Animals Can HelpLevel: 28

DRA Oral reading addendum (to be completed after oral reading and student prediction)

Student: ______Date: ______


T: Now it’s time to read and enjoy this story by yourself. When you are done, please come to me and I’ll ask you to tell me what happened in this story.


As the student retells, underline and record on the Story Overview the information included in the student’s retelling. Please note the student does not need to use the exact words.

T: Start at the beginning and tell me what happened in this story.

Story Overview:

Animal Helpers

  1. Animals that are part of a family are pets. Some pets are dogs, cats, birds, or rabbits.
  2. Some people have animals that are trained to help people.
  3. The animals help people feel better, get stronger, and help people who can’t see, hear, or move.

Animals in Hospitals:

  1. People go to hospitals when they are sick. Staying in a hospital for a long time makes people feel sad. A trained dog can help.
  2. The dog makes sick people smile. People talk to the dog and pet it. They laugh when the dog does funny tricks.

Animals in Nursing Homes:

  1. Animals are trained to visit people in nursing homes and make them feel more at home. Petting a dog or cat is good therapy because it makes people move and use their hands. They also make people smile and smiling is good therapy.

Service Animals:

  1. Service animals are trained to help people who cannot see, hear, or move.
  2. A dog can help people who are deaf know when the telephone is ringing, the clock is buzzing, or someone is knocking at the door. The dog is trained to listen for these sounds and let the owner know.
  3. Dogs can be trained to work with blind people. They help the blind person cross streets safely. The dogs lead the blind person through busy streets and stores.
  4. Monkeys help people that cannot move their arms or hands. They can be trained to pick up a spoon or turn the pages of a book. The monkey can be trained to follow commands by its owner.
  5. Trained tiny horses can help people. The horses are strong and steady. They wear a special harness to help a person walk.

__ Tell me more.
__ Tell me what service animals do to help people who can’t see, hear or move.
__ Tell me how animals help in hospitals.

Literal Comprehension:

Tell me 2 ways animals help in hospitals and nursing homes.




Why do you think a dog must be trained before it can help someone who cannot see?




What do you think is the most important thing you learned from reading this book? ______



Tell why you think it is important: ______

