Conference Cost

Costs, unless otherwise noted, include:

Conference fees, lodging and 6 meals.

Epworth by the Sea is now a wireless internet campus

Pitts and Booth, (more centrally located)

Double Room:$ 125 per person

Single Room:$ 210 per person

Robertson building(newer, w/ bayside view)

Double Room:$ 145.00 per person

Single Room:$ 235.00 per person

Commuting:$ 65.00 per person

(No room/no meals, but meals can be purchased individually from Epworth)

Note: no more membership fees!

Check with your presbytery to determine availability of scholarships for conference registration cost.

***It is the registrant’s responsibility to assure full payment before registration can be confirmed or secured. ***

Cancellation policy is as follows:

More than two weeks’ notice: full refund

Less than two weeks: full, less $75;

Less than 72 hours: no refund.

Emergency Contact Number while at Conference: 912-638-8688

Please note:

The deadline for registrations is Tuesday, April 10, 2013.

Conference Schedule

( Schedule subject to change before Conference)



4:00 pm. Welcome & Icebreakers

5:30 -6:30pmSupper

6:30 -7:15pmGroup Pictures, Announcements, & Devotional

7:15 pmKeynote Address


7:30 amBreakfast

8:30 am Devotion and Announcements

9:00-10:20 amWorkshop I

10:30-11:50amQ & A Panel

12:00 pmLunch

1:10-2:30pmWorkshop II

2:30-3 pmChoir Practice

3:00 pmFree Time

5:00-7:00pmDinner at Epworth


7:30 amBreakfast

8:40- 10:00amWorkshop III

10:00-10:30 amCheck-out

10:30-10:45amBusiness Meeting & Awards

10:45-12:00pmThornwell, Worship, Communion & Installation of Officers

12:00 noonLunch


A free will offering for the Thornwell Home and School for Children will be taken during the Communion Service on Wednesday morning.

Directions to Epworth: St.SimonsIsland is 80 miles from Savannah, GA and from Jacksonville, FL., 12 miles from I-95, and 13 miles from Brunswick/Glynco airport. Follow St. Simons Causeway from Brunswick to Sea Island Road. Go left at light. Take first left at Hamilton Road then right on Arthur J. Moore Drive.

“Responding to God’s Call”

Keynote by Rev.Dr. Frank Colclough, Sr.

1 Samuel 3:10 “Speak, for your servant is listening.”


  1. “Stewardship: A Matter of the Heart” Discussion of stewardship as spiritual discipline providing context for generous giving.Rev, Dr. Frank Colclough, Sr.-Honorably retired from New Harmony Presbytery where he served as Associate Exec Presbyter.
  1. “Book of Order/ PCUSA Polity” Providing polity guidance and training to allow more familiarity with our Book of Order. Rev. Heahwan Rim- Transitional Exec of the Synod of South Atlantic, serving on the Advisory Committee on Constitution PCUSA.
  1. ”Spiritual Care of Healthy Congregations” Helping people respond to God and one another by focusing on cultivation of healthy spiritual disciplines. Rev. Ken Meeks- Exec Presbyter of North East Georgia Presbytery
  1. “The Holy Spirit”Understand the role of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of congregations with biblical illustrations from both Testaments. Rev. Dr. Fred Terry- Retired pastor of Keystone Presbyterian in Odessa, Florida, and former chief of chaplains at Bay Pines VA Medical Center
  1. “Helping Declining Churches” Explore ways to lead congregations to vibrant life including people of all ages. Rev. Maggie Lauterer-Pastor at Montreat Presbyterian Church in NC, formerly led Burnsville NC Presbyterian.
  1. “Missional Track- Bivocational Ministry” relating to smaller membership congregations. Interested attendees will meet over Monday night dinner, a workshop period and noon meal on Tuesday with Rev. Herb Codington. PREREGISTRATION required for this option-mark registration form. Registrants will be sent the book “The Work of the Bivocational Minister” to be read prior to the Conference.

ASC Conference Registration Form

May 6-8, 2013


MARK Choice Above- You must mark here if you are attending the NEW Missional Track so we can send you the book to read ahead of time.






First Time Attending [ ] Pastor [ ] Laity [ ]

Phone: Home ( ) ______

Work ( ) ______


Are you willing to share contact information with other attendees? Yes ____ No ____

Double Room ____ or Single Room ____

P & B Lodging ____, Robertson lodging ____, Commuting ____

Special Needs: Handicapped Room [ ] 1st Floor [ ]

Close to Meeting Room [ ]

Roommate Preference: ______

(Roommate assigned if dbl room with no preference)

Amount enclosed: $______

Emergency Contact:



Make checks payable to “ASC”.

Detach and mail this form with check by April 10stto:

Maurine Resch

PO Box 248

Blythe, GA30805

706-373-9480 email:

History and Goals

The Association of Smaller Congregations (ASC) of the Synod of South Atlantic, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was organized in April 1987 by a group of visionaries led by the late Rev. Foster Edwards, a Presbyterian minister in the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta.

This group sought to create an organization which would:

  • encourage and support smaller congregations,
  • promote awareness of the unique strengths and needs of smaller congregations,
  • provide opportunities for fellowship, education, and creative thinking and sharing between smaller congregations, and
  • facilitate communication between churches, presbyteries, and governing bodies.

All churches and their members within the ecclesiastical bounds of the Synod of South Atlantic, having 200 or fewer members are considered as members of the ASC.

It is the hope of every member of the board that our organization will serve to support the life and ministry of the smaller congregations in the Synod of the South Atlantic. We hope to do this through worship, fellowship, education and prayer for the people of these congregations and for their pastors.


Association of Smaller


Synod of South Atlantic


26th Annual Conference

“Responding to God’s Call”

May 6-8, 2013

Epworth by the Sea

St.SimonsIsland, GA