Hierarchal Index of Exalted Hearthstones from Cannon Sources

There are 183 Hearthstones in this list, but they appear to be listings for Hearthstones from First Edition sources. (Sources: http://exalted.xi.co.nz/wiki/HearthstoneIndexHierarchal & http://exalted.xi.co.nz/wiki/Scrollreader/HearthstoneReference).

Level 1 (39)

Abyssal (2)

Life-Drain Stone: Bo3C 112-113

Road of Hatred Stone: Bo3C 113

Air (6)

Gem of Echoes: Bo3C 111

Gem of Holiness: Bo3C 111

Jewel of the Flying Heart: CB:Z ?

Memory Stone: CB:N ?

Stone of Quick Thought: Bo3C 111

Stone of the Spider's Eye: AB:A ?

Earth (9)

Eye of the First Goat: CB:Z ?

Gem of Dignity: Bo3C 111

Gemstones of Synchronicity: Bo3C 111

Gem of Deep Meditation: CB:T ?

Hardened Spirit Gemstone: AB:E ?

Stone of Breath: Bo3C 111

Stone of Comfort: Bo3C 111

Stone of Earth's Blood: AB:A ?

Stone of Humble Glory: AB:E ?

Fire (7)

Fire Gem: Bo3C 111

Gem of Calm Heart: EXC 339

Gem of Night Vision: Bo3C 111

Jewel of Fire Sense: AB:F ?

Stone of Circulation: S&S 67-68; Bo3C 111

Stone of Passion: Bo3C 111

Stone of the Light Sleeper: Bo3C 111

Lunar (1)

Gemstone of Shadows: Bo3C 112

Sidereal (1)

Gem of Starlight: Bo3C 112

Solar (3)

Gem of Water-Walking: Bo3C 112

Glance of the Unconquered Sun: S&S 67

Oathstone: CB:E ?

Water (5)

Gem of Injury Sense: Bo3C 111-112

Gem of the Noble Brook: CB:Z ?

Gem of Visitations: AB:A ?

Labyrinthine Eye, the: S&S 67; Bo3C 112

Lullaby Stone: Bo3C 112

Wood (5)

Farmer's Stone, the: Bo3C 112

Stone of Healing: EXC 339-340

Stone of Shelter: Bo3C 112

Stone of the Emerald Rooster: CB:Z ?

Stone of the Hunt: Bo3C 112

Level 2 (44)

Abyssal (2)

Flawed Gem: Bo3C 115

Gem of Shadow: Bo3C 115

Air (6)

Gemstone of Surface Thoughts: EXC 382

Jewel of the Clever Merchant: CB:Z ?

Mind Cleansing Gem: CB:T ?

Mind Shield Stone: Bo3C 113

Purifying Mercy Stone: CB:T ?

Stone of First Impressions: Bo3C 113

Earth (9)

Gem of Perfection: Bo3C 113

Gemstone of Deep Drink: Bo3C 113

Gemstone of the Brother's Bond: AB:A ?

Kata Sculpting Gem: AB:E ?

Kill-Hand Gem: Bo3C 113

Salt-Gem of the Spirit's Eye: EXC 339

Sphere of Balance: S&S 68; Bo3C 113

Spider's Eye Stone: Bo3C 113

Stone of the Earthweb: CB:N ?

Fire (6)

Blazing Soul Shard: AB:F ?

Gem of Seduction: Bo3C 113

Gemstone of Last Resort: Bo3C 113

Jewel of Hungry Fire: EXC 339

Sentinel's Stone, the: Bo3C 114

Prism of Focused Passion: AB:F ?

Lunar (1)

Snakeskin Stone: S&S 68; Bo3C 115

Sidereal (1)

Gem of False Death: Bo3C 115

Solar (2)

Jewel of the Graceful Courtier: CB:E ?

Merchant's Jewel: CB:E ?

Water (8)

Blood Purifying Gem: CB:T ?

Bloodstone, the: CB:D ?

Fountain-Summoning Stone: CB:T ?

Gem of Acclimation: Bo3C 114

Gem of Omens: Bo3C 114

Gem of Tears to Poison: Bo3C 114

Stone of Recognition: Bo3C 114

Wavecrest Awareness Gem: AB:A ?

Wood (9)

Jewel of Youthful Suppleness: CB:T ?

Monkey Stone, the: CB:D ?

Scintillating Gem of Ally's Embrace AB:A ?

Soot-Stone: KoH 84

Stone of Blood Inviolate: Bo3C 114

Stone of Color: Bo3C 114

Stone of Empty Knife, the: Bo3C 114

Stone of Mending Flaws: Bo3C 114

Survival Stone: Bo3C 114

Level 3 (43)

Abyssal (2)

Death-Speech Gemstone, the: Bo3C 116

Stone of Decay: Bo3C 116

Air (5)

Gem of Elemental Travel: Bo3C 115

Gem of Forgetting: Bo3C 115

Key of Mastery: AB:A ?

Wind Jewel: CB:N ?

Windhands Gemstone: EXC 338-339

Earth (5)

Crystal Venom Jewel: AB:E ?

Gemstone of the White Jade Tree: CB:Z ?

Jewel of Stability, the: B&S 126

Precision of Form Gemstone: AB:E ?

Stone of Judgment: Bo3C 115

Fire (8)

Discord Stone: Bo3C 115

Fire Dragon's Scale: AB:F ?

Gem of the Burning House: Bo3C 115

Gem of White Heat: AB:F ?

