1. CR/DIR Number: AMS-02 / P-011 / 2. Date: 01/21/2005
3. Change Title: Modify the ROEU to be EVA Removable
4. Cost Impact: $70-100k / 5. Document(s) Affected: JSC-29296, JSC-28792, JSC-29095, JSC-29789
6. Weight Impact: TBD / 7. Schedule Impact: TBD / 8. Other Impacts:
9. Description Of Change:
Assess the cost and schedule impacts to modify the ROEU to make it EVA removable.
Should be as simple as possible (ie., EVA removable bolts and cut the cables. Not retractable).
ISS will pay for any other costs associated with this change including:
NBL runs.
MAGIK assessments.
Additional operations procedures not currently in AMS plan.
10. Justification:
AMS ROEU bracket design is complete and was not designed to be removable. It has been known for some time that the ROEU was outside of the Attached Payload Envelope, but it had been previously accepted by ISS and ISS had agreed not to place another Attached Payload next to AMS. ISS has reconsidered and may want to place some carrier next to AMS. ISS asked AMS to make our ROEU EVA removable.
11. Action Required (To Implement This Change):
Modify documentation to include mention of EVA removable design.
Modify drawings and analysis.
Work with ISS to ensure that they will assume responsibility for issues mentioned in box 9 above.
12. Initiator/Organization: Trent Martin/EA / 13. Organization Approval:
14. Disposition:
Approved With Changes Indicated
15. Approval: ______
CCB Chairman/Date



1. CRN: AMS-02 / P-011 / 2. Page 2 of 2
3. Title: Modify the ROEU to be EVA Removable

Configuration Control Board (CCB) Members

Flight Crew Operations Directorate (CA)
Astronaut Office (CB)
Mission Operations Directorate (DA)
Engineering Directorate (EA)
Crew and Thermal Systems Division (EC)
Energy Systems Division (EP)
Automation, Robotics, & Simulation Division (ER) / Structural Engineering Division (ES)
Avionics Systems Division (EV)
Space Shuttle Program (MA)
Space Shuttle Flight Operations & Integration Office (MO)
International Space Station Program Office (OA)
Vehicle Office (OB)
Mission Integration & Operations Office (OC) / Program Integration Office (OM)
Payloads Office (OZ)
Other NASA Centers
Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
Kennedy Space Center (KSC) / Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
EVA Project Office