2 stages to the French Visa:


**Although you cannot meet at the consulate prior to 90 days before your departure, you can schedule the appointment and complete all forms as well as register at CampusFrance. Keep in mind that many other students will also be going abroad this fall: everyone will want appointments around the same time, so schedule yours EARLY! **

Stage 1

1.  Campus France (http://www.usa.campusfrance.org/en)

  1. Register online with CampusFrance (http://www.usa.campusfrance.org/sites/localmaster.campusfrance.org/files/etatsunis/imce/studyabroad_userguide.pdf)
  2. Complete the Campus France Application (in the PASTEL system)
  3. Mail in your physical file to Campus France, which consists of:

1) Overseas acceptance letter (provided by MIP)

2) Any other printed application documents (only if relevant)

3) Money order for the Campus France Fee

d.  Print out “Proof of Payment” you receive as a PDF attached to the e-mail titled “Une Quittance est disponible”

  1. Print out Campus France confirmation e-mail, which starts with “Congratulations!”
  2. Make an appointment to go to the consulate. The appointment should be at least six to eight weeks before your planned departure.

Stage 2

2.  Visa application http://consulfrance-newyork.org/Visas-for-students (scroll to the section for Long Stay Student Visas)

  1. Complete the items on the checklist (http://consulfrance-newyork.org/IMG/pdf/VLS_etudiant_Liste_doc_C_ANG_14-10-2011.pdf)

1) Acceptance letter provided by Marist for Mod’Spe

2) Download and print from “Campus France” website “Step 1”

3) Download and print from “Campus France” website “Step 1”

4) Application form can be found here: http://consulfrance-newyork.org/IMG/pdf/Visa_Form_2010_LS_eng-4.pdf Must have two original copies

5) Can be obtained by getting in touch with Marist International programs and requesting two of your Passport photos back

6) Your ACTUAL passport, plus one photocopy

7) U.S. dollar equivalent of 50Euro can be determined from consulate website, and should be filled out on the day of your appointment

8) Proof of financial support form can be found here: http://consulfrance-newyork.org/IMG/doc/finacial_guarantee_student2.doc

9) A copy of your airline ticket reservation

10)  Original Student ID and one copy

  1. If you plan to go to a French Consulate other than that of New York, you will need to have your driver’s license (plus one copy) issued in the jurisdiction of the consulate you hope to attend

11)  OFII form: only applicable if you:

  1. Plan to stay in France more than six months.
  2. Will be staying between 4 and 6 months and wish to work in France
  3. Will be staying between 4 and 6 months and wish to be able to extend their visa

12)  Proof of residence in the area for the consulate, this can be:

a.  a lease or bill in applicants name and address

b.  a driver’s license with address

  1. Go to the Visa appointment

1) You must appear in person

2) Be sure to arrive early; they will admit everyone for that appointment hour at once and then close the doors. If you are late, you will not be admitted.

  1. After several weeks, you are alerted that your visa has been accepted, at which point you must return to the consulate with your passport so they can stamp your Passport with the Visa stamp (they may hold on to your passport until they ask you to retrieve it)
  2. Should anything be incorrect or incomplete with your visa application, they may ask you to return the following week with the necessary materials to complete your application.