MINUTES of the MEETINGof SILKSTONE PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday3 February14 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chairman:Cllr R Leech
Councillors:B Barkworth,R Brocklehurst, Mrs P Gallamore, P Handley, Mrs M Liddell, D Liddell,P Smith and R Stier.
In attendance: Ward Councillor R Barnard,2 residentsThe Clerk.
A resident asked about the protection of Parish Council land assets and asked why the Council had in the past decided against protecting Parish land through fields in trust. The chairman advised that the Parish Council was not comfortable handing over land to fields in trust as this took control away from the Parish Council. Parish Land belongs to Parish residents and the Parish Council have a duty to residents to manage the land. The long term protection of the Stocks area is something the Parish Council will discuss with the new landlord of the Ring O’Bells once their refurbishment works are completed.
The ongoing attempts of the Parish Council to secure a transfer of Hall Royd Lane Wood from Barnsley MBC to the Parish Council will be taken up by Ward Councillor Barnard who will liaise with Andrew Frosdick on the matter.
Cllr Stier asked if Terry Daniel from Silkstone Common Good Companions could address Parish Council at their next meeting regarding the future of the Silkstone Common Good Companions. The Clerk will contact Terry Daniel with details of the meeting.
Cllr Stier asked Councillors to be aware that senior travel passes are not valid on trains leaving Silkstone Common train station after 9am (even if the train should have arrived before 9am).
Cllr Leech advised that despite numerous reports to Barnsley MBC about the blocked gullies on the A628 they are still blocked. Cllr Barnard agreed to speak to Highways about this as the A628 is a main road and if the weather turns icy the overflowing water from the gullies will become dangerously icy. Cllr Handley added that a large tree stump was left behind when a tree that had fallen into the A628 was removed. This is near Noblethorpe and is dangerously overhanging the pavement.
A resident asked if the Parish Council had any plans for the Tour De France weekend. Whilst the route does not directly affect the villages he wondered if the Parish had organised any cycling themed events. The Chairman advisedthat this was something that had not been considered by the Parish Council and advised that members would give this some thought.
Paul Denton from Silkstone Scouts asked if James Grove the scout going on to represent Silkstone at the World Scout Jamboree could come to address Council about the trip which is planned in 18 months time. This presentation would be in support of a grant application towards the cost of his trip. The Clerk will forward meeting date details to Paul Denton.
13-150 APOLOGIES - None
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of themeeting of Silkstone Parish Council on Monday 6 January 2014as a true and accurate record with the following amendments:
Under public question time the item should read ‘footpath’ not ‘arester bed’. The Chairman amended the minutes and signed them.
Matters arising:
pg 2 – Cllr Smith passed on details of a supplier of hopscotch style games for the war memorial area to the Clerk. Cllr Smith and Liddell will liaise regarding the design of the analamatic sundial and report back to the March 14 Parish Council meeting. Cllr Brocklehurst advised that a date for the school children of Silkstone and Silkstone Common to hold a memorial service at the War Memorial has been set for 11 July 14.
RESOLVEDto note the minutes and approve the policies of the Policy Committee meeting held on Monday 13 January 14.
RESOLVED to note the minutes of the Silkstone Playing Fields Committee meeting held on Monday 27January 14.
RESOLVED to approve the comments on the following planning applications, the Clerk will advise the planning officers of Barnsley MBC.
2013/1403 3/1/14 / Removal of existing sycamore tree (TPO ref T14) to allow replacement sycamore tree to be planted.8 Jan 14 – ‘No comment’ returned on this application using Clerk’s delegated powers. / 5 Beacon Court
Silkstone Common
23/1/14 / Repairs to roof of building (Listed building
No comment in planning terms. However, planning to be asked if they can stipulate that works should not commence early in the day due to the ill health of an elderly neighbour. / 3 Hilltop Cottages
Beacon Hill
27/1/14 / Demolition of existing garage and erection of side extension to form new garage including a roof extension and installation of dormer windows to the rear.
No comment / 96 Ben Bank Road
Silkstone Common
Cllr Barkworth advised that a further application for the Parish is on the Barnsley MBC planning explorer but not yet received by the Parish Council for consultation (post meeting note – this application was posted to the Parish Council on 3 February 14 by the planning officer)
2014/0106 1 Hall Royd Walk, Silkstone Common - Change of use from Commercial Electricity sub-station to domestic residential. Parish Council considered this application and agreed ‘No comment’. As soon as Barnsley MBC consults the Parish Council on this application, the Clerk will return this as the Parish Council’s comment.
