December 4, 2012
This regular meeting of the Jerome City Council was called to order by Mayor Shine at 5:30 p.m.
Present: Councilman Chris Barber, Councilman Robert Culver, Councilwoman Dawn Soto, Councilman Dale Ross, and Mayor John Shine.
Also present were City Clerk Shonna Fraser, City Attorney John B. Lothspeich, City Administrator Polly Hulsey, IT Director Kathy Markus, Community Development Director Zoe Monahan, Finance Director Ross Hyatt, Assistant Finance Director Kathy Cone, Human Resource Assistant Ida Guffy, Police Chief Dan Hall, Water Operations Supervisor Larry Bybee, Fire Chief Jack Krill, WWTP Lead Operator Zane Austin, Consulting Engineer Scott Bybee, Building Official Dave Richey, and Engineer Rick Wuori.
Mayor Shine led the audience in recitation of the pledge of allegiance.
Those items contained in the consent calendar are as follows:
1. Approve the minutes of the November 20, 2012 regular meeting, and the November 20, 2012 executive session
Councilman Culver made the motion to approve the consent calendar as presented. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, and Councilwoman Soto. NAYS: None.
Chief Hall stated it will be a pleasure to welcome Sam Roach as the newest member of the Jerome City Police Department. He did very well on the competitive testing for the position. He is a recent graduate of the College of Southern Idaho Law Enforcement Program. Chief Hall stated Officer Roach’s father John will present his badge tonight.
Mayor Shine gave the oath of office to Patrolman Roach.
Jack Johnson appeared as an advisory member to represent the newly formed Jerome Skate Park Coalition. He explained the Jerome Centennial Skatepark Committee was formed in 2006. In April of 2009 the city council passed Resolution No. 7-09 setting aside a portion (12,000 square feet) of Sheppeard Park to be used for a skatepark site. Due to unforeseen circumstances not a lot of progress has been made; a new coalition has been formed. He stated the advisory committee consists of responsible members of the community. The major partners in this effort will be a combination of Jerome City and County, and the Jerome Recreation District. The committee has been offered the use of the Jerome Community Trust 501c (3). Expenditures will require a majority vote from the committee as a whole and require dual signatures. The major role of the committee is to raise funds to build a skate park as well as aid in the design of said park. Mr. Johnson is appearing tonight to verify the continuance of the approval given and commitment given a few years ago. Time is of the essence to start the plans and blue prints and visual interpretations. He commented the committee is very committed to having complete transparency in fund raising and reporting. The committee does plan to reach out to community members for funding as well as outlets such as the Tony Hawk Foundation. He commented these outdoor activities are very vital to community health. The skaters have a wide range of ages and demographics.
Councilman Barber stated he has some concerns regarding the skate park due to past donations. He is glad to see the members of this committee are responsible members of the community. He asked for a quarterly report from the committee to let council know the progress. He also asked the committee to set goals and be cognizant of future issues i.e. maintenance, insurance, etc.
Mayor Shine polled the council. The full council gave their support to the committee and the use of a portion of Sheppeard Park.
A brief discussion was held regarding the use and ownership of the park. Council may be willing to have a discussion with the Jerome Recreation District regarding turning that portion of the Sheppeard Park over to them.
Resolution No. 12-12 was read by the clerk. The Resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, the City of Jerome’s Compensation Plan was originally adopted in 1990 and amended several times thereafter; and
WHEREAS, components of the Compensation Plan were recently updated to reflect new positions and the position identified by each job description; and
WHEREAS, the Compensation Plan includes the Kinds and Level Chart, the Pay Chart, the Performance Evaluation User Guide and related forms, and the method by which to calculate the Performance Evaluation increase;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Jerome Idaho,
Section 1. Previous Resolutions Repealed. All prior resolutions that deal with the components of the Compensation Plan are hereby repealed in their entirety.
Section 2. Compensation Plan. The Mayor and Council of the City of Jerome, Idaho hereby adopt the City of Jerome’s merit-based compensation plan including the Kinds and Levels Chart attached as Exhibit “A”; Pay Chart attached as Exhibit “B”; Method to Calculate the Performance Evaluation Increase attached as Exhibit “C”; and the Performance Evaluation User Guide attached as Exhibit “D” .
Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective on October 1st, 2012 and upon its passage and approval by the Jerome City Council.
PASSED BY THE COUNCIL this 4th day of December, 2012.
SIGNED BY THE MAYOR this 5th day of December, 2012.
/s/ John Shine
/s/ Shonna C. Fraser
Councilwoman Soto made the motion to pass Resolution No. 12-12 as presented. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Ross. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, and Councilwoman Soto. NAYS: None.
Ms. Guffy reported there are no changes to the pay chart. The changes are to the kinds and levels chart which has been updated to reflect the updated job description. Most of the changes are within wastewater, water, and streets. Custodian and library positions are also changed.
