The tender is financed from the Operation Programme PRAGUE COMPETITIVENESS
Tender documents
This tender is not an award procedure as per Act No. 137/2006 Coll.,
on public tenders, as amended.
“Software for analysis and 3D reconstruction of image”
Within the project: Research laboratories of cell biology and metabolomics
Project No.: CZ.2.16/3.1.00/22169
Priority axis: 16.3 Innovation and Business
Support area: 3.1 - Development of innovative environment and partnership between the research and development base and practice
Charles University in Prague
Registered office: Praha 1, Ovocný trh 3–5, post code 116 36
University part concerned: First Faculty of Medicine
Address: Praha 2, Kateřinská 1660/32, post code 121 08
Company ID: 00216208
VAT ID: CZ00216208
Represented by: Prof. MUDr. Tomáš Zima, DrSc., MBA, Dean of the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague
Ing. Jiřina Kurzová
Tel: +420 224 96 4352
Assumed value in CZK excl. VAT: CZK 258,000.00
The subject matter of performance is the delivery of software for analysis and 3D reconstruction of image.
Requirements for software:
· software must enable a wider spectrum of alternative algorithms for volume drawing of 3D (xyz) and 4D (xyzt) digital microscopic data files
· software must enable surface representation of microscopic volume objects and their reduction to model structures based on image segmentation
· software must enable work with capacious data files (hundreds of MBs or GBs). The software should enable effectivization of usage of a large number of processors in one PC (CPU multithreading).
· software must enable opening of and work with a spectre of digital image formats as wide as possible, or digital formats of image series. It must allow work with files in the 8-, 16- a 32-bit formats. Specifically, it is important for the software to enable work with files of types ICS/IDS, .ND2, .lsm and Huygens and Huygens compatible Nikon format.
· software must enable editing, calibration, complex animation and storing digital video sequences in standard formats, at least in formats QuickTime, AVI and MPEG
· software must enable statistical analyses, classification, sorting and filtration of 3D objects. Results of these analyses must be exportable into standard digital formats used by table editors.
· software must enable creation and export of completely annotated graphic schemes for publication purposes.
· software must be extendable for 4D tracking of volume objects and identification and sorting filamentous structures in microscopic images.
· one licence for PC installation with OS Windows 64-bit is enquired.
The contractor states that the abovementioned titles or names have no influence on exclusion of any suppliers; accordingly, this is not a discriminative description. The contractor declares that he requires compatibility with these formats and systems; for this reason the abovementioned titles or names are given (for example Nikon, Huygens a Huygens, QuickTime, OS Windows 64-bit).
The subject matter of performance will be realized in compliance and quality as stipulated in relevant acts of the Czech Republic, valid standards ČSN, as per generally binding and recommended regulations, methodologies and government decrees related to the subject matter of performance.
The tenderer shall establish the offer price such that he determines the total amount for the whole performance.
Other requirements:
· Offer price will be detailed in CZK.
· Offer price will be divided as follows: offer price excluding value added tax (VAT), VAT separately, and offer price including VAT.
· Offer price in this composition will be listed in the Offer Cover Page (see Annex 1 to the Tender documents).
· Offer price will be prepared in compliance with tender requirements.
· Offer price will be determined as a sum at its most acceptable amount.
· The contractor informs that, with regard to financing possibilities of this tender, he will not be able to accept offers that would exceed the total offer price with the amount of CZK 258,000.0 excl. VAT. In view of that, the assessment of this criterion will classify such offers with the fewest possible number of points.
Business and payment terms and conditions, as well as rights and obligations of contracting parties, are defined in detail in Annex No. 2 to the present Tender documents - Draft contract.
Payment terms of tax documents
The term of payment of tax documents will be established at 30 calendar days of the delivery of a tax document to the contractor.
Payments will be effected exclusively in Czech crowns; similarly, all price data will be given in this currency.
Objective circumstances under which the amount of offer price may be exceeded
The contractor does not allow for the offer price to be exceeded.
Delivery terms
Assumed term of performance commencement: immediately after the contract is signed
Assumed term of performance completion: possibly by 30 June 2011
Place of performance:
Centre for Inherited Metabolic Diseases of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General Teaching Hospital, Ke Karlovu 2, Praha 2.
General rules for demonstrating qualification
Qualification as per the following requirements must be demonstrated for the reason of evaluation and assessment of the tenderer’s offer in the present tendering procedure. The tenderer who does not prove that he has met qualification prerequisites in the required scope will be excluded by the contractor from further participation in this tendering procedure. When demonstrating the fulfilment of qualification, tenderers are obligated to observe the following rules:
a) If tenderers demonstrate a part of qualification through a subcontractor, they are also obligated to submit to the contractor the following:
a. documents proving the fulfilment of basic qualification prerequisite as per clause 4 i) of the present Tender documents, and the professional qualification prerequisite as per clause 5. a) hereof, and
b. a contract concluded with the subcontractor which stipulates the subcontractor’s obligation to provide performance designated to accomplish the public tender by the tenderer, or the provision of items or rights which will be at the tenderer’s disposal within the performance of the public tender, at least to the extent in which the subcontractor demonstrated the fulfilment of qualification, specifically no less than for the period of performance of the relevant part of the public tender.