RESOLVED to note that Cllr Stier had attended the Crime & Safety Sub group meeting on 22 January 14. He reported that there had been little crime reported in Silkstone or Silkstone Common. One patrol car covers Penistone East & West and the Sub group requested that the Parish Council write to the Police & Crime Commissioner to express their concern about this minimal cover.
RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow a resident to address members
Following the resident’s comments relating to the protection of trees in Tanyard Wood, adjacent to Silkstone Lodge, the Chairman acknowledged that there had been a lot of rumours and speculation in the village and the Parish Council has endeavoured to obtain the facts.
RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders.
RESOLVED to note advice from Barnsley MBC planning department that there is no planning application submitted for the Silkstone Lodge site. The woodland is not currently protected by any TPO’s. The woodland is privately owned by the Lodge. The tree officer has visited the site on two occasions and is liaising with the forestry commission regarding felling licences.
RESOLVED to note that Yorkshire Water are carrying out work at the back of Silkstone Lodge which is understood to be works to a water main between Silkstone and Hoylandswaine – no formal notification of this work has been received by the Parish Council.
RESOLVED to note the Clerk’s summary of Profell’s Woodlands Inspection and Cllr Stier’s inspection notes.
RESOLVED that an order be placed with Profell to fell the trees highlighted as a high priority in Orchard Wood (Fell one chestnut tree next to school fence, remove very high level oak tree branch overhanging footpath and fell one Beech tree at rear of 35 Woodland Rise) total £950.00 (£107 left in woodlands budget so remainder to be met from reserves). The Clerk will also prioritise the remaining suggested tree work and identify which work can be completed by the handyman/Profell.
RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to allow Paul Denton to address members.
Paul Denton advised that it is possible to connect an electricity supply for Christmas trees from street lights. He also suggested that local businesses could be contacted to sponsor a tree on their premises.
RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact Barnsley MBC Highways department regarding licences for the siting of a manhole pit for a Christmas tree in Silkstone at The Cross and Silkstone Common at The Roses. A price for an electricity supply to the manholes and brackets for the trees will be obtained. Clerk will provide a summary of costs to the next Parish Council meeting.
RESOLVED to note that planning permission has been granted for the proposed community centre. A copy of the planning conditions has been forwarded to the Project Manager and a Community Centre Committee meeting arranged for 11 February 14.
RESOLVED to note Cllr Stier’s comments relating to surface water drainage of the new site and to ask the Project Manager to consider obtaining a licence to discharge surface water into the beck.
RESOLVED to note that Paul Denton has had advice from a colleague at Barnsley MBC that a possible way forward regarding the site investigations for coal working is to include a raft foundation in the design of the building; again this will be discussed with the project manager.
RESOLVED to note that Paul Denton advised that the remaining ‘insurance’ funds from the Silkstone Common Recreation Ground have been earmarked for payment to the Parish Council for use on a community facility such as the proposed community centre. The Clerk will seek confirmation of this from Barnsley MBC Parks department as no contact has been made with the Parish Council regarding this.
RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders.
a)Rock in the Rec
RESOLVED to note that a Rock in the Rec meeting was held on 21 January 14 with representatives from the Parish Council, SUFC (Rock in the Rec organisers), Police and Co-op. The meeting was productive and led to a commitment from the Co-op to have extra staff working on the evening of the event and from the Police to be on-site between 8pm and 11pm.
b)Water ingress
RESOLVED to note that a significant amount of water found its way into the ground floor of the Pavilion on two separate occasions in January 14. The Clerk took advice from the Parish Council insurance broker and the loss adjuster involved in the previous claim. The loss adjuster advised that a new claim be made and that the Clerk go ahead and organise a building survey of the ground floor. Following consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman the Clerk placed an order with Chris Waters of LHL Group at a cost of £90 per hour to carry out a visual inspection and provide a report. This report will be forwarded to the loss adjuster who will advise on the way forward.
c)Health & Safety – Nothing further to report.
RESOLVED to approve the Bank Reconciliation for the period 1 October to 31 December 13.
RESOLVED to approve the Budget monitor for the period 1 October to 31 December 13.
