
“No, no, Elon tries too hard, Kimahri explain it again.” The Ronso huffed in exasperation as he stepped toward the anthropomorphic cougar and wrapped his hand around the end of the halberd he was teaching him to use. He slowly pulled down and mimicked Elon’s motions. “Parry.” He curved the weapon in front of Elon’s face before bringing it down level with his torso. “Then, thrust.” He said, mimicking the motion of the weapon forward. “Kimahri is confused how Elon is so good with magic, but so poor on melee combat.”

Elon managed a half a smirk before a chilling breeze shook through the mountains and into his fur, causing him to shiver visibly. He was dressed in a poncho and vest and thick leather trousers. But even with the cape-like back to the coat, the near-zero temperatures of Gagazet sent shivers along his fur and down through to his flesh. Kimahri seemed unphased by this as the blue lion again picked up his spear and stepped to the opposite of the cougar. Kimahri Ronso was barely dressed for this sort of weather, he had several tribal trinkets that dangled from his neck, the bone and tooth decorations that littered his massive chest knocked against one another in the breeze as he turned to face Elon, entering a readying crouch. A gust of air flicked his loincloth up, revealing the large, yet concealing pouch underneath; a shame, in Elon’s opinion as he took his own weapon and readied it.

“Defend yourself!” Kimahri roared, charging forward. A reverberating snarl resounded through the small, somewhat enclosed spot on the mountain where they found they could practice without being disturbed. Elon gasped and swung his weapon around, there was a loud clang as their weapons met. Kimahri pulled his weapon away, swinging around for a second strike. Elon successfully blocked it, but the Ronso had one-up on him, bringing the butt of the spear up, striking the cougar on the chin. Elon’s stance faltered, and Kimahri spun, swinging the side of his weapon into the cougar’s defenseless side, sending him against the rock wall and dropping a shower of snow on him. By the time he looked up, Kimahri was on top of him, his forearm pressed into his neck and the spear aimed directly against his eye. There was a long wash of white smoke from the Ronso’s nostrils as he took a deep breath. “Elon is no match in hand-to-hand combat. Why do you insist on wasting Kimahri’s time?” He asked, pausing a moment before backing away and extending a massive claw down toward the cougar.

Elon reached up and took the Ronso’s hand, and was abruptly pulled up. The sudden pull inadvertently caused the cougar to fall against the Ronso’s chest, he paused a moment before pulling away. “I don’t mean to waste your time, Kimahri.” He explained. “But there are times where my magic is useless against an enemy, and… to be perfectly honest, I want to be trained by the best.”

Kimahri’s eyebrow raised in confusion as he stared at Elon who returned a nervous smile. “Elon is a strange little cougar.” He watched as the cougar shivered and waved his hands in a circle in front of him, causing a small ball of fire to appear between his hands. “But very skilled.” He admitted, his eyes staring at the fire as Elon ran his fingers over the surface, enjoying the warmth that suddenly filled the flesh under his fur. Kimahri smiled a bit. “Kimahri thinks, perhaps thicker clothing will help Elon’s agility and concentration.” He nodded. “Kimahri will return momentarily.”

The cougar looked up as Kimahri started out of the small canyon, his eyes trailed down the warrior’s broad back, finding the cleft underneath the Ronso’s tail, hidden by his white undercloth. The reflection on the fire he held pronounced the firm ass and he panted dryly, licking his lips before he found he could respond. “O-okay, Kimahri I’ll be here…” He watched so intently that by the time the Ronso had disappeared from sight, Elon realized that his finger had slipped into the orb of fire and was suddenly burning. “YOWCH!” He shrieked, breaking his concentration and quickly dousing the fire, leaving him in darkness again. He stuck his index finger into his mouth to try and cool the burn and then whipped it back and forth in the cold snowy night. Obviously one of the downsides training with Kimahri was the distraction of facing down an intimidating and attractive warrior. A grope of his left hand against his crotch told Elon that the stare to Kimahri’s rump indeed had a profound effect under his trousers, he’d have to find something else to concentrate on to keep from embarrassing himself.

As Elon sighed he stabbed the halberd into the snow and turned around, suddenly running into something massive immediately behind him. It was warm, but firm, the large chest and torso of another Ronso met the cougar’s muzzle. And this one, was much bigger than Kimahri. “Wh—“ He managed to utter before feeling the warm, furry biceps of the hulking Ronso wrap around his muzzle and torso, pulling him tight into the firm abdomen and squeezing. Elon couldn’t speak, he couldn’t move, but he could feel the pressure of the grip building against his neck, against his head as darkness crept in around him and the world around him spun, then went from dark to completely black. The last thing he could feel were his feet suddenly being lifted off the cold snow and into the air; then, nothing.

