
Attachment 3

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Fairfax Elementary Second Quarter Report

California Department of Education

Template for Documentation of Local Educational Agency in Program Improvement Corrective Action

with Intensive Technical Assistance

Part I (A): Template for Documentation of Implementation of Corrective Action 6

Corrective Action 6 / Status Report on Actions Taken to Implement
Local Educational Agency (LEA) implementation of State Board of Education-adopted/standards aligned core and intervention materials ensuring full implementation in every classroom.
·  English/Reading-language Arts / §  The district continues to provide to all K-5 grade level teachers the 2002 Houghton Mifflin SBE-adopted core instructional programs and materials in Reading/Language Arts (R/LA), including strategic interventions, ensuring full implementation as documented through the review of inventories, invoices, pacing calendars, schedules, lesson plans, and classroom observation data.
§  The district continues to provide to all 6-8 grade level teachers the 2002 Prentice Hall SBE-adopted core instructional programs and materials in R/LA, including strategic interventions, ensuring full implementation as documented through the review of inventories, invoices, pacing calendars, schedules, lesson plans, and classroom observation data.
§  The district continues to provide the SBE-approved Hampton Brown High Point intensive level intervention program for grades 4-8, as approved for identified students, based on need. The district ensures full implementation as documented through the review of inventories, invoices, pacing calendars, schedules, lesson plans, and classroom observation data.
The district is in the process of phasing in the 2008 SBE-adopted reading/language arts curriculum and has developed a plan to do so systematically. The district has identified a representative committee comprised of R/LA teachers and site and district administrators to facilitate the 2008 R/LA adoption process. Committee members are reviewing and analyzing data from the district's 2002 SBE-adopted reading/language arts adoption and full implementation in 2005-06, utilizing the “Toolkit” provided by the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) and are considering all options including adopting in stages by identifying areas of need, including reading/language arts intervention and ELD programs.
March 15, 2010 update:
The district continues to provide the current 2002 SBE-adopted basic core instructional programs, including ancillary materials for universal access, for Reading/Language Arts/English Language Development. The school/district also provides the current 2002 SBE-adopted intensive interventions for Grades 4-8 in R/LA. These R/LA programs are implemented as designed and documented to be in daily use in every classroom with materials for every student.
The district has identified a representative committee comprised of R/LA teachers and site and district administrators to facilitate the 2008 R/LA adoption process and to determine the phase-in process for the 2008 SBE-adopted R/LA curriculum. The district has scheduled dates for this committee to review the 2008 SBE-adopted curriculum materials for R/LA and ELD. The first meeting to investigate R/LA Intervention program options was scheduled for Feb. 25, 2005, where the committee members met with KCSOS Reading Language Arts Coordinator for R/LA Tool Kit training and to begin the evaluation of 2008 SBE-adopted R/LA Intervention curriculum that will be purchased by June 30, 2010 and implemented in August 2010 for grade levels 4-8.
·  Mathematics / §  The district selected, adopted, purchased, and continues to provide the 2007 State Board of Education adopted Houghton-Mifflin California Math (K-6), the Pearson Prentice Hall Mathematics California (7-8), and the Pearson Prentice Hall Mathematics California Algebra Readiness (8th) ensuring full implementation as documented through the review of inventories, invoices, pacing calendars, schedules, lesson plans, and classroom observation data.
§  The district selected, adopted, purchased, and continues to provide the 2007 State Board of Education intensive level intervention program and materials in mathematics for students working more than 2 years below grade level standards in grades 4-7 using the Kaplan K-12 Learning Services Momentum Math intervention program and in grade 8 using the Pearson Prentice Hall Mathematics California Algebra Readiness, ensuring full implementation as documented through the review of inventories, invoices, pacing calendars, schedules, lesson plans, and classroom observation data.
March 15, 2010 update:
The district continues to provide the current 2007 SBE-adopted basic core instructional programs, including ancillary materials the mathematics 2007 SBE-approved adoption. The district also provides the current 2007 SBE-adopted intensive interventions for Grades 4-7 and Grade 8 Algebra Readiness in mathematics. These mathematics programs are implemented as designed and documented to be in daily use in every classroom with materials for every student.
LEA implementation of materials-based professional development for teachers and administrators in the adopted materials in use in schools. / All K-5 grade level teachers have completed the initial 40-hour materials-based professional development training for the 2002 SBE-adopted Houghton Mifflin Reading program. All teachers have completed the R/LA 80 hour practicum follow-up as well.
