European Colloid and Interface Society
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt
Tresurer, ECIS
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
Ackermannweg 10
D-55128 Mainz, Germany / Phone: +49-(0)6131-379 111
FAX: +49-(0)6131-379 310

ECIS / IACIS joint membership form

ECIS and IACIS Committee collaborate closely, in particular, in planning and promoting each other’s meetings and activities. Both societies are self-standing, legally and financially, and not part of a parent professional organisation, we have also been able to negotiate a scheme whereby members of one society may join the other, at a reduced rate.

For EuropeanECIS members, who are renewing their ECIS membership, it is now possible to pay your subscription to both ECIS and IACIS at the same time using this form, whether or not they are currently members of IACIS. As you will see from the table below, you will make a substantial saving in joining both societies.

You should fill out this form and send it by e-mail or fax to the Treasurer of ECIS (see the second page for details). The IACIS component of your fee, and your membership details will be forwarded to IACIS.

For IACIS members who wish to become members of ECIS, you may join ECIS by filling in a similar form issued by IACIS. The ECIS component of your fee, and your membership details will be forwarded to ECIS.

For persons who are currently members of both or neither organisation, you may chose which society you pay your primary membership through.

The relevant subscription fees in Euros are

25 Euro/year if you are member of only ECIS

25 Euro/year if you are a member of IACIS

40/Euro/year is you are a joint member of ECIS and IACIS


(Please tick one box below)

I wish to become a member of ECIS only (25 €/year)

I wish to become a member of IACIS only (25 €/year)

I wish to become a member of both ECIS and IACIS (40 €/year)



Date of birth:






The annual membership fee should be paid to the account of ECIS at the Sparkasse SIEGEN with the following address:

Recipient, Address:

Prof. Hans-Jürgen Butt

European Colloid and Interface Society

Bergstrasse 13

D-57223 Kreuztal

Account number:12101416

IBAN:DE71 4605 0001 0012 1014 16


Bank of recipient: Sparkasse Siegen, Morleystr. 2, D - 57072 Siegen

Stichwort (keyword): ECIS

Please make sure that we receive your payment free of charges, and that your name appears on the transfer.