(Doc S10/22/1)
Minutes of the ninety-ninthmeeting of Senate held on22nd October 2010.
PRESENT: Prof M Allan, Dr L Baillie, Dr I Baxter, Mr D Beeby, Dr J Biggam, Ms D Boden,
Miss J Buntin (SA), Prof I Cameron, Mr Ed Clack, Prof F Crossan, Mrs J Greig,
Prof K Gartland, Prof P Gillies (Chair), Mrs P Hamilton, Mr R Heron (SA),
Prof B Hughes, Ms J Hulme, Mr P Kennedy, Ms C Khamisha, Prof A Littlejohn,
Prof M Mannion, Prof J Marshall, Dr A MacDonald, Prof E McFarland, Dr C McVey, Prof C Moore, Mr J Murray, Ms A Nimmo, Mr A O’Donnell, Prof C Parker, Mr K Ross, Prof S Scott, Prof Z Sevic, Prof M Smith, Prof K Stanton, Mr I Stewart, Ms A Sibbald, Ms K Hampton, Prof J Stewart, Prof V Webster.
APOLOGIES: Mrs H Brown, Ms J Carson, Mr H Dingwall, Dr A Eadie, Ms T Findlay, Ms A Gasteen, Prof A McKay, Dr I Trushell.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mr E B Ferguson, Academic Registrar and Secretary to Senate
OBSERVERS: Ms C Cadogan (PG), Mr D Chalmers (CBS), Mrs L Clark (Academic Secretariat),
Mr D Darroch (HR), Mrs D Donaldson (CBS), Ms L Ferguson (SOH), Mr M Jones (LSS), Ms V Leyton (RIS), Mr C McCallum (DAR), Mr A McIntosh (CBS),
Mr D Moffat (SEC), Dr A Robertson (LSS),Mr G Scott (Court), Dr K Stevenson (SOH), Ms K Thomson (SLS), Mr C Webster (OD), Mr G Wilkie (SOH).
Principal’s Report
10.01 Considered:A report from the Principal on significant University events and successes since the last meeting of Senate.
(Doc S10/1/1)
10.02 Reported:
- By thePrincipal, that in addition she had also visited India as part of the Scottish Council for Development & Industry (SCDI) Trade Visit during the handover ceremony to Glasgow at the end of the Delhi Commonwealth Games. Whilst in India the Principal had also visited four high quality research institutions with whom GCU was discussing the establishment of partnerships which would bring benefit to all parties involved.
- In response to a question from a member in relation to the recent meeting between the Scottish HE Principals and the Cabinet Secretary for Life Long Learning, the Principal reported that the Government intimated support in principle and the concept of widening access The Principal added that it was clear that in the current fiscal environment there would be no further government investment in widening participation.
10.03 Considered:The unconfirmed draft minutes of the meeting of Senate held on 18th June 2010.
(Doc S09/73/1)
10.04 Resolved: Thatthe minutes be confirmed as a correct record.
Matters Arising
10.05 Considered: Any matters arising on the minutes not otherwise provided for on the agenda.
10.06 Resolved: There were no matters arising.
Reprofiling and Restructuring
10.07 Considered:A progress report on Reprofiling and Restructuring containing a number of recommendations for approval. (Doc S10/2/1)
10.08 Reported: By Professor Smith, that this paper marks the culmination of a long process of consultation which has encouraged robust discussion and debate. In considering the paper’s recommendations the following points should be noted:
- Despite developments that have occurred in the financial environment, the strategy to ensure a sustainable academic future for the University through the refocus and reorganisation of the University’s academic delivery around three Schools and a refocus of the academic profile and portfolio has remained constant throughout the consultative process.
- There is no question of removing any subject areas from the University profile. This exercise is designed to maximise efficiency in the delivery of the portfolio and to encourage synergy across the academic profile.
- In reaching this stage, tribute must be paid to the thoughtful and constructive contributions from all who have taken part in this process to date.
10.09 Discussion: Senate discussed the above paper and its accompanying regulations at some length. While in general terms there was widespread support for what was being proposed, there were some issues of detail on which clarification was sought. These are outlined below:
- As a general comment some members queried why the gathered evidence base in relation to the three School structure was not included within the document and asked when this would be available. In response Prof Smith stated that the evidence for the proposed move to three Schools was presented at the previous meeting of Senate and the University Court subsequent to that. The conclusion, approved by Court, was that the three School structure provided the optimal way forward in terms of academic portfolio and synergy. There was no proposal yet on the shape of the three Schools since the shape of the academic portfolio needed to be agreed first and that was the basis of the recommendations before Senate. The gathered evidence within each School has correctly in governance terms been considered by the School Management Teams as part of the School deliberative process. The outcomes of those School considerations have formed the basis for the recommendations contained within this paper. Prof Smith also assured the Students Association that as deliberation and consideration proceeded through the University governance process, students would be involved and have the opportunity to make their contribution.
- In noting the progress being made by the School of Health and School of Life Sciences and the consensus being achieved, members also noted a comment from an elected member in the School of Health that this exercise coming so soon after the recent merger on which the School was founded had been stressful for some staff.
- The Deans of the Schools of Engineering and Computing and Built and Natural Environment reported that while discussions had been robust within the Schools, the evidence on which decisions were being made was accepted. In response to concerns raised in relation to the future of the International Product Design subject area, it was clarifiedthat the two specified pathways would be withdrawn as recommended but that the area of product design was expected to contribute substantially to other programmes in the new School.
