
Morning Worship* / Today / Next Week
Announcements / Neal / Anthony
Song Leader / Anthony / Riley
Prayer / J. Thompson / Wertz
Preside @ Table / S. Thompson / Smith
Assisting / Riley / Porter
Assisting / Smith / Medina
Assisting / Wedge / Wedge
Prayer / Merritt / Caples
Evening Worship*
Announcements / Neal / Anthony
Song Leader / Anthony / Riley
Prayer / J. Thompson / Wertz
Communion/Prayer / S. Thompson / Smith
Midweek Bible Study *
Announcements / Neal / Anthony
Song Leader / Anthony / Wertz
Invitation / P. Anthony / Dennis
Prayer / Dennis / Lake
*** Brothers: If you cannot serve please contact a deacon or
an elder by Saturday evening. If you are serving, please
meet in the foyer 5 minutes prior to services.
August / September / October
Prepare Communion / Wedge / Dennis / TBA
Lockup / White / Caples / TBA
Please take a moment each week to look over this list, to keep abreast of activities of the congregation.
Men’s Breakfast / Sat 8/14 / 8:00 am / OCB
Elder/Deacon/Pr’cher Mtg / Sat 8/14 / 9:30 am / Building
Ladies’ Breakfast / Sat 9/11 / 9:00 am / OCB

Helpful Email Addresses:




Special Days
Happy Birthday!
Joe Dennis / 9 / James Long (son) / 12
Jessica Dennis / 13 / Roger Elliott / 29
Chelsea Long / 29 / Steve Keen / 30
Olena Gauvin / 31 / Ametha Carr / 31
Happy Anniversary!
Tim and Colleen Wertz / 9
Roger and Alwilda Merritt / 11
Wilbert and Nancy Davis / 22
Ernie and Melissa Maiwald / 26

What Does I Peter 3:21 Mean?

"There is also an antitype which now saves us baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 3:21). Notice that the verse is basically comprised of a positive and a negative statement.

The positive statement is "... which now save us baptism..." Peter has just discussed the physical salvation of Noah and his family (vs. 20). Then in (vs. 21) he turns his attention to the spiritual salvation of those to whom he wrote. In both of these instances, water played an important role. "an antitype” simply means there is a true comparison, or "after a true likeness" (ASV). Water transported Noah from the old world to the new and water is the element God has chosen to use in the new birth to become Christians (Romans 6: 1-14; John 3: 3-5). Baptism is "the answer of a good conscience toward God" because God has required baptism of all people (Mk. 16: 16). When one submits to God through baptism, one can have a good conscience in that he/she is doing what is right.

The negative statement states, baptism is "... not the removal of the filth of the flesh..." Peter is telling us that water baptism is not designed for physical attributes such as washing away the dirt. Peter is telling us that baptism washes away sin, not the filth on our bodies (Acts 2: 38; 22: 16). If it were not for Jesus' resurrection, baptism would not have any effect on us. Notice the statement, "by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

"Brethren, I Peter 3: 21 must not be understood to say that the water by its self saves. We learn from the verse that it is Jesus' blood which saves you and I (Matthew 26: 28). However, saying that we need to understand that it is in baptism (when preceded by belief, repentance, and confession) that our spiritual contact is made with Jesus' death and His sin-remitting blood bringing fourth salvation (Romans 6: 1-18, Acts 2:38). God has given us the way to be saved, and He expects each of us to use His way for there is no other way to be saved from our sins. If you have not been baptized (immersed) for the remission of your sins then think about these words “And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord” (Acts 22:16). Ernie

For Our Prayers-Aug. 8, 2010


v  Shelby Neal underwent successful surgery to remove her gall bladder on Thursday and is recovering at home. The family thanks you for your thoughts and prayers.

Jonathan Edwards will have surgery on tomorrow to repair a scar on his head.


v  Joe Bilbrey has been undergoing additional tests during the past week. The Bilbrey family is in need of many prayers.

Continued Prayers:

v  Caregivers to those who are ill

Debbie Wiggins, Ed’s niece (cancer)

v  OT Martin (Ernie’s dad)

Peggy Williams, Alwilda Merritt’s sister (lung surgery)

v  Jennie Cribb, Alwilda Merritt’ sister (Post-polio syndrome)

v  Jerry Long (James’s father)

v  Wayne Cribb, Alwilda Merritt's nephew (radiation/cancer)

v  Lenny Skutnik (Crohn’s disease)

v  Adrienne Sweet, friend of Porters (breast cancer)

v  Sarah Howell, Katherine Wertz’ sister (breast and back cancer)

The many families who are traveling during the summer

Our young adults in college/home and away

Mandy Neal Kaitlyn Ramos Paul White

Michael Riley Eric Wertz Trenda Maiwald

Catie Wordham Chris Hoffman Philip Anthony

Those who are protecting our country, serving in

harm’s way and the leaders of our nation and those f

other nations, that a lasting peace and accord may be

achieved throughout the world.

Special Request:

Remember those who are in need of prayer but do not

wish to share their difficulties in a public way.

Continued prayers for our members:

Marjorie Kowa Bobbie Girard Will Davis

Alwilda Merritt Colleen Wertz Sue Bilbrey

Deb Neal Christine Liddell Steven Dalton

Peggy Shields Betty Perez Ametha Carr

Katherine Wertz James Roberson Angie Edwards

Joe Bilbrey