MYHA Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

6:00 pm

Oak Avenue Community Center


Board Members present:Mary Besler, Pat Andreae, Joe Krasne, Dave Bjarnason, Steve Henrickson, Lori remeika, Brenda Baur, Karna Sandok

Guests: John Baur, Jack Bremer, Al Pickhard

Board Members absent:Jim Edwards, Jeff Barth

I.Meeting called to order 6:04
  1. Review of April Minutes; motion to accept by Pat Andreae, second by Dave Bjarnason. All in favor, motion passed.
III.Treasurer’s Report- Mary Besler

Account Balances

General Checking:$42,035.95

General Savings:$12,664.72




Motion made to accept treasurer’s report by Karna Sandok, 2nd by Pat Andreae. All in favor, motion passed.

Closed session 7:30, motion by Steve Henrickson, 2nd by Joe Krasne. Open 7:35.

Motion by Dave Bjarnason to accept resignation of Jim Edwards; 2nd by Mary Besler We thank Jim for his 7.5 years of service to the MYHA by serving on the board.

Motion by Joe Krasne on account of resignation of board member to accept next candidate from vote, Jack Bremer. 2nd by Mary Besler.

IV. Old Business
  1. WAHA meeting update- Brenda: Wiama conference for zamboni/ice resurfaces education by Jim Arnold from Wisconsin Rapids. State Tournament registration online by Nov 15, changes can be done online as well. 09-10: girls teams to be classified into Division 1 and 2.
  2. Sled Hockey- Pat: nothing to report at this time. Pat to look further into that later this summer.
  3. Coaches committee- Pat: Extended Evaluation proposal presented. Practices will be at team levels with each level receiving 5-6 hours of ice per week for 5-6 weeks before games begin. Coaches will technically have until 12/31 to make a decision on rosters. Intangibles such as attitude, attendance, and work ethic can be considered with this option much easier. This will be further discussed and voted on at a later meeting. Proposal to be further worked on.
  4. Web site update Pat: going well. Pat encourages members to register on the system to see features not available to the general public. For example, board meeting minutes could be available to members only. Working on team schedules at this time.
  5. Fair Association- Brenda walk through with two members from the association, include Carol Kerper. Fair association does not use upstairs, locker room A, penalty area and pressbox. Discussed MYHA plans for building growth, which was not met with opposition.
  6. Building update- Dave to contact Jim regarding building plan progress.
  7. Committee assignments follow up. Joe Krasne to serve as board liaison for building manager, Dan Williams. Mens adult hockey to be coordinated by Tom Seyfert and Jim Maki.
  8. Dave Bjarnason has talked with Al Cheney, Marshfield Clinic marketing. For the upcoming year, Marshfield Clinic is considering sponsoring the zamboni and jerseys for the mini-mites and mites.

IV.New Business

  1. Ground rules for meetings: stay on agenda, be a cohesive group, be supportive of board decisions outside of board room. Respect each other, give a positive image and be positive role models. Committees to be established and report back to board. Goals: recruitment and communication with membership and public- new website is a positive step, and new addition to be done on the rink.
  2. Recruitment Ideas: 2 meetings for the recruitment committee. The focus of the group is to create enthusiasm among parents and kids. MYHA will participate in the Dairyfest parade, brochures have been designed by Mary Besler to be passed out at this event and at other area businesses. Minimite skaters and first year skaters to be provided with gear free of charge.
  3. Mite proposal- John Baur—proposal for mite B league consisting of 6 teams, 12-14 games: one game per weekend. total with a tournament end of the season. Dec 6-Feb 24 Motion by Karna Sandok to approve mite a and b limited travel league; 2nd by Lori Remeika All in favor, motion passed. Discussion about considering using skills checklist at the mini-mite and mite level. Discussion regarding set time for mite/mini-mite program, changing to different night/time. Mini-mite practice 1x during the week 1x during the weekend. (mon & sat 8-8:45 am). Mite practice mon and fri pm. Pat Andreae and Jack Bremer are working on scheduling the teams.
  4. John Baur: discussion of referee clinic; referee fee increases by $5-15.Adult games are not sanctioned and do not need to be paid at the same level, should be addressed with fees for mens tournament. Fees to remain the same for next year.
  5. WIAA Girls contract- Lori: contract presented with it being very similar to the boys contract, for two years.Dave B. 2nd pat to approve motion to accept contract. Approved by all.
  6. MYHA calendar- Brenda

--set dates for 2008-2009 season: Sept 24 compressors to be turned on, first open skate scheduled for Oct 11.

  1. Ice Times articles due to Sharon Copet by the 25th of each month.
  2. Team and tournament photographer- looking into options
  3. Raffle: W9’s need to be onsite to give to winners of items over $600.
  4. Motion by Karna Sandok for two separate checking accounts need to be established for fund-raising for the tiger girl’s and tiger boys teams. Two signatures to be required for checks written over $100. Second jack Bremer. Motion passed.

Motion to adjourn at 9:50 pm by Jack Bremer, 2nd by pat Andreae.