Maryland Volunteers’ Association Agenda

Sunday – March 1, 2015 – 1:30 – 3:00 pm

4-H Center - College Park, MD

Welcome – Sandy Corridon – 4-H State Office

Call Volunteers’ Association Annual Meeting to Order – President Arlene Lantz

Roll Call (sign up sheet) & Secretary Report – (May ’14) – Secretary Mary Thomas

FYI – Treasurer Report (Gina Degreenia) Previous Balance Current Balance

Volunteers Association General Account $ 2,062.89 $ 2,369.05

Annual Volunteer/Teen Forum Account $ 22,753.04 $ 23,253.04

NERVF Account $ 43,607.69 $ 44,058.46

Angus/Payne Volunteer Development Account $ 68,752.86 $ 67,070.54

Program: Sharing “My 4-H Moment” & Volunteer Association Retreat Highlights

–  Reflective – “My 4-H Moment” (Sandy)

–  Celebrative – “Our Foundational Components” (Jenn)

–  Futuristic – Youth & Adult Partnership: Connecting Volunteer Association, Collegiate 4-H, All-Stars, Educators, and State 4-H Staff working together to support the youth (Arlene)

–  Volunteer survey result summary (Gina)

Reports & Unfinished Business:

1.  Association Fundraisers:

- Wendell August & Stained Glass Clovers – (Ellen)

-“4-H Family” Car Magnets – A great fundraiser for your club! (Arlene)


a.  3 UME Volunteer Scholarships were applied for and awarded for $150@

b.  Thanks to all who made it a huge success

c.  There are no plans to continue the NERVF

3.  MD Gala report & Volunteer Association representation on the planning committee

New Business:

4.  Maryland Day – April 25th – UMD College Park, MD

a.  Committee Chair – Mary Thomas

b.  Activity – Chicken Cluckers (sign up for a work shift)

c.  Volunteer Display to promote the association with the “4-H Moments” Banner

d.  Handouts with each county 4-H contact information, association handout

5.  Volunteer & Teen Family Picnic

a.  Sunday, May 17th, 1-4 pm at the Frederick County 4-H Camp Pavilion

b.  Donation amount to the 4-H Camp for using the facility?

c.  Covered dish picnic – Monkey Survey for volunteers to sign for a dish (Jenn)

d.  Would the Association like to buy the meat to grill, condiments, & paper products?

e.  Program: 2016 Forum Committee Reports

f.  Jim Cain activities provided by the State Council

6.  2015 MD Volunteer Forum – Ocean City Committees – November 20-22, 2015

  1. Theme – “Celebration & Collaboration” or “My 4-H Moments” or “Reflecting Forward”
  2. We would like to use the tri-chair model for the following committees:

-Registration – Cheryl Hill,

-Hospitality & Food & Bucket Displays for State Council– Ellen Larrimore & Sandy Corridon,

-Workshops – Jenn Hiscock,

-Speakers – Arlene Lantz & Sandy Corridon,

-Mini Golf – Mary Thomas,

-Silent Auction – Gina Degrennia, Amanda Cloughtery

-Share Fair – Gina, Ellen, & Kara Barnhart

7.  2015 Volunteer Awards Committee

  1. Chairperson – Ellen Larrimore - Mary Thomas, Ruth Brown, Meredith Smith, Sue Leatherman
  2. Suggested at least 1 member per cluster
  3. Association should send a “Congratulations” award letter to all winners
  4. New form coming – work with Maria, possible educator signature per recommendation
  5. Committee to meet following picnic meeting to finalize forms for 2015 award forms

8.  Future 4-H Volunteer Training Committee (Jenn Hiscock, Kara Barnhart) (Need Council, Collegiate, All Star, Educator, State Leaders, committee members – 2@)

  1. Ideas for online UME training for new volunteers – include an Association welcome
  2. Ideas for 2016 volunteer cluster trainings (in person &/or via webinar or connect sessions)

West, north, central, southern, upper shore, lower shore (6 programmatic clusters)

  1. 2016 or 2017 MD Volunteer Forum? Location?
  2. Association sponsored statewide training for all community volunteers
  3. Action Team for Volunteerism
  4. Background check system….coming….

9.  Improving communication with volunteers across the state?

a.  New online email listserv & new Volunteer Association Facebook page

b.  Contemporary Volunteers – recruiting & utilizing their expertise for new events

c.  Survey community volunteers & put together an “expert” list (UME form)

10.  How can we build a better Educator / Volunteer working relationship?

  1. Extend an invitation to our meetings, picnic, and forum
  2. Utilize the tri-chair model for our forum and cluster training planning committees

11.  How can we work with and support the 4-H MD State Council? They are looking for 1-2 UME Volunteers to serve on their following committees:

  1. Events & 4-H Outreach – educational leadership cluster components…
  2. Service – statewide event during National 4-H Week…
  3. Public Issues – healthy living, bullying…
  4. Finance – fundraising…
  5. Public Relations – promote 4-H…

12.  How can we work with and support the MD Collegiate 4-H?

13. Volunteer questions & concerns & celebrations:

-How can we help you? Questions & concerns

-Share & celebrate 4-H news. . .

14. Other business?

15. Thanks for coming – invite other volunteers & families to join us at our next meeting:

Sunday - May 17th1:00 - 4:00 pm - Frederick County 4-H Camp

Covered dish luncheon, Association & Council Meetings, 4-H Family Fellowship

-Program: 2015 Volunteer Forum Committee Reports

16. Motion to adjourn the meeting

Maryland Volunteers’ Association 2015 Officers:

President - Arlene Lantz


Vice-President - Jenn Hiscock


Secretary - Mary Thomas


Treasurer – Gina Degreenia


Past President - Ellen Larrimore


Financial Advisor- Cheryl Hill


Extension Specialist 4-H Youth Development

Sandy Corridon – ()