
This is a standard application form completed by all applicants for positions including internal applicants. For photocopying purposes, please complete this form in black ink. It may be handwritten or typed. All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Completing the form

This form is the first part of the selection process and it will be used to select applicants for interview or the next stage of the process. Please complete all sections fully. It is important that you provide details which you consider relevant to the position as detailed in the job description and which demonstrate your suitability for the position against the essential and desirable requirements to do the job as stated in the person specification. You may include any additional supporting sheets but be sure to put your name and the position for which you are applying on each sheet. Please be as accurate as you can about dates of employment and hours of work. Please provide reasons for any breaks in employment e.g. returned to study, seeking employment, carer responsibilities.


If you are appointed, you will need to produce your original certificates of qualification stated in our application. Falsification of qualifications before, or which come to light after taking up the position may result in dismissal.


Our application form requires you to provide the names of two people who are able to supply a reference for you. One of these should be your present or last employer (unless your present or last employer is Falmouth Exeter Plus) and both should be people who know you in a working capacity. College leavers should provide the name of their former Head Teacher or Principle. References may be taken up before interview unless you specify otherwise. No offer of employment will be made without satisfactory references.

Data Protection Act 1998

This information is being requested to enable Falmouth Exeter Plus to make employment decisions and meet statutory obligations. Any information provided to Falmouth Exeter Plus in this context will be treated confidentially and used only by manager(s), HR and Payroll during the course of your employment, and other statutory bodies for employment purposes. If your application is unsuccessful, this form will be destroyed after six months.

Help available

If you have a special need, there are ways in which we can help you, by providing assistance in completing the application form, making arrangements to suit you if you are invited to interview and making adjustments to the job where justified and reasonable in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act. Please let the HR Office know if you require assistance.

(Under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), a disability is defined as physical, sensory or mental impairment which has, or had, a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a persons ability to carry out day-to-day activities)

What happens next?

Please return the completed application form and supplementary sheets to the address below by the date shown in the advertisement:

HR Office

Falmouth Exeter Plus

Tremough Campus

Treliever Road

Penryn. TR10 9EZ

Tel: 01326 255328/253646


Unfortunately, due to the large numbers of applications that we receive, we can only write to you again if you are invited for interview. If we have not responded to your application within four weeks of the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion. Whatever the outcome of your application, thank you very much for the interest you have shown in working for Falmouth Exeter Plus and we wish you every success for the future.


Full name:…………………………………………………………………………………………

Post applied for: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Disclosure of criminal convictions

You are required to disclose all criminal convictions, including any which may be spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. This is because the post for which you are applying may be covered by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and therefore even spent convictions must be disclosed.

Any information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and will be considered only in relation to the particular application you have made.

Disclosure of a conviction or caution does not necessarily mean that you will not be appointed; a person’s suitability will be looked at as a whole in light of all the information available - a main consideration will be whether the offence is one which would make a person unsuitable to work in a capacity which provides the opportunity for access to young persons.

A conviction includes:

•A sentence of imprisonment, youth custody or Borstal training.

•An absolute discharge, probation order, conditional discharge, bind-over-order, fit person order,supervision order or care order.

•Any form of dismissal from the Armed Forces.

•Detention by direction of the Home Secretary.

•Detention centre, remand home, approved school or attendance centre orders.

•A suspended sentence.

•A fine or any other sentence not mentioned above.

Please enter the details of any conviction or caution order below. If you have not been convicted of any criminal offence, please enter NONE. (Please use separate sheet if necessary.)

Date and Nature of Offence / Where Offence Occurred / Date of convictionand court / Sentence

Failure to disclose criminal convictions will, in the event of employment, result in disciplinary action by the College which may lead to dismissal.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information I have provided is true.

Signed: ...... Date: ......


Falmouth Exeter Plus is working towards equal opportunities for all. To monitor Falmouth Exeter Plus’ policy it is necessary to collect information from applicants and employees on the key characteristics which relate to equal opportunities in employment. The information collected will form a confidential record and it may be stored electronically or manually. It will be used only to monitor the operation of the Equal Opportunities policy which aims to ensure that no direct or indirect discrimination occurs on the grounds of sex, age, colour, race, marital/family status or disability. It will not be passed on to those making a selection decision. Thank you for your assistance.

1My gender is: MaleFemale

2My age is: Under 25 25 – 34 35 – 44 45 – 54

55 – 65

3I would describe my ethnic origin as:

(Ethnic origin questions are not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. They are about colour and broad ethnic and cultural groups. UK citizens may belong to any of the groups shown. Please tick the category that you feel best reflects your ethnic origin.)

White British / Other Black Background
White Irish / Asian or Asian British – Indian
Other White Background / Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
Black or Black British - Caribbean / Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi
Chinese / Mixed White and Asian
Other Ethnic Background / Mixed – White and Black African
Other Mixed Background / Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
Black or Black British - African / Other Asian Background

4My marital status is:Single/Divorced Married Widowed

5Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No

This could include sensory/physical as well as chronic medical

conditions, mental health problems and dyslexia/other specific

learning difficulties

If so, please describe your disability: ......

6Do you have any dependant children? Yes No

7Do you have other dependant relatives? Yes No

Post applied for: ...... Name: ......

Date: ......