



1. PERMANENT ADDRESS: 1148 W. Russell

San Antonio, Texas 78201

TELEPHONE: (210) 734-8484 Cell: (210) 836-7846

2. BUSINESS ADDRESS: The University of Texas at San Antonio

Downtown Campus

Department of Mathematics

501 W. Durango Blvd.

San Antonio, Texas 78207

TELEPHONE: (210) 458-2057

FAX: (210) 458-2058


3. PRESENT POSITION: Professor of Mathematics

Founding Director, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program

Founding Coordinator, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program and Proyecto Access

4. CITIZENSHIP: United States of America

5. BIRTH DATA: July 12, 1931 in San Antonio, Texas

6. MARITAL STATUS: Married to Maria Antonietta (Nee) Rodriguez


Ph.D. Mathematics, 1961, The University of California at Los Angeles

M.S. Mathematics, 1956, University of Notre Dame

B.S. Mathematics, 1952, Rockhurst College


Professor, 1976 - Present; The University of Texas at San Antonio

Faculty Associate, Summer 1976; IBM at Austin, Texas

Professor, 1972 - 1976, Associate Professor, 1966 - 1972;

University of New Orleans

Assistant Professor, 1962 - 1966; Tulane University

Mathematics Consultant in India-AID Program, Summer 1964;

Teacher’s College, Columbia University

Lecturer, 1961 - 1962; University of California at Los Angeles

Instructor (Extension), 1959 - 1961; University of California at

Los Angeles

Instructor, 1957 - 1959; Loyola University of Los Angeles

Math Analyst, Summers 1956 & 1957; Douglas Aircraft Company

Draftee: Math Analyst, 1953 - 1955; United States Army


Founding Coordinator, PROYECTO ACCESS, 1996-Present, (See item 17I)

Founding Coordinator, Texas Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1985 - Present,

(See item 17I)

Founding Director, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1983 - Present;

Co-Director, 1979 - 1982, (See item 17H)

Project Director, San Antonio, Texas Proposal Development Workshop,

1979 - 1980, (See item 17F)

Project Director, South Central Texas Consortium for Preparation of

Resource Center in Science and Engineering Planning Grant, 1977 - 1979,

(See item 17E)

Chairman, State of Louisiana Task Force on Ethnic Studies, 1973 – 1976; 1st Vice-Chairman, 1972, (See item 17C)

Director and Coordinator, Elementary Mathematics Specialists Program in

New Orleans, Louisiana; 1970 - 1971, (See item 17B)

Director, Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program for the Preparation of Mathematics Specialists for Elementary Schools in Educationally Disadvantaged Areas of Louisiana, 1969 - 1970, (See item 17B)

Acting Chairman, Department of Mathematics, University of New Orleans,

1967 - 1968

Co-Director, Modern Mathematics Program for Parents and Elementary School Teachers of New Orleans, 1964 - 1966

Director, NSF Mathematics Institutes for Secondary School Teachers at

Tulane University, 1964 - 1966


American Mathematical Society

Mathematical Association of America

National Association of Mathematicians

National Council of Teachers in Mathematics

Sigma Xi

Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science

Texas Association of College Teachers

Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education

Texas Faculty Association



Member, UTSA Department of Mathematics FRAC Committee, 2003 - Present

Chair, Department of Mathematics Applied and Industrial Mathematics

Graduate Program Committee, 2004 – Present

Member, Department of Mathematics Post Tenure Review Committee, 2008 -

Member, Department of Biology Faculty Recruitment Committee

(Affirmative Action Advocate), 2007 -

Member, Department of Biology Proteomics Professor Search

Committee(Affirmative Action Advocate), 2006 -

Volunteer for College of Science SACNAS meeting Graduate Student

Recruitment, 2008

Member, McNair Scholars Program Advisory Board, 2008 -

Member, San Antonio Pathways Mathematics Committee, 2008 -

Member, College of Science Budget Committee, 2008 -

Member, College of Science Downtown Campus Committee, 2008 -

Member, Department of Mathematics Calculus Committee, 2006 -

Member, Department of Mathematics Graduate Examination Committee, 2007 –

Member, Applied and Industrial Mathematics Program SACS Review Committee, 2007-

Member, Department of Biology Faculty Recruitment Committee

(Affirmative Action Advocate), 2007

Member, Department of Biology Proteomics Professor Search Committee

(Affirmative Action Advocate), 2006 – 07

Coordinator for College of Science SACNAS meeting Graduate Student Recruitment

2006, 2007

Member, College of Science Committee on Committees, 2007

Treasurer, UTSA La Raza Faculty and Administrators Association, 2006 –

Community, State, and Nation

Member, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Sciences Screening Committee,

circa 1997 -

Member, San Antonio Rotary Club Diploma Plus Student Awards Committee, 1998 –

2007; Chair, 2004 - 2005

Member, Ford Salute to Education Scholarship Review Committee, 1999 - 2005

Member, Brooks City-Base Development Authority Board of Directors, 2002 - Present

Member, Brooks City-Base Foundation, 2003 – Present; Secretary, 2005 - Present

Member, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native-Americans in Science

