Sheridan College Production Plan for SC Global 2001: Online Distributed Content Panel

> revision: 2001.10.31

Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2001, 12:30 - 2:00 PM EST, 5:30 – 7:00 GMT

dppt server:

Time / Action / Who/Where / Site / Files
12:30 / Title Slide / AG ppt Screen / Sheridan Server/UT / ppt link
12:31 / Introduction / Paul Hoffert, Moderator / Denver Node
12:33 / OnDisC Video-start / Sheridan College/UT / Sheridan College/UT
12:47 / Intro. of Panelists / Paul Hoffert / Denver Node
12:55 / Panel Begins* / Sheridan College/UT / Sheridan College/UT
12:56 / Video-Tina Dallas-start / Sheridan College/UT / Sheridan College/UT
13:03 / Panel Discussion / Sheridan College/UT / Sheridan College/UT
13:48 / Questions from Floor / Denver / Denver Node
14:00 / The End

*Details of Panel protocol:

Paul Hoffert, as the moderator, located at the Denver Node will introduce the Panelists, located in Toronto, one at a time. The panelists will individually be picked up on the mobile camera along with a group shot. Tina Dallas will not be present, but will present a brief introduction to intellectual property digital rights management concerns prior to beginning the panel discussion. It is anticipated that questions from the floor in Denver, along with other nodes may be directed to the panel by the moderator approximately 45 minutes after the session begins. 90 minutes have been allocated in total.

Please Note:

Sheridan’s participation will be from the University of Toronto’s Information Commons during SC-2001.

Program Synopsis:


Chair: Paul Hoffert, Executive Director, OnDisC Alliance, Sheridan College

Sheridan College will host a panel on the Management of Online Digital Property at Colleges and Universities, using the Access Grid to link panelists at several locations in the United States and Canada. A video describing the OnDisC - Online Distributed Content ( - digital property rights management system will be a springboard for discussion of such issues as:

·  Ownership of faculty and student generated content

·  E-commerce models for campus online content usage

·  Does "information want to be free" or do creators need to pay the rent?

·  Broadband infrastructure necessary to deliver video, music, and other media-rich materials

·  How Napster, and now movie downloads on campuses are changing the commercial recording and movie industries

·  Cross-border issues such as the differences in US and Canadian copyright legislation relating to fair use and fair dealing at universities and colleges for instruction and research

·  Demonstration of a working system (OnDisC Alliance) being developed and deployed at Canadian Universities and Colleges

·  Implications of such systems on peer-to-peer network usage and campus network bandwidth allocation

·  Potential delivery of managed digital content using the Access Grid

The panelists:

·  David Basskin - CMRRA (Canadian Music Reproduction Rights Agency)

·  Lindsay Moir - RightsMarket (rights management technology)

·  Don Berkowitz – Digital Content Management Services (distribution trials)

·  Andrew Paskauskas - Sheridan College (digital content at educational institutions)

·  Tina Dalls - OnDisC Alliance

Sheridan Research Professor Paul Hoffert will moderate this panel from the Denver SC-2001. Paul is the Executive Director of the OnDisC Alliance ( at Sheridan College and has moderated similar panels in collaboration with the American Consulate in Toronto and at the CulTech Research Centre at York University, Toronto, which he directed from 1992-2000.