Astronomy Power Point Notes

Jupiter’s Moons

1.  List the four largest moons of Jupiter.

2.  Why is it hard to keep a number on the moons of Jupiter?

3.  Why are the four largest know as the Galilean moons?

4.  What is the order from closest to the most distant of the Galilean moons?

5.  What is the mythology of IO?

6.  Why are there no impact craters on IO?

7.  Describe the surface composition of IO.

8.  Where does the volcanic activity on IO originate?

9.  What was the strange puff of gas discovered by Voyager?

10.  What creates IO’s plasma torus?

11.  What is created by the plasma torus?

12.  How much of IO is taken away by this plasma torus activity?

13.  List seven characteristics of IO.

14.  What is the mythology of Europa?

15.  List seven characteristics of Europa.

16.  What do the colors on the surface of Europa reveal?

17.  What do the long cracks on the surface of Europa reveal?

18.  What creates the cracks?

19.  How does Europa’s distance from Jupiter effect its’ surface?

20. What do you think about life on Europa?

21.  What is the mythology behind Ganymede?

22. List four characteristics of Ganymede.

23. List some outstanding features found on Ganymede.

24. List and describe the two types of terrain on Ganymede.

25. What do some of the colors found on the surface of Ganymede indicate?

26. Of what, is Ganymede composed?

27. What are the three layers of Ganymede?

28. What is the mythology behind Callisto?

29. What constellation were Callisto and her son transformed into by Jupiter?

30. List five characteristics concerning Callisto.

31.  Where is Callisto found?

32. How does the density of Callisto compare with the other Gallilean moons?

33. Why is Callisto hard to observe from earth?

34. What is the significance of the cratering on Callisto?

35. What is the significance of the Vahalla crater?

36. Why has the surface remained so unchanged for so many years?

37. Describe the other moons of Jupiter.