- Several issues arose following the reports from the Deans of the School of Law and Social Science and Caledonian Business School. As a result it was agreed, firstly, that the recommendation to suspend the LLM be upheld but that discussions should be started in the School to identify a target market; secondly, a Working Party be established in the School to finalise the appropriate balance between legal and social science elements in the BA (Hons) Criminology programme. In relation to the CBS report: Senate looked forward to receiving a future recommendation from CBS on the proposed location of the Occupational Health & Safety Management programme; Senate stated that appeals in relation to decisions, reached by the School SMT and Board surrounding the location of the BA programmes in Entertainment & Events Management and Sports and Active Lifestyles Promotion within the recommended core and pathway framework should be directed to CBS and not to Senate. Nonetheless, in this instance Senate endorsed the proposal that the CBS Board should meet to reconfirm its original decision.
10.10 Resolved:
- That the above paper be noted and welcomed and the efforts of all staff who have contributed to its recommendations through the provision of evidence and contribution to the debate be commended.
- That subject to the resolutions below, the recommendations contained in the above document be approved.
- That the School of Law and Social Sciences as a matter of urgency identify a target market for the LLM before the programme could be removed from suspension.
- That the School of Law and Social Sciences convene a Working Party to consider the optimal balance between legal and social science elements in the Criminology programme in the future. The Working Party should include in its membership staff representatives from all of the areas currently involved in the delivery of the programme and should take paragraph 7.4 of the above paper as its terms of reference.
- That Senate looks forward to receiving from CBS recommendations on the future location of the Occupational Health & Safety Management provision.
- That appeals against the proposals in relation to the future delivery strategy for BA Entertainment & Events Management and the BA Sports & Active Lifestyles Promotion be referred back to CBS for consideration.
London Campus
10.11 Considered:
- The minute of the Academic Policy Committee consideration of the Approval Panel Report following the visit to the London Campus on 25 August 2010.(Doc S10/3/1)
2.A presentation on progress with the London Campus prepared by Professor Karen Stanton, Vice Principal and Pro Vice-Chancellor External Relations.
10.12 Resolved
- That the above minute be noted.
- That the above presentation be welcomed and all staff concerned in the establishment and launch of the London campus be congratulated on the achievement.
- That it be noted that funding for the London Campus did not come from core Scottish Funding Council funding.
Update on Preparations for Enhancement Led Institutional Review (ELIR)
10.13 Considered:A report from Dr Eadie, on preparations for the forthcoming ELIR scheduled to take place in January 2011.(Doc S10/4/1)
10.14 Resolved: That the above report be noted.
University Credit Control and Debt Management Policy
10.15 Considered:A Progress report on revisions being made to the above policy as they affect academic sanctions applied to student debtors. (Doc S10/5/1)
10.16 Resolved: That the above report be welcomed and commended.
Annual Reports to Senate from School Boards (2009/2010)
10.17 Received:Annual Reports 2009/2010 from School Boards:
School of Engineering & Computing(Doc S10/17/1 )
School of the Built & Natural Environment(Doc S10/9/1)
School of Life Sciences(Doc LSSB10/2/1)
School of Law and Social Science(Doc S10/6/1)
Caledonian Business School (Doc CBSB10/13/1)
School of Health (Doc S10/11/1)
Annual Reports 2009/2010: Senate and Senate Standing Committees
10.18 Received:Annual Reports2009/2010from Senate and Senate Standing Committees:
Senate(Doc S10/15/1)
Academic Policy Committee(Doc APC10/14/1)
Research Committee(Doc S10/16/1)
Higher Degrees Committee(Doc HD10/3/1)
Equality & Diversity Committee (Doc S10/8/1)
Reports from the Academic Policy Committee (APC)
10.19 Considered:Reports from the Academic Policy Committee on business that has taken place since the last meeting of Senate
1st September 2010(Doc S10/12/1)
5th October 2010(Doc S10/10/1)
Higher Degrees Committee
10.20 Approved: A Chair’s Action confirming the award of 11 PhDs (Doc S10/14/1)
University Awards portfolio
10.21 Approved:An addition of the award title of ProfM to the University Awards portfolio.
(Doc S10/13/1)
Academic Staff Appointments
10.22 Received:Notification of recent Academic Staff Appointments.
(Doc S10/17/1)
University Executive Board
10.23 Receive:A report from the Executive to update members on substantive items considered by the Executive Board since the last meeting of Senate.
(Doc S10/18/1)
University Court
10.24 Received:The highlights of the meetings of University Court held on 29th April 2010.
(Doc S10/19/1)
Academic Policy Committee (APC)
10.25 Received:The confirmed minutes of the meeting of APC held on 26th May 2010 and
1st September with LTSC minutes of 5th May and 5th July attached.
(Doc S10/20/1)
School Board: Confirmed Minutes
10.26 Received:The confirmed minutes from the under noted meetings of School Boards:
School of the Built and Natural Environment held on3rd February 2010.
(Doc S10/21/1)
Research Committee
10.27 Received:The confirmed minutes of the meetings of the Research Committee held on:
3rd December 2009 (Doc REC09/19/1)
11th March 2010(Doc REC09/26/1)
5th May 2010(Doc REC09/37/1)
Date of Next Meeting
10.28 Received:Notification that the next scheduled meeting of Senate will be held on
Friday 26th November 2010 at the revised time of 11am.