News for the Pews!

From the Pastor’s Pen…

It does not seem possible that I have been with you for 6 months now. I have enjoyed getting to know you, sharing with you in worship, Sunday School, Bible Study and in more informal times. During the past month I especially enjoyed our Saturday VBS with a great group of children and a fellowship cook out following. The turnout was good, the food was terrific, and the spirit was wonderful. The Education and Evangelism and Membership Committees both did a great job of planning and hosting these two special events.

Nurturing children, encouraging the growth of their faith, and providing opportunities for them to take part in the life of the church are important. On August 27 we invited the children to bring their backpacks for a blessing during worship. We also prayed for our students and teachers as they returned to school.

I have not been ignoring the adults over the summer, either. We completed our study of Sunday Dinner by Will Willimon. I enjoyed leading the lively, thoughtful discussions sparked by this book. The adult class is now meeting in the conference room, since it outgrew its previous room.

Fall Festival

Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 4. The Membership and Evangelism Committee will host a Fall Festival and Chili Cook Off. Get ready!

Time For Homecoming!

There’s been a nip in the air the past few days which can only mean it’s almost Fall. With Fall comes the return of students (and teachers) to school and soon after that we celebrate Homecoming. This year’s Homecoming will be on October 1. The service will focus on celebration with lots of extra music and the message brought by our current Interim Pastor, Diana Crawford. Previous pastors have been invited to come and participate. As of this writing, the only one who will be able to join us is Rev. Kathy Naish who will have a part in the service. As is the custom, a covered dish dinner will follow the service. We hope you will invite former members, friends and family to join us for a day of celebration.

Condolences Offered

We have recently lost two who have been a part of this community of faith for a number of years. Joe McAlister lost his battle with the many illnesses that plagued him over the past several years. Joe’s courageous determination, unswerving faith, and love for life were an inspiration to many. His service was at McKendree UMC on September 3. Our sympathy is with Dianne and all who loved him.

September 10 Evelyn Lail passed away at CHS- Lincolnton. Evelyn’s bright eyes and engaging spirit will be greatly missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. Her service will be in our sanctuary on Wednesday, September 13, at 3:00 p.m.

August Financial Report

Offerings Received4,242.23

Budget Expenses Paid4,060.81