Kimahri had gathered several layers of his old clothes, loincloths, leggings and vests lined with fur. They weren’t very thick, but compared to the cougar’s size they would be more than enough to keep Elon warm. They were draped over his forearm, providing a good amount of weight to the Ronso’s muscle as he turned to the side, entering the small cavern that they had been practicing in. “Elon? Kimahri found you some clothes you may find comfortable.” He said. “Elon will be nice and toasty—Elon?” He looked around to see that the cavern was empty. Elon’s halberd was still piked into the snow, a light dusting of snow littered the blade and due to the light haze of snow in the air, it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes that it hadn’t been moved. He curled the clothing into the crook of his elbow and looked around. Elon couldn’t have come from the entrance, he would have seen him.

Kimahri watched the wave of white air expel from his maw as he sighed, expressing his confusion of the missing feline with a tail twitch and a pinched pair of fingers to his beard. As he wandered the small area, his perplexed expression seemed to tighten, a strange scent entered his nostrils, mixing with the scent of his familiar student. He rumbled deeply within his chest and crouched down onto all fours, sniffing the ground where there appeared to be the most recent indents of footprints. The strange scent soon seeped in with a hint of familiarity that made Kimahri’s hide ruffle in recognition. He growled.


Elon’s world came screaming back to him as he caught the sight of a rather plush pile of snow coming at his face, which he plowed into. He was met immediately by the weight of Biran Ronso pressing down against his back, a thick, hard bulge from his loins pressed firmly into the cougar’s backside that he could feel even through the leather trousers. He muffled and shook his head, realizing that his arms were bound behind him and his legs were tied together at the ankles. He looked with a scathing glare at the large blond-haired Ronso who clamped his large claws on the cougar’s shoulders, his snout and tongue sending waves of heat as they found their way under his shirt.

“Why you like Kimahri?” Biran asked lewdly as he finished his long lick, responding quickly by grabbing the poncho and shirt, ripping them rather abruptly and cleanly off the cougar’s body. “Biran is bigger and better.” He chuckled darkly, again poking himself down against the cougar’s hidden hole.

Elon’s tail wrapped gingerly around the larger Ronso’s waist as he gauged if he could possibly kick him off, but his arms and legs being bound he couldn’t use his magic and he couldn’t get enough leverage to force Biran away as he felt the ravenous claws grasping at his belt. “Release me, Biran!” Elon managed to shout before the agitated lion man gave a forceful tug, ripping the belt and the fabric of Elon’s trousers, splitting them straight down the middle before he managed to peel them off. Biran paused and smirked a bit. “Tiny cougar has interesting underclothes.” He said as the cougar rolled over and glared at him.

Elon was stripped down to his underwear, a pair of small red briefs that in no way had the room to hide the overall excitement of the moment. He certainly didn’t want to be with Biran, he wanted Kimahri much more, but the thought of a masculine hard body like Biran showing lustful interest had him so hard that his head was poking ever so slightly from his garments. Still he glared. “Release me, Biran.”

“Oh-ho… Biran “release” you alright!” He snarked and lunged at the cat.


The gold-maned Ronso paused and turned to see Kimahri standing at the mouth of the cave. The growing violent snowstorm outside whipping his tail viciously behind him as he stood soley in the center of the passage way, his spear in his right hand as his eyes passed from Ronso to cougar, then back again.

“Oh what is this? A speck? A tiny bug that Biran could squash with a thumb?” He mused playfully, running his paw along his chin. “Oh, Biran recognizes half-horn, Kimahri? Is that you?”

Kimahri stepped into the somewhat well-lit cave and out of the cold. He didn’t bother brushing off the snowflakes that had piled on his shoulders and they were rapidly melting as he shook the excess water off that had dripped down to the tips of his finger. “Yes, it is Kimahri.” He answered. “I have come for him.” He said, gesturing to the cougar. “Release Elon from your lustful intent, Biran.”

“But the tiny cougar desires Kimahri.” Biran teased, groping himself. “Biran will show him who he should desire.”

“Then show him.” Kimahri said, his words freezing in the cougar’s brain as Kimahri stepped up to Biran, then lowered himself to one knee. “Show him on me, Kimahri submits to you Biran, for payment of letting Elon go, I will be yours this night.”

Biran smirked a bit, clearly considering the smaller Ronso’s offer. “Biran is not sure.” He said. “Fucking the tiny cougar might be more of a challenge. How much does Kimahri want for Biran to breed him?”

Kimahri noticed how close Biran had gotten to him, the prominent bulge of the warrior was within inches of the end of his snout. As much as Kimahri detested Biran, he couldn't deny that it was a temptation. He reached up and rolled his fingers along the outline at the center of the pouch, feeling Biran's hardness from within. He watched as the blond-tipped tail swayed and Biran put his hands on his hips, jutting his hips outward, just a bit. It was such a ridiculous pose and yet...