Councilman Barber questioned minimum and maximum salaries. Mayor Shine explained the salary ranges will be reviewed by BDPA if the proposal is approved.
Ms. Hulsey reported the contract is very similar to past agreements with Mr. Bybee. One change is to have invoices presented by the 5th day of the month for her review. Another change is to right of control. The change requested is a hard drive exchange to insure the city has all of the information they own. Mr. Bybee also provided council with a breakdown of time and activities he is currently involved in. She noted he is treated on the level of a department head and will meet regularly with her and staff.
Councilman Culver made the motion to approve the on-call consulting contract with Scott Bybee, P.E., at a cost of $70 per hour effective November 20, 2012 to September 30, 2013. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Ross. Upon the request of Ms. Hulsey Councilman Culver amended his motion to December 4, 2012 to September 30, 2013. After consideration the amended motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, and Councilwoman Soto. NAYS: None.
Councilman Culver made a motion to approve the proposal to conduct a review of Internal Equity and Pay Plan Adjustment by BDPA, Inc. in the amount of $6,474 and authorize the mayor to execute the contract. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion failed by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto. NAYS: Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, and Councilman Barber.
Ms. Guffy requested two quotes to review the pay plan which has not been reviewed by an outside source since 2005. They will conduct market analysis and provide guidelines. They will analyze the job families and determine if they need to be adjusted. She noted BDPA assisted the city in setting the pay plan in the past.
Councilman Barber is hesitant to spend the funds; Councilman Culver stated he has spoken at length with Ms. Guffy and is comfortable with the need for a consultant; he is also hesitant to spend the funds.
Ms. Hulsey agrees hiring a consultant is not done lightly. Several people have been hired in the past few years with no market analysis. She explained when an employee has higher knowledge skills and abilities they must be paid on a higher scale than a lower skilled individual.
Councilwoman Soto stated salaries are too complicated for staff to contend with.
Ms. Hulsey proposed going back and taking another look at the second company. Staff will come back with another proposal.
Ms. Guffy stated the level 2 membership has been budgeted. Northwest Data Exchange works in conjunction with BDPA to make customized reports and.
Council requested this item be brought back with another proposal along with the new proposal for the pay plan. Motions were withdrawn.
Councilman Culver made a motion to renew the membership with the Northwest Data Exchange at a cost of $2,200 and authorize the mayor to execute the contract. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion was tabled until a new proposal for the pay plan is received.
Ms. Markus stated this training is for all GIS analysts. Information is shared including where data is obtained. She commented Joan will be retiring within a few years and Angie is being trained to transition into her position. Beginning next year they will alternate years for one to attend and bring back the information. This is a budgeted item.
Councilwoman Soto made a motion to approve GIS Analyst Joan Appell and GIS Tech II Angie Haddock to attend the 2013 Intermountain GIS Users Conference in Boise March 11-13 at a cost not to exceed $3,302. Second to the motion was made by Councilman Culver. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilman Culver, Councilman Ross, Councilman Barber, and Councilwoman Soto. NAYS: None.
Councilman Culver made a motion to adjourn to executive session pursuant to Idaho Code 67-2345 (1)(f) to communicate with legal counsel to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Second to the motion was made by Councilwoman Soto. After consideration the motion passed unanimously by the following vote: AYES: Councilwoman Soto, Councilman Culver, Councilman Barber, and Councilman Ross. NAYS: None.
Councilman Culver asked Larry Bybee when the water department plans to begin discussing the backflow situation with the public. Mr. Bybee stated the city received a grant for consumer education. With the new ordinance this education is vital to the success of the program. Source water protection education will be dovetailed with this program as well. This will also be done on KMVT as well. Councilman Culver advised against waiting until it is time to turn on the sprinkling systems in the spring. Mayor Shine requested staff keep council apprised of the level of education. Mr. Bybee offered to bring back information in thirty days.
Councilman Ross reported his wife used the services of our fire department and ambulance in an emergency situation. He praised their expertise and announced she is doing well.
Ms. Hulsey reported attending the Mitigating Risk and Conducting Employee Investigations training along with Ms. Cone and Ms. Guffy. She also reported on a visit from EPA regarding the Brownsfield Assessment on the Butte site. She commented they were impressed with our staff’s teamwork. Staff is investigating cost effectiveness to pumping water to the Butte site vs. installing a tank, which would require quarterly testing in Perpetua at a cost of $25,000 per test. EPA would also require three monitoring wells.
Ms. Hulsey noted she, Kathy Cone and Ross and Hyatt will attend The Associated Taxpayers conference tomorrow in Boise. Thursday is the deadline for the Department of Insurance and the III-A.
There being nothing further to discuss, this regular meeting of the Jerome City Council adjourned at 6:48 p.m.
John Shine, Mayor
Shonna Fraser, City Clerk