How to Apply for Jobs-Internal Users
- Either click on our button for internal users on the “how to apply for employment online” link or access HRMS through WyoWeb or your if you have your own link log onto HRMS that way.
- Click on “self service”, click on “recruiting activities”, click on “careers”.
- You can browse through the jobs that you see listed and click on the job you are interested in. Or you can used the “my saved jobs” link if you have jobs you have viewed and saved already.
- After you click on the job, the job description should appear.
- Click the “Apply Now” button.
- This will take you to the page where you can either upload a new resume, copy and paste resume text or use an existing resume if you previously applied. Remember, you must put your cover letter and resume into one attachment!
- Click the “Continue” button.
- Next you should see the “Complete Application” screen. At the top you should see the position(s) you are applying for. Remember, you can apply for multiple positions at one time by clicking the box next to each position and then hitting the “Apply Now” button. We do recommend you tailor your cover letter and resume to each specific position.
- You can add or remove jobs to apply for at the top of the screen.
- The “Preferences” box is the first box you will want to work through. You will want to keep this as flexible as you are willing to be as you could be screened out if the job has certain requirements. For example, if you choose that you cannot travel and the position requires it you will not be considered.
- After you have entered any preferences, Click the “Next” link to continue to the next part of the application.
- Here you will want to enter your work experience and references.
- As the system will prompt you, please list the last 10 years of experience.
- To add work experience, click the “add work experience link”. For each job you can fill in the information for each employer and “save & add more” for each job. When you are done click “save & return”. Please remember to enter each field as accurately as possible and give a description of your duties for each job.
- You will want to add your references next by clicking on “add reference”. Here you will enter your reference information for a minimum of 3 work-related references including your current supervisor. You can “save & add more” to add more and use the “save & return” to when you have finished.
- At any point during the application process you can hit the “save” button so you don’t lose your work. Do not hit “submit” until you have completed all steps.
- After you have entered work experience and references, click the “Next” link to continue with the next part of the application.
- This will bring you to the “Education History” section. You will want to enter your highest education level, post-secondary education information and any licenses and certificates that may be applicable.
- When entering your Post-Secondary Education you must enter the “Country” field even though it is not marked (*) as a required field.
- After you have entered all of your Education History including post-secondary education history and licenses and certificates click the “Next” link.
- This will take you to the Application Questionnaire portion of the application where you need to answer all questions. When you are done answering all of the questions click the “Next” link.
- This will take you to the final piece of the application which is the “referral information” part. Providing this information is optional. This information is only for internal Human Resources use.
- Once you are certain you have completed all steps from the: Preferences section-Current and Prior Employment-Education-Application Questionnaire-Referral information, click save and then submit.
- You will be brought to the “submit online application” page where you should read the terms and agreements. If you agree, choose “I agree to these terms and conditions” and click the “submit” button again.
- At this point you should be brought to the “My Applications” page where you can view your application(s) and their status.