Lesson Plan Template - Narratives
Course Level: SPN 601

Paso 1 / Video.
Students watch the first scene from the video ‘Replay’. They are asked to brainstorm about words and phrases that come to mind. The words can be in Spanish or English. What will this video be about?
Paso 2 / Resumen.
The students watch the rest of the video. Was it what they thought it would be? In groups of 2-3 students should create a short description of the video. They can use the words they generated in Paso 1. If students don’t know the word for something, they should imagine it is a cognate and try to think of what the Spanish equivalent would be.
Paso 3 / Hablando del tema.
Using the ir + a + infinitive construction, students should talk about what will happen the next time Tom and Sandra see each other.
Paso 4 / Crear el diálogo.
In their groups of 2 or 3, students write the next dialogue exchange between Tom and Sandra.

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Lesson Plan Template - Narratives
Course Level: SPN 601

Paso 1 / Lectura.
Students are asked to get together in groups of 3 or 4. Each group receives a short text. The texts are segments from a native-speaker description of the video narrative ‘Replay’. The students read their text and are asked to come up with the main idea (in English). Then they are asked to highlight the words or phrases in the text that lead them to their understanding of the main idea. They should then rephrase the main idea in their own words in Spanish. Each group presents their ideas to the class.
Paso 2 / Hablando del tema.
The instructor asks each group to share their interpretation of the main idea from the portion of the transcript they read. Then the instructor will ask the students what they think the video will be about.
Paso 3 / Video.
Students watch the video and afterwards comment on what they saw. Were they right about the story? Why is this video called ‘Replay’?
Paso 4 / Crear el diálogo.
Each group chooses a scene to represent with dialogue. The ‘dialogue’ will actually be an inner monologue, a stream-of-consciousness from one of the characters, reflecting what they are feeling or thinking during that scene.
Lesson Plan Template - Narratives
Course Level: SPN 610
Paso 1 / Hablando del tema.
Students are given the name of the video and are asked to make guesses about the content they are about to see. Then in pairs they discuss the following: ¿Has tenido alguna vez la sensación de repetir acciones que ya experimentaste en el pasado (lo que se llama a veces ‘deja vu’)? ¿Qué pasó?
Paso 2 / Video.
Students watch the video. Afterwards, they are asked to comment on what they saw. Who are the characters? What takes place? Why is this video called ‘Replay’? Was the video about what they thought it would be?
Paso 3 / Lectura y organización del texto.
The instructor hands out copies of a transcript of a native-speaker description of the video. The transcript is cut into segments and scrambled. Students work in groups of 2-3 to unscramble the segments and put the text together in a way that makes sense.
Paso 4 / Poner orden a los eventos.
Students are asked to generate sentences about how the various segments relate to one another in time (ex/ Sandra y Tom ya se habían conocido cuando se vieron en el pasillo.) Instructors will need to provide a model.
Paso 5 / Crear la próxima escena.
What happens in the next scene? In their same groups, students are asked to imagine the turn the story takes from here. They write a paragraph about what will happen next, including a few lines of dialogue if possible.
Lesson Plan Template - Narratives
Course Level: SPN 611
Paso 1 / Lectura.
Students are asked to get together in groups of 3 or 4. Each group receives a short text. The texts are segments from a native-speaker description of the video narrative ‘Replay’. The students read their text and hypothesize in their groups about what the story will be about. Each group then presents their ideas to the class.
Paso 2 / Video.
Students watch the video and afterwards comment on what they saw. Were they right about the story? Why is this video called ‘Replay’?
Paso 3 / Crear el diálogo.
The instructor shows the video once more. This time each group is assigned a certain scene. Members of the group are responsible for writing an inner monologue from the point of view of one of the characters for the scene they are given. They read their scripts to the class.
Paso 4 / Hablando del tema.
In their groups, students are asked to speculate on what will happen next in the story. What would they do if they were the characters they had written about?