Student Presentations Committee, 2005 - Present

Judge, Alamo Regional Science Fair, 2005 -; Texas Science Fair, 2007 -

San Antonio Science Fair, 2007 - ; SACNAS Meetings Mathematics Poster Sessions

2006 - ; Winston School Science Fair, 2007

Member, Hispanic Heritage Foundation Youth Awards Selection Committee, 2006 -

Member, Advocacy Group of Raise Your Hand Texas, 2007 -

Member, City of San Antonio Study Oversight Committee, 2007 –

Member, San Antonio Independent School District Community-Based Facilities Task

Force (Phases 1, 2, 3), 2007 -

Reviewer of Student Abstracts submitted to annual SACNAS Conferences,2006 –



Ph.D. Dissertation Director of four students at Tulane University,

(See item 16)

Visiting Lecturer for the Mathematical Association of America,

1967 - 1977

Referee for the Pacific Journal of Mathematics; Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society; Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Australian Journal of Mathematics, 1968 - 1978

Member, Committee on Opportunities in Mathematics for Disadvantaged Groups, American Mathematical Society, 1982 – 1988

Member, American Mathematical Society Epsilon Fund Young Scholars Awards

Committee, 2003 - 2006; Chair, 2005 – 2006

Member, Mathematics Association of America American Mathematics Competitions

Review Committee, 2005 – 2006


Director, NSF Mathematics Institutes for Secondary School Teachers at

Tulane University, 1964 - 1966

Co-Director, Modern Mathematics Program for Parents and Elementary School Teachers of New Orleans, 1964 - 1966

Director, Experienced Teacher Fellowship Program for the Preparation of Mathematics Specialists for Elementary Schools in Educationally Disadvantaged Areas of Louisiana, 1969 - 1970, (See item 17B)

Director and Coordinator, Elementary Mathematics Specialists Program in

New Orleans, Louisiana, 1970 - 1971, (See item 17B),

Member, 1967 NCTM Writing Team Project

Referee for the Arithmetic Teacher, 1970 – 1984

Member, Focus Group of the Governor’s Math Initiative, 2001 – 2002

Member, South Texas ENLACE Advisory Committee, 2001 – 2003

Member, BEST (Building Engineering and Science Talent) national blue ribbon panel on best practices in pre-k through 12 education to increase the participation of girls, members of under-represented minority groups, and students with disabilities in the fields of science, engineering, and technology, 2002 – 2004

Member, Mathematics Education for Teachers Summit I (follow-up) and Summit II Organizing Committees, 2003 and 2005


Member, UTSA-MCSS Division Faculty Review and Advisory Committee,1976 – 2000;

Chairman, 1985

Member, Library Sub-committee of UTSA Institutional Self-Study Program,

1978 - 1979

Member, UTSA College of Science Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1978 - 1980; Chairman, 1979 - 1980

Co-Chairman, City of San Antonio Urban Roundtable Committee on Higher Education, 1978 - 1980

Member, UTSA University Assembly, 1978 - 1980, 1985 – 1989

Member, UTSA Taskforce on Improving Student Success and Graduation Rates;

Member, Subcommittee on Teaching and Mentoring, 1976

Member, United San Antonio Transportation Committee; Minority Student Recruitment Committee of Council on Engineering Education; Co-Chairman, Committee on Higher Education, 1977 - 1981

Co-Chairman, San Antonio High Technology High School Task Force, 1982 - 1983, (See item 17G)

Secretary, San Antonio Chapter of Sigma Xi, 1983 - 1984

Member, Mathematical Association of America, Task Force on Minorities in Mathematics, 1987 - 1988; Chairperson, Committee on Local/Regional Action

Member, San Antonio Commission on Literacy, 1987 - 1991

Member, UTSA-MBRS Advisory Committee, 1982 - 1991

Member, San Antonio Target ‘90 Task Force on Education, 1983 - 1990; Target ‘90 Board of Director, 1986 - 1990

Co-Chairman, Mathematical Association of America Committee on Minority Participation in Mathematics, 1989 - 1995

Member, UTSA Task Force on Undergraduate Recruitment, Retention, and Development, 1992

Member, UTSA Task Force on Precollege Programs, 1992

Member, San Antonio New Schools Development Foundation, 1991 - 1997;

Board of Trustees and Treasure, 1994 - 1997

Member, San Antonio 2000 Board of Directors, 1992 - 1994

Member, UTSA Graduate Council, 1993

Member, UTSA Standing Committee on Core Curriculum, 1994

Member, UTSA Downtown Academic Program Committee, 1994 - 1997

Member, UTSA Standing Committee on Public Service and Outreach, 1994 – 1997

Member, UTSA-MCSS MAT/STAT Graduate Studies Committee, 1982 - 2001; Chairman, 1982 - 1987

Chairperson, Division of Mathematics and Statistics Ad Hoc Committee on

Mathematics Education, 1995 – 2001

Member, UTSA Mathematics and Statistics Division Periodic Performance Evaluation Committee, 1998 - 1999

