DATE: September 2015



POST:Study Higher Ambassador, Post number: 234534

The purpose of the role is to:

  • Support the Study Higher Team in the delivery of outreach activities to young people in schools and colleges within local areas which have low participation rates in HE, and to those from target groups which are under-represented in HE (such as children in care and young carers).
  • Act as a positive role model through sharing experiences and promoting positive, impartial messages about education to young people.


-Assisting in the delivery of presentations or talks to groups of prospective students and their teachers/parents at local schools. Student Ambassadors may be asked to speak about their own routes into college or university as part of a longer presentation.

-Helping to plan, support and deliver events for target student groups. The Study Higher programme includes delivering workshops to both Young Carers and Children in Care which some Student Ambassadors are asked to support.

-Being a mentor for students from target groups

-Assisting with administrative support for the Study Higher team, which may include helping with the marketing and promotion of the scheme.


We are looking for confident, enthusiastic and friendly people, who have the ability to communicate well with young people and also their parents/carers and teachers.

Applicants must have reached their 18th birthday on or before 1stSeptember 2015. Applicants must be full or part-time students study a Higher Education course at any of the following institutions: Abingdon & Witney College, Activate Learning, Amersham and Wycombe College, Aylesbury College, Ruskin College or Swindon College.

We welcome applications from all eligible students and especially from those with similar backgrounds to our target groups (care leavers, minority ethnic groups, those with disabilities, those who come from areas of low participation in HE, 1st generation to HE, young carers).


The hourly rate will be £9.58.

The scheme is managed by Oxford Brookes University on behalf of Study Higher. However, your normal centre of duty will be the college or university you currently attend. As outlined in the duties and responsibilities section, you may be required to visit local schools or other institutions as part of your job role. Study Higher will reimburse the cost of your travel or arrange transport for you to all events.

This is a casual post; there are no regular hours of work. Work opportunities will vary throughout the week and weekends including evenings. Any work will be agreed in advance with the Study Higher team.

An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service(DBS) check is part of the employment process and if successful you will be required to complete a DBS check. Your appointment will be conditional on the receipt of a clear Enhanced DBS disclosure.

You will be required to demonstrate that you are eligible to work in the UK.

Deadline for Applications:Friday 30thOctober 12 noon (email completed application forms and your CV to )


If successful, we will contact you to arrange for you to attend an interview where you will be asked to deliver a short presentation.

Should you be successful at interview, you will be expected to attend the mandatory training day.

Training (Mandatory):

There is a compulsory training day for all Study Higher Ambassadors. This will cover topics such as knowing your audience, communication skills and essential information about the scheme. You will be paid for attending training.

Study Higher Ambassador Application


Term timeaddress______

Mobile / home phone ______

College E-mail______

Home address (if different to above) ______

Course title______

Course level: (e.g. BSc, Foundation degree, HND, HNC etc) ______

Please type your answers on additional sheets if necessary.

1. Why do you want to be a member of the Study Higher Ambassador team?______

2. What unique qualities and abilities do you have to offer prospective students, parents, and others considering higher education? ______

3. Describe your experience with the following (use examples):

•Public Speaking______

•Work with school aged children______

•Working with people from diverse backgrounds______

•Work in a customer facing role______

Signature______Print Name______Date______


Completed applications should be submitted to:

Hard copy to: Lucinda Morton, Lloyd Building L101, Headington Campus, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, OX3 0BP

Digital copy can be emailed to:

Closing date for applications: Friday 30th October 2015, 12 noon