Module Title: Community Psychology
Module Code: PSY 212
Lecturer: T.N Tuturu
Office: Room 22
Module Description
This module deals with the origins of different models of community psychology and public health as well as key concepts such as prevention, participation and empowerment. Some community problems like HIV/AIDS, Child abuse, and drug abuse will be focused on highlighting how principles of community psychology can be used to effect change.
Module objectives
- To explain the relationship and differences between community psychology and other Social Science disciplines
- To explore the relationship between the individuals and their communities.
- To familiarize students with the theory, historical foundations and methods in community psychology.
- To examine the potential relevance of community psychology for addressing major social problems.
Instructional Approaches
These will constitute 3 hours a week. This semester since we have started late
there may be need for extra lectures. Students will be notified of these at a later date.
You are strongly advised to attend all lectures; this will be to your own advantage.
These will be conducted once, one hour per week. Attendance is mandatory. Classroom participation is strongly encouraged.
Assignments constitute 40% of the final course mark. You will write two assignments: one essay constituting 20 marks and a presentation constituting 20 The presentation will be done in class on a date to be advised. Essays should be a maximum of 4 TYPED pages and a minimum of 3 pages. Anything beyond 5 pages will not be credited.
- Sources consulted should be more than 5.
- Submission of assignments should be not later than 12 noon on the due date in the lecturer's office. Late submissions will be penalized.
- Academic dishonesty such as plagiarism is strictly forbidden and will attract disciplinary action. Therefore the contribution of others should be clearly acknowledged.
There will be an examination at the end of the semester worth 60% of your final mark. It will consist of 5 essay type questions and you will be required to answer 3.
Individual Study
You spent ONLY 4 hours in lectures and tutorials peer week, the rest of the week you are advised to research and study on your own.
Overview of Community Psychology
Defining features of community psychology
The core values of community psychology
Historical forces that gave rise to community psychology
Comparing and contrasting community psychology and other social science disciplines.
Research Methods in Community Psychology
Introduction and overview
Types of research methods used in community psychology
Community Participation In Community Psychology
Participation defined
A Typology of participation
Participatory Approaches
Models Of Intervention
The mental-health model
The social-action model
The public-health model
The social-community model
Roles of community Psychologist
Psychologists in communities
Conducting research
Policy formulation, analysis and evaluation of policy implementation/outcomes.
Community Psychology & HIV/AIDS
The effect of HIV/AIDS in the community
District AIDS Action Communities (DAAC)
Community programmes
Care and support for children in distress
Community Psychology and Child Abuse
Definitions of child abuse
Epidemiology of abusive behaviour
Theories of child abuse
The role of the community in the face of abuse
Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of abuse.
Adolescents and Substance Abuse
Substance abuse among adolescents
Justification for targeting adolescents
Theoretical Framework
The role of peer pressure
Peer Education
Team, Games and Tournaments model
Reading List
Chiremba, W., Kent D. and Mpofu, W. (2003) Community PsychologyHarare, Zimbabwe Open University
Orford, J. (1992). Community psychology: Theory and practice. New York: Wiley.
Heller, K., Price, R. H., Reinharz, S., Riger, S., & Wandersman, A. (1984, 2nd Ed.). Psychology And Community Change: Challenges Of The Future. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.
Rappaport, J. (1977). Community psychology: Values, research and action. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Fairweather, G. W. (1980). Community psychology for the 1980s and beyond. Evaluation and Program Planning, 3, 245-250
Discuss the effects of HIV/AIDS in the community, and suggest solutions to these effects.
Due date 26 April 2007
In-class presentations
Date: To be advised
Tutorial Questions
- “Many factors and events in the 1960s contributed to the rise of Community Psychology in the United States” Discuss these factors and events.
- “There is no need of Community Psychology since we already have Clinical Psychology and Community Psychiatry” Discuss this statement justifying the need of Community Psychology.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using participatory approaches.
- Discuss the plight of children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. What can Community Psychologists do to alleviate the problem?
- Discuss the theories of abuse in relation to child sexual abuse.
- Describe, explain and critique selected intervention strategies used to address the problem of substance use/abuse among adolescents.