Term 4 Week 1 Thursday9 October2014

Quote for the Week: “We make a livingby what we get – we make a life by what we give.” Bill Gates

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Welcome to term 4

Where has the year gone? I have heard that many families had a relaxing break and took advantage of the warmer weather.

We have a number of new families joining us this term. On behalf of our school community, I welcome you to Minden and trust that your time with us will be both enjoyable and rewarding.

Keep Up To Date

Term 4 is shaping up to be another busy term. Make sure you check the KIT Book on a regular basis for notices regarding upcoming events. The fortnightly newsletter and website are additional sources of information about your child’s class and the school.

2015 Enrolments

We are continuing to experience a high demand for enrolments in 2015. Under our Enrolment Management Plan, the school must carefully consider and manage all applications for enrolment especially from families residing outside our catchment area. If you intend enrolling your child at Minden for 2015, or know someone considering enrolment at our school, we would appreciate an application being made as soon as possible. Some of our classes for 2015 have already exceeded Education Queensland’s targets. By accessing you can determine if your residence falls within our catchment boundaries.

To avoid disappointment, enrol now!

Leaving Minden?

If your child/ren will not be attending MindenStateSchool next year, we would appreciate families informing us as soon as possible. This will greatly assist us with planning classes for 2015. This does not include year 6 and 7 students!

Classes for 2015

Throughout term 4 we will be carefully monitoring the numbers of students in each year level. This, along with other factors, impacts significantly on the formation of classes for the next year. Increased student numbers does not necessarily mean we are able to form single year level classes. Students and parents will be notified of classes and teachers for 2015 towards the end of the school year. Of course we will need to wait until Day 8 term one for confirmation of class groupings and assignment of teachers.

Prep Interviews

Thank you to all those parents who have made an interview time for their 2015 Prep child. Each Prep child must have an interview regardless of whether they have older siblings attending the school or not. Bookings can be made by accessing and entering the access code T4R24. Interview days are Tuesday 14 October and Tuesday 21 October.

Prep Orientation Afternoons

Thursday 6 November

Thursday 20 November

Thursday 27 November

Thursday 4 December

Please ring the office on 54 257 222 and confirm which sessions your child be attending.

Swimming Term 4

We will be attending swimming lessons at Woodlands from weeks 3 to week 9. All classes will participate in 40 minute lessons. A note was sent home yesterday detailing requirements and expectations of students participating in the swimming program.

Speed Soccer

This event takes place tomorrow 10 October. Please ensure children have sufficient water with them, a full-brimmed hat (no caps) and their own sunscreen. The school will be providing sunscreen as well.

Friday Assemblies

Due to the senior students participating in Speed Soccer on Friday, we will hold a Junior Assembly this week. Next Friday will be a Senior Assembly and we will continue to alternate juniors and seniors for the remainder of the term.

Christian Religious Instruction

We have a small number of students choosing to not attend the Friday lessons. If parents no longer wish for their child to participate in this program, could you please notify the school as soon as possible.

Pupil Free Day

Monday 20 October is a Pupil Free Day. Staff will be focussing on First Aid and CPR training.

Parents and Citizens Association News

Next P&C Meeting: 3.30pm 13 October 2014.


Friday 24 October 6.00-8.00pm

Sports Centre

  • $2.00 entry per person
  • Closed shoes
  • No theme for dress-up
  • Only snacks and drinks available (no barbecue dinner)
  • Parent helpers welcome.

Book Sale

October 30, 31 and November 3.

More details in the next newsletter.

General School News

School Chaplain

I am available for a chat on Thursday and Friday for students and parents, if the need arises. Please call the office on 5425 7222 or send me an email.

I am looking forward to seeing your smiling faces.

Mrs Hewett

School Chaplain

Mt Tarampa, Fernvale & Minden

0400 037 920

Reminder: Active After School Sport has been cancelled for Term 4.

Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)

Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am and after school closing at 6.00pm.

If you would like further details please contact Pauline on 0408-409572.

Classroom News

Term 4 Prep Parent information:

*By the end of Term 4 the goal for all students is that they be reading at level 9 and have completed Pre Primer and Primer High Frequency Words. Keep up the hard work at home!

*Prep students are preparing for year 1, we are no longer having a Munch/Crunch break.

*Please hold off on collecting boxes at the moment, I will let you know when we need some more.

*Remember it is important to attend school everyday! We are very busy every day in Prep….

Thank you

Mrs Williams and the Prep Students


Happy Birthday from everyone at MindenStateSchool.

Community Notices

Need a new mower or one repaired

Try Quick and easy mower repairs

Qualified mechanic

Selling Ride ons push mowers zero turns

26 Hinze RoadMinden

I am offering $50.00 trade in on new push mowers.

$500.00 minimum trade in onnew zero turn ride on mowers.

Push mower servicing

Chain sharpening

7 days.


Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Ltd
PO Box 1420, Mona Vale NSW1660 Australia
T: (02) 9997 0700 F: (02) 9997 0701

Marburg Black Snake Creek Festival

Friday 10 October

6.30pm Art Show and Live Music with Andy Ellem.

Saturday 11 October

Free Entry 9.00am – 4.00pm

11.00am street parade

Great Food and Market Stalls

Car Show and Shine

Baby Animal Farm

Historic Displays

Featuring the Rheanna Leschke Band.

Come along and enjoy the day Full of Fun and Festivities.

IGA Community Chest

(Lowood IGA)

For every $30.00 you spend at the Lowood IGA, you receive a token. Please ask for them and pop them in the MindenSchool container.

Every little bit helps!

Somerset Regional Council

Tree Vouchers

Anyone in the community who won’t be utilising the tree voucher from the Somerset Regional Council is welcome to bring it into MindenStateSchool for us to use.

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