September 25, 2014

Regular Session – 7:00 PM

Board Members Present:Tom BurkeJeff ClayJohn Morgan

Patty McLeanSteve ObergRobert Buckner

Board Member Absent:Francis DeRoest

Staff Present:Marilyn Applegate, Executive Assistant to Board

Jackie LaFrenz, Administrator

Others Present:

Call to Order / Chair, Tom Burke, called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM and led the board in the flag salute.
No Introductions / There were no introductions
Changes to the Agenda / There were no changes to the agenda.
Consent Agenda / Jeff moved to approve consent agenda consisting of the minutes from the August 21, 2014 work session and regular session. Steve seconded motion and motion passed.
Benefit Dinner Committee Report / Patty reported on the progress of the Benefit Dinner Committee. She handed out a sponsorship packet for review. To date, Waibel Ranch & Septic Pros have signed up as event sponsors. Additionally, Patty distributed a detailed Profit & Loss ledger. Entertainment has been secured, tickets will go on sale by mid-October. The committee is excited at the amount of interest in sponsorship.
Facility Committee Report / Jeff reportedthe Facility Committee consisting of Francis, Chad, and himself met with Jackie to identify projects considered for bond funding and projects to be funded by the 811 account. The list of bond projects was distributed and the committee asked the board to prioritize the list. The Board reviewed the list and requested that the Facility Committee prioritize the bond projects. Projects that will not be designated as bond funded will either be funded through the 215-811 or general fund.
Jackie updated the Board on meeting with the CCSD representatives included the Superintendent, Anna Logan,Jerry Milstead, and Walt Wagner. PBCCS representatives were Jeff Clay, Tom Burke, Jackie LaFrenz, Chad DeGraw, and Marilyn Applegate. Jerry Milstead will now be the maintenance contact with PBCCS. Anna clarified that all maintenance charges will be taken out of 215-811 and that CCSD will not be funding any services performed by or contracted with CCSD for PBCCS.
After $8,000 was spent on the well improvement last spring $588,578 bond proceeds remain for PBCCS.
Financial Report / Marilyn reported that to date the state has not made any changes to state school funding. Over $7,000 in contributions have been received from parents to help fund expedition. Jenn Berry-O’Shea applied for a Diack Grant and received $6,000 to fund field work supplies and equipment.
Admin. Report / Jackie reported:
  • The staff appreciated Board members Patty McLean, Tom Burke, and Steve Oberg attending the ONREP in-service in August. Steve commented that this time provided him with an opportunity to learn more about the context and background of the program. Tom stated that it was great to have our teachers learning to mesh into place-based curriculum.
  • ONREP will be back again tomorrow to work one on one with teachers/
  • The meeting with CCSD provided more clarity on how we are going to operate with the 215-811 account. Jackie thanked Jeff and Francis for helping to be totally empowered to take care of our facility needs.
  • The Diack Grant is only for field science equipment.
  • The PE Grant requires we be accountable for these expenditures. Jackie named the Board as being accountable. This will require the Board to randomly check on the progress four times during the year.
  • Due to more PE and Music this year, teachers did not feel that they had sufficient academic time. Therefore we have cut back on recess for the primary and intermediate grades.
  • Our middle school is participating in a 3-year watershed restoration project on McKay Creek. This year they are gathering data. October 1 and 16 students will work with Forest Service field experts. Additionally, we are attempting to plug our middle school students into a wildfire restoration project.
  • Mallott’s annual event was held last weekend, donations will help fund the hot lunch program. Les Schwab awarded FOPBS $8,000 for the lunch program this school year with the understanding that $2,000 of this grant is to be allocated for kids in need. Next year’s funding will be reduced to $4,000 if FOPBS can match the $4,000 Les Schwab grant.
  • Since nothing has been received from the state on Smarter Balance, Jackie requested ODE approve us opting out of Smarter Balance for this year, however, was told we could not.
  • Staff participated in a professional great team building exercise during in service. PBCCS only paid for the cost of supplies as professional services were donated.
  • Due to a an ODE proficiency grading mandate, which has since been cancelled, PBCCS is switching to proficiency grading for Middle School this school year. Several parents have expressed concern. Middle School October conferences will be spent educating parents and sharing the new report card.
  • October 10th is state-wide in-service. Most of our teachers will be off-campus at workshops. Tom has made arrangements for crews to trim trees this day.
  • Fifth graders annual coast trip will be October 7, 8, 9. In previous years, parents were not invited to attend, however, due to a number of parents expressing concern, a letter was sent home giving parents an opportunity to chaperone. Only one parent has responded.
  • A CCSD contractor will be blowing insulation into the attic area over the 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms tomorrow. This will replace the insulation removed during the Bat eradication last November. All Natural Pest found a few bats during their check-up.
  • The website is up and teachers will have their class pages up by October.
  • SMART is looking for about eight more volunteers for their program.
  • PBCCS received a 4 again this year on the ODE state report card.

Board Comments / Patty pointed out that our flag was flown at half-mast Friday, September 19th. Flags are only flown at half-mast under the governor or president’s direction. Jackie said that was her fault as the student’s asked to have the flag lowered in honor of parent, Todd Avila’s death.
Adjourn / There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted:Approved by:

____Marilyn Applegate______Tom Burke______

Board Executive AssistantBoard Chair