The smaller lion leaned forward, inhaling Biran's musk as his nose and his tongue moved along the length over the top of the cloth. Kimahri's tongue tasting the fibers as it roughly ran across it, feeling the swelling member within. He reached his other paw up and laid it on Biran's muscular abdomen, causing him to grunt and chuckle deeply. "Kimahri has such a fine offering for Biran." He whispered a bit gruffly. "Such a fine tongue, Kimahri knows how to play."

Kimahri did his best to ignore the taunting Ronso and focus on pleasuring Biran from raping his charge; but he couldn't help notice that he was enjoying it as well. He could feel his cock swelling against his breech, pushing at the white fabric just as plainly as Biran's swelling was pushing, overfilling the lean threaded cloth. Biran did not argue as Kimahri slipped his fingers into the larger's loincloth, letting the tips of his talons roll along the fur and the skin. He pulled back the more elastic layers and allowed the Ronso's pride to spill out over the front, filling his sinuses with its powerful smell. Kimahri let out a growl and a soft insuppressible purr as the flesh flopped over his snout and he lapped at the tender flesh, feeling Biran shiver as he approached his full thickness. Kimahri resisted the urge to look at Elon, who was looking at most like he were going crazy, his hardened shaft had already pushed his underwear to the limits and he could do nothing to relive himself of these two muscular studs in such a position. Kimahri gasped and slid his tongue back along the length of Biran's shaft, wrapping it around his head and then engulfing it with a surprised gasp and moan from the larger Ronso.

"K-Kimahri likes this... v-very much. Bira-Biran pleased." He said between short breaths, feeling Kimarhi's warm maw and rough tongue now diving down the cock. Slow thrust, then fast. He could feel Biran's length twitch at the back of his throat and he swallowed the drizzle of precum, giving him another sinus flushing roll of musk. "Biran will... breed Kimahri now... like when K-Kimahri and Biran were as younger Ronso..." He panted as he pulled himself free of Kimahri's vice-grip togue and pushed him to the floor.

Kimahri rolled a bit on the stone and felt his legs stayed by the larger Ronso. Biran had a look of lust in his eyes now, fierce, unmistakable passion for the younger Ronso now displacing his interest in the bound cougar. Biran's large hand grabbed Kimahri by the hip and his other found its way immediately into the cleft of his backside. He leaned forward and moaned in Kimahri's ear, a washing of warm air causing the tufts of his fur to flick to the breath. "Such a nice backside, my brother in arms." He said, Kimahri could feel the clawtips ripping at the fabric along his rump, splitting it open as he groped up the length. "Biran has always enjoyed Kimahri's ass. And now I will have it again..."

"T-take it." Kimahri spoke, his voice surprisingly with a plea in it. "Kimahri offers himself to Biran." He felt the cool air of the fur on his backside being exposed to the cold Gagazet environment, immediately replaced by something long, something thick and hard that made the smaller Ronso almost cum immediately.

There was another push and a grinding sting that shot through the Ronso's stomach as the larger penetrated him. He huffed loudly and growled, raising his ass higher as his tail instinctively wrapped around the male breeding him. Biran let out a groan and then a purr as he pushed into the tight ring, letting his cock fill the male as his shaft made its way inside. "That is it, Kimahri... oh give yourself to Biran..." He groaned and growled as he began to pull himself back out only to plunge back in again. His eyes turned to the cougar who was still seated, almost crosslegged on the ground where the massive Ronso had left him. Biran grunted again as he hilted into Kimahri's warmth and he leaned back, quickly unraveling the twine from 'round Elon's wrists. "Biran has plans for you, tiny cougar." He said, reaching back and plucking the wrapping from around Elon's ankles now. He thrust in again, causing Kimahri to rock dully forward, the smaller Ronso's claws digging trails in the dirt as the larger one grinned and looked back at the cougar. "You should satisfy Kimahri's other needs, little one."

Elon tried to seem less than eager to please his now-submissive teacher, but moved himself under the Ronso, suppressing a giggle as the male's braids and beard tickled his stomach as he placed his nose under Kimahri's musky pouch, the tip of his own cock brushing against Kimahri's lips. He growled as he felt Elon's muzzle press up under his hidden balls, his tongue lolling around the exposed tip of the smaller feline's cock, receiving an almost instant shot of precum that splashed along his lips. He slowly drew Elon's briefs back a bit, letting his lips wrap around the tip and down along the shaft. Elon groaned, doing similar and feeling the drool from Kimahri's cock falling against his own lips and tongue. He dragged the Ronso's briefs and loincloth further apart, slipping the white fabric a good distance down Kimahri's thighs, giving the cougar a full view of his package. He purred and clutched the blue balls dangling over him, lapping and sucking at the shaft that made itself available to him. His tongue slid wetly along the shaft making it slick and shiny against the dull lighting that the lamps in the cave provided them. There was a push, Kimahri swayed forward, moaning against the cougar's shaft, who immediately returned the favor. His tongue rolling around the large member, causing a purr from the Ronso.