Member, Board of Governors, Mathematical Association of America, 1996 – 1999

Member, U.S. Department of Education OERI Expert Panel on Mathematics and Science Education, 1996-2000

Member, San Antonio Education Foundation, 1998 - Treasurer, 1998 –2002

Member, NASA Peer Review Panel for Institutional Research Awards, 2000

Member, Alamo Workforce Board Youth Council Committee, 2000 - 2003

Member, NSF Advisory Review Panel for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring, 2000

Member and Chair, UTSA Department of Applied Mathematics Recruitment Committee, 2003- 2004

Member, UTSA Department of Earth and Environmental Studies Environmental Remediation/Phytoremediation Search Committee (Affirmative Action Advocate), 2003- 2004

Member, Hispanic Heritage Awards Selection Committee, 2003

Member, Mathematics Education for Teachers Summit II Organizing Committee

2003 – 2005

Member, College of Sciences Scholarship Awards Committee, 2004 – 2005

Member, UTSA Faculty Senate, 2003 – 2006; Member, Ad Hoc Committee on

Evaluation of University Administrators, 2004 – 2005; Member, Ad Hoc Committee

on Review of University Handbook of Operating Procedures, 2005; Member,

University Curriculum Committee, 2004 – 2006, Chair 2005 – 2006;

Ad Hoc Member Faculty Termination Committee, 2006;

Member, College of Science SCORE Executive Committee, 2006


Consultant NSF, 1963

Visiting Scientist Lecturer for Louisiana, 1965 - 1967

NCATE Committee Member for Evaluation of Teacher Education Program at

The University of Washington, March 1966

Mathematics Consultant for New Orleans Educational Improvement Project,

Summer 1967, (See item 17A)

Member of AAUP Executive Board at LSUNO, 1968

Member of Academic Policy Committee of the Upward Bound Program at UNO, 1968

Member, UNO University Senate, 1969 - 1970

University of New Orleans Putnam Examination Supervisor, 1968 - 1970

Chairman, UNO College of Science Self-Study Committee on Physical Plant and Financial Resources, 1972

Vice President and Program Chairman of Mathematics Section of Louisiana College Conference, 1969 - 1970

Vice-Chairman, Louisiana-Mississippi Branch of NCTM, 1971

Chairman, Louisiana-Mississippi Branch of NCTM, 1972

Member, Louisiana State Department of Education Task Force on Optional Education, 1972

Member, Board of Directors, New Orleans SER Program, 1974 - 1976,

(See item 17D)

Coordinator, New Orleans College Equations League, 1975

Participant, NSF Meeting on Ethnic Minority Participation in Science and Engineering, 1977

Member, Program Committee for Annual Winter Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, Texas, January 3 - 7, 1980

Presenter, Future Public Education in Texas, Governor’s Advisory Committee on Education, San Antonio, Texas, February 12, 1980

Member, The Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, 1997 – 2004; Member,

Educational Council, 1997 – 2001; Chairperson, College Student Retention

Subcommittee of Education Council, 1997 – 1999

Member, Alamo Workforce Board Youth Council Committee, 2000 - 2003

PREP Development Director, 2003 - 2004


Invited Speaker at the following NCTM Annual or Regional Meetings:

August 1960, Salt Lake City; November 1967, Kansas City; June 1968, Hawaii; April 1971, Anaheim; February 1972, Las Vegas; March 1974, New Orleans;

April 1975, Denver

February 1976, NCTM Regional Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, A Topological Proof for the Infinity of Primes

October 10, 1981, NCTM Regional Meeting, El Paso, Texas, Why You Can’t Always Trisect an Angle

April 20, 1985, NCTM Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program

January 23-25, 1978, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Fullerton, California, Future Goals and Objectives for Minority Oriented Programs in Science and Engineering (A Donde Vamos?) (Panelist)

February 24-25, 1978, Conference on the Status and Issues of Chicanos and Native American Participation in the Sciences, Boulder, Colorado, Resource Centers for Science and Engineering: Status and Prospects (Panelist)

January 3-7, 1980, Annual Winter Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, San Antonio, Texas, Mexican-Americans and Mathematics, or Where Have All the Chicanos Gone? (Panel Moderator)

March 31-April 1, 1980, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Fullerton, California, Mexican-Americans and Engineering

April 13-14, 1981, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Fullerton, California, The 1980 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program

April 12-13, 1982, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Houston, Texas, The 1981 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program

April 21, 1985, Harvard University-RAZA Student Organization, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Education Issues for Mexican Americans

April 26, 1985, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, Anaheim, California, The 1984 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program

May 3, 1985, Borderland College Consortium Conference, San Antonio, Texas,

San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program, 1979 - 1984 (Panelist)

November 5, 1985, Conference on Mexican American Issues (Education, Civil Rights, and Health), National Association of Chicanos Studies, Corpus Christi, Texas, The San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program: A Model for an Effective Precollege Engineering Intervention Program

January 10, 1986, Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society,

New Orleans, Louisiana, Unplugging the Pipeline (Panelist)

April 10, 1986, Annual Meeting of The Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientists, San Antonio, Texas, 1985 San Antonio Prefreshman Engineering Program