Minutes of Shevington Parish Council

Finance Committee Meeting

Held Thursday 12 January 2012

7:30 pm

Shevington Library

Present: Councillor J Ball (Chairman), Councillors Horridge, Miles, Whiteley, McKnight and Clerk (Pilkington).

5 members of the public.

1.  Apologies

Cllr Bridge.

2.  Declaration of Interests


3.  Minutes of the Last Finance Committee Meeting (1 December 2011)

The minutes had been circulated previously.

Resolved: That the Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 1 December 2011 be approved as a true and correct record.

4.  Shevington Community Primary School: Consultation on the Proposed Closure of the Maintained Nursery

The Clerk had, together with the three district councillors, attended a meeting with the Wigan Cabinet member for Children and Young People and several officers from the Education Service with a view to obtaining further information about the current and future scenarios with regard to the Early Years provision at Shevington Community Primary School. The Clerk’s report was received (see Appendix A) and, following a discussion, during which it was clear that the Committee had serious concerns about the closure of the only maintained nursery for the area, the consultation document was completed. The Clerk would deliver it to Progress House the next day.

5.  Wigan Cultural Olympiad Grant

Information and an application form for grants relating to the Wigan Cultural Olympiad had been received. A councillor reported that this matter was being dealt with by the Fete Committee, who hope to be able to provide medals, badges, etc for all those who will be taking part in the Shevington Olympiad (which will take place at the same time as the Fete). The closing date for applications for the grants was 30 January and a meeting had been arranged for 24 January to finalise everything.

The grant information as well as information about the Olympic torch relay route (which would be passing through the other side of Wigan) would be put on the parish website.

6.  Christmas Tree Provision for Shevington Moor

A position on the corner of the junction between Forest Drive and Whiteacre Park had been identified and assessed by Street Lighting as being a suitable place for a Christmas tree. Street Lighting had also determined a cost of approximately £2,000 for installing the electrical provision. A further £300 would need to be spent on the tree pit and another £300 on a new set of LED lights. The Committee discussed the project.

Resolved: The Committee recommended the project to the Council for approval.

7.  Budget 2012 Preparation

The Clerk presented the budget. Most items had been agreed previously and represented firm commitments. Information about the costs of repairing the surface at the entrance to the car park in the centre of Shevington, refurbishing the trimtrail pathway and re-laying the paving in the park was still awaited. The Committee were also asked to agree how much to set aside for the Jubilee celebrations. The Clerk advised that un-earmarked reserves were currently below recommended levels and should not be reduced.

The budget was discussed.

Cllr Horridge withdrew from the meeting for short time and then returned.

Resolved: The amount allocated to a new notice board for West Ward would be used for three new bins in green spaces in the area instead.

Resolved: That £1500 should be set aside for the Jubilee Fund and that groups wishing to celebrate the occasion should be invited to apply for grants from the fund.

A councillor requested a recorded vote.

FOR: Cllrs Ball, Whiteley, Miles, Horridge ABSTAIN: Cllr McKnight

Resolved: Once the costs of repairing the surface of the entrance to the car park in the centre of Shevington were known, the remainder of the Car Park Surface/Fence reserve should be re-assigned to cover the costs of repairing one of the footpaths in Memorial Park. The reserve should then be built up again at the rate of £3,000 per year over three years.

8.  Precept 2012

Suggestions for the precept and their implications for each household were discussed.

Resolved: A precept of £70,000 was recommended to the Council – no change on 2011.

9.  Financial Aid Applications

·  Boer War Memorial Fund

The purpose of the fund was to raise a sufficient amount of money to restore the Boer War Memorial to its original state.

Resolved: The Committee approved a s137 donation of £50 (to come from the Chairman’s allowance).

10.  Dates of Meetings

It was agreed that there was no need for a Finance Committee meeting on 19 January.

The next meetings would be: 26 January (Council); 2 February (Policy).


It was resolved:

“That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw”

11.  Treeworks in Memorial Park

Resolved: The contract should be awarded to Working Woodlands.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the Meeting at 9:50 pm.


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