Morgan County School District Re-3 Physics
Month / Content and Essential Questions / Skills / Assessment / Resources /August / Measurement/Mathematical Relationships
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
Linear Motion
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
S 1.1,1.3,1.4 / Metric Units
Accuracy, Precision, Sig. Figs.
Manipulator equations
Position vs Distance
Vector vs Scalar
Average vs Instantaneous Speed
V ave = d/t
Velocity vs Speed
Relativity of velocity
Uniform acceleration
a = vf - vi /t
Vf = Vi + at / Quiz
Practice exercises #1-4
PE 5&6
Pe 7&8
Pe #9-13
Pe #14-16 /
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
September / Linear motion
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
S 1.1,1.3,1.4
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
2 dimensional motion
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
S 1.1,1.3,1.4 / Displacement during uniform acceleration
Displacement from acceleration and time
Acceleration from distance and speed
Average velocity
Free fall
Addition and subtraction - linear
Addition and subtraction in quadrants
( including work on sin, cos, tan, vector signs and absolute angles as well as resultants and equilibrants)
Independence of motion
x velocity off cliff
ground to ground projectile
Cliff to ground projectiles
moving ground to ground projectiles
moving cliff to ground projectiles / Pe# 17-20
Pe # 21-26
Pe # 27-29
review worksheet
problem worksheet
Vector worksheets
Vector Test
Worksheets building sequential skills for projectiles.
/ textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
Newton's second law apparatus
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
October / 2 dimensional motion
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
S 1.1,1.3,1.4
Newton's laws of motion
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
Impulse and Momentum
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
Circular motion
( centripetal forces and accelerations)
Newton's first , second and third law
Impulse - Momentum theorem
Conservation of momentum
( one and two dimensional collisions / Dart gun project
projectile test
washer lab
Circular motion test
Think and explain
plug and chug
Think and solve
Newton's laws of motion test
practice exercises
think and explain
plug and chug
think and solve /
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
Conceptual Physics
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
November / Impulse and Momentum
S 2.2A,b 2.3c
Work, Power, Potential and Kinetic Energy
S 2.2A,b 2.3bc
/ One and two dimensional collisions
relate work, power potential and kinetic energies, as well as machine efficiencies / worksheets
practice exercises
think and explain
plug and chug
think and solve
Momentum Test
practice exercises
think and explain
plug and chug
think and solve
Roller coaster project
work and energy test / textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
December / Rotational mechanics
S 2.2A,b 2.3bc
Universal gravitation
S 2.2A,b 2.3bc
/ Center of mass and center of gravity
conservation of rational momentum
Gravitational interactions / think and explain
plug and chug
think and solve
Rotational motion Test
think and explain
plug and chug
think and solve / textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
January /
S 2.1a 2.2b /
atomic electrical charges
charge polarization
charge by induction
charge by conduction
electric fields
electric potential
electric potential energy /
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
Electrostatic labs
capacitor lab
electrostatics test / textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
February / Electrostatics
S 2.1a 2.2b
Current electricity
S 2.1a 2.2b / atomic electrical charges
charge polarization
charge by induction
charge by conduction
electric fields
electric potential
electric potential energy
Ohm's Law
series electricity
Parallel electricity
schematic diagrams / Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
Electrostatic labs
capacitor lab
electrostatics test
Ohm's law lab
Series Lab
Parallel Lab
Series-parallel Lab
Lab and written test / textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
March / Magnetism
S 2.1a 2.2b
Electromagnetic Induction
S 2.1a 2.2b
Vibrations and waves
S 2.3a,c / magnetic poles
magnetic fields
magnetic domains
electric currents and magnetic fields
magnetic forces on moving charged particles
magnetic forces on current carrying wires
meters and motors
Earth's magnetic field
Electromagnetic Induction
Faraday's Law
Generators and alternating current
motor and generator comparison
power transmission
Induction of electric and magnetic fields
electromagnetic waves
Wave description
Wave motion
wave speed
transverse waves
Longitudinal waves
Standing waves
Doppler effect
Bow waves
Shock wave / Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
magnetism labs
magnetism test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
Electromagnetic test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
wave labs
wave test
/ textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
April / Sound
S 2.3a,c
S 2.3a,c
S 2.3a,c
Reflection and refraction
S 2.3a,c / Origin of sound
Sound in air
Media that transmits sound
speed of sound
forced vibration
natural frequency
Early concepts
speed of light
electromagnetic waves
light and transparent materials
Opaque materials
Color Spectrum
color by reflection
color by transmission
mixing colored light
complementary colors
mixing colored pigments
atomic spectra
The law of reflection
ray diagrams
Diffuse reflection
reflection of sound
refraction of sound
refraction of light
atmospheric refraction
dispersion in a prism
Total internal reflection
/ Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
sound labs
sound test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
light test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
Color Test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug / textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
textbook and teacher filing cabinet
May / Lenses
S 2.3a,c
S 2.3d
Special relativity
S 2.3d
Liquids and gases
S 2.2b2.3a / converging and diverging lenses
image formation by a lens
ray diagrams
optical instruments
the eye
defects in vision
defects in lenses
Theory of relativity and Special theory of relativity
motion is relative
speed of light is a constant
relativity postulates
Time dilation
twin trip
space and time travel
length contraction
relativistic momentum and inertia
Equivalence of mass and energy
relativistic kinetic energy
the correspondence principle
Liquid pressure
Archimedes Principle
Pascal's principle
atmospheric pressure barometers
Boyle's law
Buoyancy in air
Bernoulli's principle / Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
lens test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Relativity test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
relativity test
Think and explain
Think and solve
Plug and chug
liquid and gas labs
liquid and gas test
/ Textbook and teacher filing cabinet