has been in contact with the scholastic lead and they will be sending 6 folding cases and 12 tables worth of books.They also offered to send a Clifford or Geronimo Stilton costume, anyone willing to wear it?!!Tara will see if she can get Mike to do it.
She asked for head count.... just over 500 students.
The scholastic balance is $4272.$379 will expire the beginning of October.Lori is going to check out items to spend the money on.We were all in favor of books or other items to give away at our bingo night.We will have 2 registers set up this time and keep all the books in the entry hallway.
Apparel sale was due Aug 31.Orders were turned into Julie on Tues after Labor Day weekend.We totaled just under $7000.We will be having another Fall sale again... going to set up during the book fair. Next year we will get the order form finished earlier so it can go out with the high school students as well. We will also have Mr Steve Ohde send it to "all staff" in an email as well to be sure everyone sees it and has a chance to order.Suggested to move to either the gym or hallway vs the cafeteria.Scott also mentioned if we get the order form finished earlier to have some in the office for new families that are enrolling new students! Everyone was in favor.
Skate city:good turn-out great family feedback.We will plan on doing this again during one of the holiday breaks.Staci is going to check on dates and coordinate it. Planning to do it during Spring Break in March.
Day at the movies:Thanksgiving break... we used two theatres.We'd like to host it either thanks giving or Christmas break.Discounted movie tickets and discounted food snacks.Amanda will work with the theatre to get this coordinated.
Bingo night :Huge success!Gave away fun prizes and hams. Would like to do this either beginning of November or beginning of December on a Thursday night. Want to give away turkeys this year.
Nixing the coat drive! We only had one family show up.
Yum yum yogurt with moms. Continue it in may.It's always a hit.
Donuts with dads.Outrageous success!! Keep it in February and continue using bakery donuts.
Teacher appreciation week:the gift cards weren't an awesome idea since we didn't know for sure the cards were used on items for the students. Suggestion is to have a sign up check off sheet emailed to teachers for items they need in their classroom then we can purchase those items and individually gift wrap the items for each teacher!Janene would like to pass the organizing of this task to another member.
End of year obstacle course:Has been a great success the last two years and is a fun idea for the student for the last days of school.Most likely will continue to have this event as it is low cost and a big hit with the students and staff.
Lyceum and climb theatre:Teachers can request our aid.The request form is on the PTO portion of the school website. We are open to any suggestions from teachers.Last year we sponsored the climb theatre which did a few age appropriate skits on "cliques" and "bullying".Another idea is the Science museum of MN.We have also sponsored authors in the past.If anyone has any ideas please fill out he form and suggest your ideas.
Apparel sale, milk moolah and box topsare the only ways we raise money for PTO.
Suggestion of any ways to fundraise monies for a new piano for Ms. Neby.
Lori mentioned about a Art fundraiser idea again... monies could be raised for drying racks and a kiln for Ms. Karr in the art room or a new piano for Ms. Neby.
Square one is the company Lori has been in contact with for the art fundraiser.Ms. Karr is on board and loves the idea! Lori has sent emails to both Mrs. Marc and Mr. Johnson about this idea and has had no reply.Mr. Scott Kowalski said he would check into it!
Milk Moola... each box we have needs to have a sheet with individual numbers. Staci will continue to lead the box tops and Amanda will lead up milk moolah.
We will need to recount them since we know that when we counted them the last time.We would still like to have some sort of collection box made. There was a milk moolah bottle display delivered that needs to be assembled and set out. Amy is going to check with her dad to see if he would be willing to make a boxtop collection box!
Scott wants to know how he can personally help us out. Follow up with teacher/ principals etc.... helping clarify we are doing items correctly.
Do we want to do a monthly newsletter?Scott is getting one out this week (he is now taking that responsibility from Mrs. Marc.) and Lori will get something together to add to the newsletter.
Meeting adjourned 7:13 pm