Voegtlin 2017-18


Name: ______Score: /10

Students and Parents/ Guardians:

This year in English 1 several films will be shown in order to enhance, and sometimes extend, the students’ appreciation of and response to the core literature that we will be reading, discussing, and analyzing. If you prefer that your son or daughter not view a particular film, an alternate assignment pertaining to the literature will be provided, to be completed in the adjoining classroom, P104. Also, even though your son or daughter has your permission to view a film, if he or she becomes uncomfortable watching, an alternate assignment will be made available to be completed in P104.

The classic mythology the students will read this semester focuses on the themes of honor, loyalty, and the struggle to remain true to one’s beliefs in times of strive and change. In conjunction with selections from works including, but not limited to excerpts from, Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey, as well as Virgil’s The Aeneid, from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology, from the following films, the class will view two films based on the literature:

____ Troy (R) 2005 Brad Pitt version

____ The Odyssey (PG 13) 1997 Armand Assante version

We continue with Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. One of the following film versions will be shown:

____ Romeo & Juliet (PG) 1968 Zefferelli version
____ Romeo & Juliet (PG-13) 2013 Haille Steinfeld/Douglas Boothe

Second semester, the students will read Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mockingbird; John Steinbeck’s, Of Mice & Men; and George Orwell’s, Animal Farm. The film versions of each of those titles will be shown (with the exception of Animal Farm), along with one of the related titles listed*, time permitting.

____ To Kill A Mockingbird (G) 1962 Gregory Peck

____ Of Mice and Men (PG 13) 1992 Gary Sinise & John Malkovich

____ The Great Debaters (PG 13) 2007 Denzel Washington*

____ The Secret Life of Bees (PG 13) 2008 Dakota Fanning & Jennifer Hudson*

____ The Giver (PG 13) 2014 Jeff Bridges*

Please check the line next to the title of any film you prefer your son or daughter NOT view.

Thank you,

Ms. Voegtlin

ext 705

Please return this permission slip with BOTH student and parent/guardian signatures. Any student who does not return the signed permission slip will not view the film and will be given an alternate assignment due the following day. Permission slips due Friday, September 8th.

Student Name: (Print)______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: (Print)______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Date received: ______

(Office Use Only)