Anna Camburn

ENC 3311 Tuesday/Wednesday

Professor Ben Lauren

Due Date: 2.26.08

Design of the experiment

The factors that I am observing are the various environments that exist for international students who are planning to attend and currently attending Florida International University. The circumstances areunder direction of the Florida International University departments and student clubs and organizations for international students who are in need of L2 English Language assistance must uncover departments hidden within the university in order to acquire necessary language support.

The experiment implementation was carried out by a planned day of campus walk though and talks with various departments at Florida International University South Campus. The walkthrough began at the Undergraduate office of Admissions and assumed the inquiry of an international student. Questions were asked at the office of admissions for information in regards to where an international L2 English learner student can receive assistance with admissions information and study assistance if needed. The department had limited information of which to distribute to international students. There was not any published information packets available in regards to this subject.However, I was ultimately directed by the department of Undergraduate Admissions directed to the Florida International University department of Intensive and Academic English Programs ELI. Upon questioning staff and advisors I did find that a International Student Bridging program is formed through theFlorida International University department of Intensive and Academic English Programs ELI. However, this program is limited to students who attend this program and transfer directly into Florida International University as a full time credit student. Not all students who are admitted into Florida International University have completed the program particularly in Miami, which does not account for the student becoming acclimated to the University cultureof South Florida.

To deviate from factor of bias, approaching situations without personal opinion and basing all data collected on information given by professional staff through observation of information distribution. However, uncontrollable variables on behalf of the staff such as work environment issues, personal issues, and other miscellaneous issues cannot be controlled, and must be accounted for.


All results were coded in Alpha numeric. Codes were divided into sections ofthe following. Number of Departments available, Efficiency of Communicative response, numbers of published information/ website information available for students, convenience, culturally cohesive environment of departments, number of advisors for international student academic advisement and their availability.

The revised plan carried out well as far as implementing researches and uncovering local information. Although, there was difficulties in actually obtaining more specific information due to lack of investigation in regards to feedback from international students.

Deviation from my initial purpose resulteddue to time restrictions and conflicts with planned scheduling. Variables that changes in which I did not account for were lack of Japanese L2 English Learner population at Florida International University. Therefore, there were not enough students to choose from in order to select a sufficient random sample.


Although, the Florida International University department of Intensive and Academic English Programs ELI does offer a bridging course for international students who are planning to enter Florida International University as student, these courses are limited in respect to extended assistance. In the earlier stages of the program, planned excursions are made available to international students who are not acclimated to the south Florida University culture and environment. Orientations of undergraduate and graduate schools are offered to international students in the late stage of the program Intensive and Academic English Program ELI. However, this does not directly aid students who have attended anIntensive and Academic English Program in another state which resides in a different environmental culture. In addition, it does not offer essential basic information which guides international students to L2 Language assistance departments.

The conclusion of this experiment was discovered through the communication of departments, staff, and availability of interdepartmental information connectivity.I discovered that the interdepartmental relationships of the general staff do not know enough general information to make it convenient for a new international student to find out needed information as a Florida International University Student. However, students who begin at the Florida International University department of Intensive and Academic English Programs ELI have an advantage to being acclimated to South Florida’s University culture and University facilities.

Unexpected results revealed that this International Student system exists without much interdepartmental advertisement such as flyers, information pamphlets, and small paper information guides. In my findings, all published information was centralized at the ELI department and specifically geared towards international students who have not completed this type of Intensive English program. In my self planned tour of 10 major campus building, I did not find one published source of information offered in an open area that leads to assistance for new and returning Florida International University International Students. These results reflected that there is a lack of on campus information distribution by Florida International University in regards to internal international student language assistance programs.


The limitation of this experiment was that there were not enough Japanese L2 English Learner students this semester at the bridging program to observe in the environment. If it were possible even to have a more Asian culturally diverse selection of students it would make a better structured experiment for the initial inquisition of apprehensiveness in regards to feelings towards being forthright in classroom lectures.

If a change must be made in aspect to this research, I would focus more on the student’s response and conduct the experiment over a greater length of time. This would allow more time for collection of international L2 English Language student responses in respect to the subject.I am interested in further exploring the student’s point of view of international student L2 learner assistance programs being offered through the Florida International University. I would also like to further investigate thoughts of Asian international students not limited to but including Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Pilipino, and Korean studentswho may feel that not enough information is being communicated by the professors and university staff aboutinternational student L2 English Learner assistance programs on campus.

In the future, elements that should be looked at again by other researchers are priority and importance of L2 Language assistance programs offered by Florida International University. For example, “What considerations does the university make for students who are L2 English Language Students?” “What are measures of sensitivity to culture does the university actually make?” might be questions that could be proposed. This might uncover the reasons for lack of publication to openly notify students of availability of assistance centers located throughout the university environment.


The results impact future research on this topic by promoting a general idea as to what I am planning to investigate in the area of L2 English learners. Future deviations for this project will include changes of the research material and some possible introduce some new investigation data. More time is needed to observe students, and to consider slightly restructuring my investigation method by including student response questionnaires as I believe they are essential attributes which will uncover information need for the experiment. I feel that international student university responses can clarify the need for more public distribution of published information and efficient interdepartmental relaying of information.