All 6-8 grade level teachers have completed the initial 40-hour materials-based professional development training for the 2002 SBE-adopted Prentice Hall Reading program. All teachers have completed the R/LA 80 hour practicum follow-up as well.
March 15, 2010 update:
100% of all K-8 grade level teachers have completed the initial 40-hour materials-based professional development training for the 2002 SBE-adopted Houghton Mifflin Reading program. All teachers have completed the R/LA 80 hour practicum follow-up as well.
51% of all mathematics teachers have completed the initial 40-hour materials-based professional development training for the SBE-adopted mathematics programs for Houghton-Mifflin California Math (K-6) and the Pearson Prentice Hall Mathematics California (7-8). The district has scheduled the remaining teachers of mathematics to attend the instructional materials-based professional development training before the fall of 2010.
March 15, 2010 update:
The percentage of all mathematics teachers in the district that have completed the initial 40-hour materials-based professional development training for the SBE-adopted mathematics programs for Houghton-Mifflin California Math (K-6) and the Pearson Prentice Hall Mathematics California (7-8) has increased from 51% to 60%, as of March 15, 2010. Five teachers in the district have completed the KCSOS SB472 training from Jan. 22, 2010-Feb. 20, 2010. The district will schedule summer mathematics instructional materials-based professional development training for the teachers who have not yet completed that training in mathematics.
LEA implementation of nine Essential Programs Components (EPCs) for instructional success in underperforming schools including interventions and supports for English learners (ELs), students with disabilities (SWDs), and other high priority students. / 1. Instructional Program:
The district provides the current SBE-adopted basic core instructional programs in reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics programs, including ancillary materials for universal access and the strategic and intensive intervention instructional materials as well. These programs are implemented as designed and documented to be in daily use in every classroom with materials for every student through the review of pacing calendars, class schedules, lesson plans and classroom observation data.
March 15, 2010 update:
Principals participate in daily site-level observations and review lesson plans weekly to ensure that the current SBE-adopted basic core instructional programs in reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics are implemented as designed and documented to be in daily use in every classroom with materials for every student. In addition, district-level teams that include principals and vice-principals from other school sites in the district and district administrators participate in classroom observations every quarter to monitor the use of instructional materials district wide.
2. Instructional Time:
The district complies with and monitors daily implementation of instructional time for the current SBE-adopted basic core programs for reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics, including strategic and intensive intervention programs in R/LA and mathematics. The district modified the instructional schedule to accommodate core instructional requirements and to allow for professional development in the area of data analysis. This time is given priority and protected from interruptions and the full implementation of instructional time for the current SBE-adopted basic core programs for reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics, including R/LA and mathematics intervention programs, is monitored at all school sites through the review of pacing calendars, class schedules, lesson plans and classroom observation data.
March 15, 2010 update:
Principals participate in daily site-level observations and review lesson plans weekly to monitor the daily implementation of instructional time for the adopted R/LA and mathematics basic core programs, the intensive interventions as well as additional time for strategic support and ELD for identified English Learners. In addition, district-level teams that include principals and vice-principals from other school sites in the district and district administrators participate in classroom observations every quarter to monitor the implementation of instructional time district wide. School principals ensure that instructional time is given priority and is protected from interruptions including office and intercom announcements. Parents are notified annually in the parent handbook to make appointments for their children before and after school to avoid interruption during instructional time.
3. Lesson Pacing Guide:
The district prepares, distributes, and monitors the use of an annual district instructional/assessment pacing guide documented to be in use for each grade level for the current SBE-adopted reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics programs, including intervention programs in order for all teachers to follow a common sequence of instruction and assessment. The full implementation of lesson pacing guides for the current SBE-adopted basic core programs for reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics is monitored at all school sites through the review of lesson plans and classroom observation data.
March 15, 2010 update:
