
Workshop for Cooperators

October29 – November 1, 2015

Ours should be the piety of children and the sure doctrine of theologians.

St. Josemaria Escriva, Christ is Passing By, n. 10.

The workshop for Cooperatorsis for those who have previously attended Opus Dei retreats, evenings of recollection or circles. The same as a retreat, it starts on Thursday at 9:00 p.m. and finishes on Sunday at 1:00 p.m.

Like a retreat...

Like the annual retreats offered in Opus Dei conference centers around the world, the workshop for Cooperators provides a much-needed opportunity for spiritual renewal.It enables us to stop, step back, get perspective, pray, begin again.

Like the annual retreats, the workshop for Cooperators includes traditional practices of Catholic piety: meditation and Holy Mass each day, Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament, family prayer of the holy rosary, examination of conscience in the evening.

The workshop includes a few practical talks that help us to consider how we might better live our Christian vocation to holiness and apostolate in the middle of the world.

Like the annual retreats, the workshop helps us to carve out, at least for a few days, one of the most elusive and valuable commodities of modern life: time.

Unlike a retreat…

Unlike a retreat, the workshop for Cooperators is sociable rather than silent (except for a morning of recollection on Sunday). It provides a welcome opportunity to get to know the other men who attend: people with many different backgrounds who share a common desire to live their faith well, in the ordinary workaday world.

A major component of the workshop for Cooperators is serious, focused instruction in Catholic doctrine. To live our faith well, we need to understand it well. We need the conviction that there is noincompatibility between our faith and human knowledge. We need the intellectual confidence that we are able to defend our faith.

The format and schedule of the workshop is the same as the workshops in previous years, but the content of the classes, talks and meditations is different each year. The classes follow a comprehensive, long-term cycle of courses in Catholic theology and philosophy. This year, the topic for the course is “Metaphysics.” Although the term may sound esoteric, the course provides a critical background for the study of Catholic theology and it addresses many of the most important errors that are prevalent in our society today, such as the widespread prejudice of “scientism” and its relationship to the new atheism of modern times.

On Friday and Saturday afternoons, the workshop schedule provides unstructured time for reading, study, exercise, taking a walk, talking with other participants, etc. Participants are asked to try, as much as possible, to avoid using workshop time for their regular professional work.

Reservations and Fees

To make a reservation and to get additional information about Murray Hill Conference Center, please go to the website You can also reserve a place by completing the reservation form below and sending it to Murray Hill Conference Center by email, fax or regular mail, using the addresses below.

The fee for the workshop is $475, with a $50 discount if you send your reservation by October 2. Murray Hill Conference Center has a policy that no one should be discouraged from attending any activity because of difficulty in paying the fee. If you have difficulty paying the regular fee, you are encouraged to attend and pay what you can, when you can.

You will receive a confirmation of your reservationby email. If you have questions, contact one of the directors of your local center. You may also contact Bill Hildebrand at (646) 742-2772, or at .

Reservation Form

I would like to attend the Workshop scheduled for October 29 – November 1:
Name / Home phone
Address / Work phone
Professional work / Age
Previous contact with Opus Dei
Disability bedroom/bathroom? / Special medical diet?

Murray Hill Conference Center

139 E. 34th Street

New York, NY10016

Tel: (646) 742-2700

Fax: (646) 742-2747

