George M. Hampton Foundation Scholarship - 2018
Presented by:
The George M. Hampton Foundation
P.O. Box 2608
Woodbridge, VA 22195
Submission DEADLINE is MAY 7, 2018
Send completed applications by email to , time stamped NLT midnight MAY 7, 2018
Transcripts and letters of recommendations (LOR) must be sent by postal mail and post-marked NLT midnight MAY7, 2018
**Only transcripts and LORs will be accepted by postal mail. All other info must be emailed as directed above**
Be a U.S. citizen
Be a resident and enrolled in a Prince William County, Stafford County, Manassas or Manassas Park Public School
Be a graduating high school senior in the 2017 – 2018 school year
Have a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
Two Letters of Recommendations
- A letter written by a high school teacher or counselor
- A letter written by a person from a Community Organization, Church, etc.
An official copy of high school transcript (with official seal)
A 700-750 word typewritten, double-spaced essay (see item VII of this application)
Application must be submitted in Microsoft Word format and can be found on
Please indicate below the scholarship category in which you wish to compete. You may apply for a 4-Year College/University or2-YearJunior/Community Collegebutnot both.
( ) 4-YearCollege/University.
Scholarshipsin this category for the fall semester of 2018:
1st Place $3,000
2nd Place $2,000
3rd Place $1,500
4th Place $1,000
( ) 2-YearJunior/CommunityCollege
Scholarshipsin this category for the fall semester of 2018:
1st Place$1,500
2nd Place$1,000
Student Name:
First Middle Last
Home Address:
StreetCityZip Code
Telephone Contact Number:Email:
High School:
Projected Graduation Date: GPA:Class Rank:
Counselor’sName:Counselor’s email:
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name:
Number of Siblings:Number in College:Number in HS or less
I. Lifetime Goals & Objectives. (Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Insert Goals & Objectives response here:II. Four-Year College(s)/University(ies) or Two-Year Junior/Community College(s) to which you have been accepted(Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Insert College Acceptances here:III. What is your intended college major and why?(Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Insert College Major response here:IV. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (HIGH SCHOOL). Pleaselist theextracurricular activitiesyou participated in atyourhigh school,describethepositionsyou held, and/orthe nature andextent ofyourparticipation.BESPECIFIC, e.g., indicatemembership, your rolein supporting the mission oftheorganization, timespent eachyear, honors,etc.(Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Insert High School Activities here:V. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (CHURCH, COMMUNITY or OTHER). Pleaselist theactivities outsidehigh school, eitherin thelarger communityorin thechurch, in whichyou haveparticipated. BESPECIFIC, e.g., indicatemembership, your role in carryingout the mission oftheorganization, timespent eachyear, honors,etc.(Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Insert Extracurricular Activities here:VI. ACADEMIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS and/or HONORS. Please list anddescribeanyspecial academic accomplishments and/orhonors attained in high school.(Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Insert Accomplishments here:VII. ESSAY. Please answer the essay question provided belowwithno less than 700 and no more than 750 words. Failure to comply with the word count will result in automatic disqualification. The essay must be typewritten and double spaced below.(Use Microsoft Word and the space provided below; it will expand to accommodate your input)
Environment: Differing opinions on the proper role of government in guaranteeing, or not, healthcare remains a hotly debated topic in the U.S. legislature. Attempts to address this issue repeatedly stall in the halls of government and remain a key topic in elections.
Essay Question: Should the government ensure healthcare is available for all U.S. citizens?
Insert Essay Here:VIII. TRANSCRIPT. Pleasesend an official transcriptby postal mail onlyto the address listed on first pageofthis application. Must be enclosed in a sealed envelop and postmarked no later than midnight May 7, 2018.
IX. RECOMMENDATIONS. Pleaseprovide, by postal mail only to the address listed on first pageofthis application: oneFaculty LetterofRecommendation (High School Counselor or Teacher) and oneCommunityServiceLetterofRecommendation (Program Director, Church Leader or someonewho has observed you non-school relatedcommunity activities. Must be enclosed in a sealed envelop and postmarked no later than midnight May 7, 2018.
X. BIOGRAPHY. In the space provided below, please provide a biography that succinctly describes you.
Iherebycertifythat all information provided inthis application is true and correct to thebest of myknowledge.
Iunderstand ifIam awarded ascholarship andIlater changemyelection of typeofschool, i.e., (attendance at a 4 or2-yearschool),I will forfeit thescholarship award.
Ifawarded ascholarship, I will provideproofofenrollmentfor the fall semester from theschoolnot laterthan 30 September 2018. This enrollment verification may come from the school registrar or the National Student Clearinghouse. I understand that failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the scholarship award.
Ialso understand that falsification of anyinformation provided on mybehalfto the George M. Hampton Foundation will result in revocationof anyawardgranted.
Applicant's Signature: Date:
Deadline for submission is MAY 7, 2018