Principals participate in daily site-level observations and review lesson plans weekly to monitor the use of an annual district-instructional/assessment pacing guide documented to be in use for each grade level (kindergarten through grade eight) for the SBE-adopted basic core RLA/ELD, strategic support and intensive intervention programs and SBE-adopted mathematics basic core, strategic, and Grades 4-7 and Algebra Readiness intensive intervention. In addition, district-level teams that include principals and vice-principals from other school sites in the district and district administrators participate in classroom observations every quarter to monitor the implementation of pacing schedules district wide.
4. School Administrator Training:
The district provides and all school site administrators have completed the 40-hour administrative training through a knowledgeable, experienced provider and have completed a 40-hour structured practicum based on the implementation of the current SBE-adopted basic core program instructional materials and the Essential Program Components (EPC’s). All school site administrators are scheduled to update the mathematics curriculum module component for their respective 2007 SBE-adopted mathematics materials before the fall of 2010.
March 15, 2010 update:
The district has provided 100% of the principals and vice-principal(s) with an 80-hour instructional materials-based administrative training, Module I in leadership, support and monitoring needed for the full implementation of the SBE-adopted RLA/ELD and mathematics basic core and intervention program materials. Principals are currently updating their AB430 Principal's training for the 2007 SBE-adopted mathematics basic core and intervention program materials as available. One principal has completed the AB430 mathematics training in Feb. 2010 and all others are scheduled to complete the AB430 mathematics training in summer 2010. In addition, the district offers targeted professional development and support for instructional leaders to ensure the full implementation of the district adopted program and the Essential Program Components (Collect, Connect, Coach-C3 Training, ELD Training).
5. Credentialed Teachers and Professional Development:
100% of the teachers in the district are fully credentialed and highly qualified.
The district provides teachers of reading/language arts, English Language Development (ELD) and mathematics programs, with a 40-hour instructional materials professional development training through a knowledgeable and experienced provider for the current SBE-adopted instructional programs in use at all school sites. 100% of K-8 R/LA teachers have completed the 40-hour instructional materials professional development training for the 2002 SBE-adopted R/LA programs and have completed the 80-hours of structured practicum that is aligned with the effective implementation of the adopted of the adopted program and the goals of the district professional development plan. 51% of K-8 mathematics teachers have completed the 40-hour instructional materials professional development training for the 2007 SBE-adopted mathematics programs and have completed the 80-hours of structured practicum that is aligned with the effective implementation of the adopted of the adopted program and the goals of the district professional development plan. The district has scheduled the remaining teachers of mathematics to attend the instructional materials-based professional development training before the fall of 2010.
March 15, 2010 update:
100% of the teachers in the district are fully credentialed and highly qualified per the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and Requirements for No Child Left Behind
The district provides teachers of RLA/ELD (K-8) and mathematics K-8 through Algebra I (in all grade levels and programs, including special education and ELD) with a 40-hour instructional materials professional development program provided by a knowledgeable and experienced provider for the SBE-adopted basic core RLA/ELD and mathematics programs and/or SBE-adopted reading or mathematics intensive intervention instructional programs in use at the school. The district also validates that each teacher completes an 80-hour structured practicum based on the implementation of the instructional materials and the EPCs.
6. Ongoing Instructional Assistance and Support for Teachers:
The district provides ongoing, targeted support and instructional assistance to all teachers of reading/language arts through the use of district reading specialists assigned to each school site who are knowledgeable about the content and delivery of instruction for the current SBE-adopted reading/language arts program. The district currently has identified lead teachers in mathematics who provide instructional assistance and ongoing support to teachers of mathematics to support teachers and to deepen their knowledge about the content and the delivery of instruction. The district is scheduled to identify mathematics specialists within the district in fall 2010 to provide ongoing instructional assistance and to support all teachers of mathematics and deepen their knowledge about the content and delivery of instruction.
March 15, 2010 update:
The district continues to provide instructional assistance and ongoing support to all teachers of Reading/Language Arts through the use of district reading specialists assigned to each school site who are knowledgeable about the content and delivery of instruction for the current SBE-adopted reading/language arts program. The district is currently developing job descriptions and working with the bargaining unit to identify the requirements and process for hiring lead teachers in mathematics who will provide instructional assistance and ongoing support to teachers of mathematics and to deepen their knowledge about the content and the delivery of instruction beginning in the fall of 2010.