Hearth's Fire: S&S 68

Liquid Fire Cabochon: AB:F ?

Sphere of the Revolutionary Dog: CB:Z ?

Superintendent's Stone, the: RoR?

Lunar (2)

Jewel of the Rabbit's Sword: CB:Z ?

Stone of Dream Entrance: Bo3C 116

Sidereal (2)

Ever-Open Eye, the: S&S 68

Gem of Wakefulness: Bo3C 116

Solar (10)

Gem of Grace: Bo3C 116

Gem of Wise Discernment: CB:E ?

Gem of Youth: RoR ?

Jewel of Whispers: CB:E ?

Sphere of Courtesan's Constellation: CB:Z ?

Stone of Compassion: CB:E ?

Stone of Conviction: CB:E ?

Stone of Temperance: CB:E ?

Stone of the Golden Bier: RoR ?

Stone of Valor: CB:E ?

Water (4)

Freedom Stone, the: EXC 339

Gem of Desire: Bo3C 115-116; B&S 126

Gemstone of Spoken Language: Bo3C 116

Stone of Aquatic Prowess: CB:D ?

Wood (5)

Gem of Queen's Breath: RoR ?

Gemstone of Entrance: Bo3C 116

Gemstone of Mental Health: Bo3C 116

Gemstone of Perfect Passage: S&S 68

Stone of the Sure Path: Bo3C 116

Level 4 (30)

Abyssal (3)

Death-Sense Stone: Bo3C 118

Ice Gem, the: S&S 68

Ice-Blade Gem, the: Bo3C 118

Air (4)

Lightning Rod Gemstone: Bo3C 116

Savant's Icy Eye: AB:A ?

Stone of Airwalking: CB:D ?

Stone of Easy Breath: S&S 68; Bo3C 116

Earth (6)

Gem of Adamant Skin: EXC 339

Gem of Inner Purity: AB:E ?

Gem of Safe Harvest: Bo3C 117

Stone of Final Rest: CB:T ?

Stone of Refuge: Bo3C 117

Twice Striking Lightning Prism: AB:A ?

Fire (4)

Battle Fire Ruby: AB:F ?

Bloody Eyed Burning Jewel: CB:T ?

Bright Eye of the Fire Dragon: AB:F ?

Stone of Blood to Fire: Bo3C 117

Lunar (4)

Gemstone of Wild Life: Bo3C 118

Hearthstone of Xaal: KoH 83

Jewel of the Monkey's Finger: CB:Z ?

Wilderness Gem: S&S 68-69

Sidereal (1)

Dream-Stone: Bo3C 118

Solar (1)

Seven Leaping Dragon Stone: Bo3C 118

Water (5)

Gem of Masks: Bo3C 117

Gem of Youth: Bo3C 117

Pearl of Wisdom: AB:F ?

Seacalm Gemstone: EXC 339

Stone of Gender Transformation: Bo3C 117

Wood (2)

Gem of Memory Will: Bo3C 117

Stone of Healer's Flower: CB:Z ?

Level 5 (27)

Abyssal (2)

Gem of the Night Sky: Bo3C 119

Withering Gem, the: Bo3C 119

Air (4)

Gem of Sapphire and Emerald: EXC 339

Hearthstone of the Invisible Fortress: ToT 95

Stone of Memory Capture: Bo3C 118

Third Hand Orb: AB:A ?

Earth (3)

Gem of Immortality: Bo3C 118

Gem of Life: S&S 69

Iron Soul Stone: AB:E ?

Fire (6)

Firebird Gem: CB:T ?

Fire Eating Rock: AB:F ?

Gem of Bones to Fire: Bo3C 118

Gem of Legendary Leadership: Bo3C 118

Gem of Perfect Mobility: CB:D ?

Jewel of the Blazing Gate: AB:F ?

Lunar (1)

Gem of Madness: Bo3C 119

Sidereal (3)

Guardian Gem: Bo3C 119

Home's Hearth: S&S 69

Scrying Stone: Bo3C 119

Solar (4)

Gem of Day's Light: S&S 69

Gem of Sorcery: Bo3C 119

Hearthstone of the Invisible Fortress: ToT ?

Stone of Solar Leadership: RoR ?

Water (1)

Gem of Sleep: Bo3C 118-119

Wood (3)

Gem of Incomparable Wellness: EXC 340

Song of Life Stone: Bo3C 119

Stone of Loyalty: Bo3C 119

Level N/A (1)

Gemstone of Dark Thoughts: Bo3C 110

Book Key

EXC - Exalted Core

E:DB - Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded

E:A - Exalted: The Abyssals

E:L - Exalted: The Lunars

E:S - Exalted: The Sidereals

EPG - Exalted Players' Guide

Bo3C - Book of 3 Circles

CotW - Creatures of the Wyld

ESC - Exalted Storyteller's Companion

GoD - Games of Divinity

KoH - King of Halta

M&C - Manacle and Coin

RoR - Ruins of Rathess

S&S - Savant & Sorcerer

SaS - Savage Seas

ScS - Scavenger Sons

To5C - Tomb of 5 Corners

ToT - Time of Tumult

CB:D - Caste Book: Dawn

CB:Z - Caste Book: Zenith

CB:T - Caste Book: Twilight

CB:N - Caste Book: Night

CB:E - Caste Book: Eclipse

AB:A - Aspect Book: Air

AB:E - Aspect Book: Earth

AB:F - Aspect Book: Fire

AB:Wa - Aspect Book: Water

AB:Wo - Aspect Book: Wood