RESOLVED to approve the invoices for payment schedule dated 6 January 14. Payments listed below. Full details available from the Clerk on request.
Payee / Net / Vat / Total / ChequePaid in between meetings
Cllr Barkworth
Expert Water Services
ARC Computers /
69.00 /
12.80 /
82.80 /
Paid 3 February 2014
Signs Xtra /
150.00 /
30.00 /
180.00 /
Penistone Line Partnership / 25.00 / 0.00 / 25.00 / 300693
Parish Clerk / 900.00
179.27 / 0.00
0.00 / 900.00
179.27 / SO
HMRC / 212.83 / 0.00 / 212.83 / 300695
SY Pensions Authority / 228.27 / 0.00 / 228.27 / 300696
Getmapping plc (Parish Online) / 40.00 / 8.00 / 48.00 / 300697
Profell Tree Services / 150.00 / 0.00 / 150.00 / 300698
Barnsley MBC / 50.00 / 10.00 / 60.00 / 300699
Expert Water Services / 40.00 / 0.00 / 40.00 / 300700
Bothams Prestige / 751.25 / 150.25 / 901.50 / 300701
EON / 81.85
61.85 / 4.09
3.09 / 85.94
64.94 / DD
Totals / 2,992.12 / 218.23 / 3,211.35
RESOLVED to note that the third quarter VAT reclaim has been submitted to HMRC totalling £2,396.59.
RESOLVED to note Councillor Meeting’s attendance as follows:
Cllr Gallamore / Attended the Housing steering group meeting on 15 January 14. Manor Park crocuses have been planted. A Silkstone walkabout is planned for 12 August 14. Berneslai homes intend to consult with residents on Martin Croft regarding the replacement/removal of benches. The Clerk was asked to liaise with Eric Steer of Berneslai homes to draft an article for the newsletter and a flyer for residents.CARE meeting on 18 January 14 The path at the monkey tunnel, Hall Royd Walk, Silkstone Common is a well used path that is very muddy and overgrown. It is understood that the path is on Railway land so the Clerk will contact network rail.
Cllr Liddell / Attended the Joint Executive meeting of the YLCA where rural representation on regional assemblies was discussed as well as fracking policy. Cllr Barnard advised that it is unlikely that the Silkstone Parish will be affected by fracking.
Cllr Barkworth / Attended the CARE meeting along with Cllrs Gallamore, Leech and Smith. Attended the launch of the Enterprising Young People initiative. He has prepared a newsletter article to raise awareness of this scheme.
Cllr Stier / Attended the Rock in the Rec meeting, Crime & Safety sub group meeting and Penistone Paramount meeting.
Cllr Smith / Attended the CARE meeting.
Cllr Leech / Attended the Penistone Ward Alliance meeting on 23 Jan 14. This Alliance is in its formative stages and is asking for Parish priorities. Members were asked to speak with their link groups in the Parish to make them aware of the community support fund still available from Barnsley MBC through the Alliances.
RESOLVED to suspend standing orders
Cllr Barnard advised that the Ward Alliances have the following priorities for support fund applications : Environmental, activities for young people, roads and footpaths. He also advised that a community bus is hoped to be funded on Thursdays to transport residents from the outlying villages to Penistone for market day.
RESOLVED to reinstate standing orders
RESOLVED to note the following correspondence:
27 Jan 14 – e-mail from CARE re Railway Station gardens work proposed. PC comments requested –The Parish Council are fully supportive of CARE’s proposals for the Station gardens.27 Jan 14 – Cawthorne Parish Clerk re Defibrillator
26 Jan 14 – e-mail from Silkstone school regarding summer fair on 20 June 14 – The Clerk has advised a list of local groups who may be interested and an article will be included in the March newsletter
20 Jan 14 – SYPTE re Renewing senior travel pass online – notices displayed in village notice boards
PC Matt Jackson, Penistone Police – Information about Penistone Police Station – displayed in notice boards
‘ The Clerk’ magazine
‘Clerks and Councils direct’ magazine
10 Jan 14 Barnsley MBC Parish Precepts 14/15 indicative Band D Council tax charges
RESOLVED to note that the next meeting of Silkstone Parish Council will be on Monday 3 March 14 at 6.45pm at Silkstone Sports Pavilion.
Chairman’s Signature / DateThe Chairman closed the meeting at 8.54 pm
Silkstone Parish Council 3 February 14