The supplier is not entitled to demonstrate the fulfilment of qualification as per clause 5 a) hereof through a subcontractor.
b) In case the subject of the public tender is to be performed jointly by several suppliers, who submit or intend to submit a joint offer for this purpose, each of the suppliers must demonstrate the fulfilment of basic qualification prerequisites and the professional qualification prerequisite (to submit an abstract from the Trade Register) to the full extent. Furthermore, such suppliers are obligated to submit - together will documents proving the fulfilment of qualification prerequisites - a contract which includes the obligation that all such suppliers submitting a joint offer will be bound jointly and severally towards the contractor and third persons from any legal relations formed in connection with the public tender, particularly for the whole period of the performance of the public tender and for the duration of other obligations resultant from the public tender.
c) Documents required to demonstrate the fulfilment of qualification are submitted by tenderers in copies as a part of the original offer. Upon the contractor’s request, the selected tenderer is obligated to present to the contractor originals or certified originals of documents demonstrating qualification fulfilment, prior to concluding the contract. Where the contractor requires a statutory declaration, such statutory declaration must be signed by the statutory body or a person expressly commissioned to do so by the statutory body. For these purposes, the contractor establishes that the signature of this person need not be authenticated. However, in such a case, the original authorization or its authenticated copy must be included in the documents which demonstrate the fulfilment of qualification.
d) If, for objective reasons, tenderers are not able to prove the fulfilment of economic, financial and technical qualification prerequisites by methods determined in the individual items, they may prove such prerequisites by means of other equivalent documents, unless the contractor refuses such documents for objective reasons.
e) Unless implied in special legal regulations otherwise, a foreign tenderer proves qualification fulfilment in accordance with the legal order valid in the country of his registered office, place of business or residence. In case a certain document is not issued according to this legal order, a foreign tenderer is obligated to demonstrate the fulfilment of such part of qualification by a statutory declaration. If an obligation whose fulfilment is to be proved in the framework of qualification established in the country of the foreign tenderer’s registered office, place of business or residence, the foreign tenderer shall make a statutory declaration regarding this fact. Documents demonstrating the fulfilment of qualification are submitted by a foreign tenderer in the original language together with their certified translation into the Czech language, unless the present Tender documents expressly state otherwise.
f) If tenderers present to the contractor a copy of an entry in the list of qualified suppliers within the term for demonstration of the fulfilment of qualification, this copy replaces the demonstration of the fulfilment of basic qualification prerequisites as per clause 4 a) to j) hereof and professional qualification prerequisites as per clause 6 a) hereof, to the extent in which documents proving the fulfilment of such professional qualification prerequisites meet the contractor’s requirements for proving the fulfilment of professional qualification prerequisites for the completion of the public tender. A copy of an entry in the list of qualified suppliers must not be older than 3 months as at the last day by which the fulfilment of qualification is to be demonstrated.
g) If tenderers present to the contractor a certificate issued in the framework of the system of certified suppliers within the term for the demonstration of qualification fulfilment, and data listed in the certificate are valid at least as of the last day of the term for demonstration of qualification fulfilment, this certificate replaces - to the extent of data listed in such certificate - the demonstration of qualification fulfilment by the tenderer. A certificate issued within the system of certified suppliers does not demonstrate the fulfilment of basic prerequisites of clause 4 k) and l) hereof.
h) If any change occurs in a tenderer’s qualification by the time the final decision on the selection of the best offer is made which would mean that this tenderer does not fulfil qualifications according to these Tender documents, this tenderer is obligated to inform the contractor of this fact in writing within 7 days at the latest, and to present documents needed to demonstrate the fulfilment of qualification to the full extent at the same time.
i) The contractor may require that tenderers should clarify submitted information or documents in writing, or present other additional information. The tenderer must comply with this obligation within a reasonable period as established by the contractor and to give unambiguous answers to the contractor’s questions.
j) Each tenderer may submit only one offer. A tenderer who submits an offer within this tendering procedure must not, at the same time, function as a subcontractor, with help of whom another tenderer in this tendering procedure demonstrates qualification. In case a tenderer submits more offers separately or jointly with other tenderers, or is a subcontractor, with help of whom another tenderer in this tendering procedure proves qualification, the contractor shall forthwith disqualify such a tenderer and eliminate him from further participation in this tendering procedure.
k) In the Tender documents, the contractor defines certain parameters in the Czech currency CZK (Kč). In the event a tenderer gives data in currencies different from CZK, the given currency is to be converted into CZK by means of the last quarterly average exchange rate of the foreign exchange market determined and published by ČNB [Czech National Bank] ( as of the date of the commencement of the tendering procedure.
l) Documents demonstrating the fulfilment of basic qualification prerequisites and an abstract of the Trade Register must not be older than 90 calendar days as of the last day by which the fulfilment of qualification is to be proved.
m) If the contractor - within the demonstration of qualification - requires that the tenderer should submit a declaration, such declaration must comprise data as required by the contractor and must be signed by a person authorized to act on behalf of or for the tenderer.
n) If an authorized representative acts on behalf of the tenderer based on power of attorney, the offer shall include the original power of attorney or its authenticated copy.
Basic qualification prerequisites are met by a supplier who
a) was not, upon final judgement, convicted of a crime committed in favour of an organized criminal society, a crime of participation in an organized criminal society, legalization of returns from criminal activity, complicity, acceptance of a bribe, bribery, indirect bribery, fraud, credit fraud, including cases concerning preparation or attempt or participation in such a crime, or a conviction for such a crime was expunged from criminal records; in case of a legal entity, this prerequisite must be met by the statutory body or each member of the statutory body, and if a legal entity is the supplier’s statutory body or a member of the supplier’s statutory body, this prerequisite must be met by the statutory body or each member of the statutory body of this legal entity; if a foreign legal entity submits an offer or application for participation through its structural component, this prerequisite as per this item a) must also be complied with - apart the listed persons - by the head of this structural component; this basic qualification prerequisite must be accomplished by the supplier both in relation to the territory of the Czech Republic and the country of his registered office, place of business or residence;