Jed’s Prayer

From “In the Midst of Thee – volume 1,” – 97 Glenn Rawson Stories: .

The Lord says in the scriptures, “…ask, and ye shall receive…” (John 16:24)

Now, I suppose most of us have figured out how to ask, but I wonder how many of us have figured out how to recognize the answer. Now, our Father can answer His children any way He chooses, but by this story, may I illustrate how He most frequently will answer us.

Not long ago my wife was helping a friend with a project at the church. They found that they had need of a hot glue-gun, which my wife had at home. Well, not having her car, Debbie borrowed Mindy’s car and took off for home. As she pulled up in front of the house, she left the car running, thinking that since she knew exactly where the glue-gun was, she would only be a moment. So with the car running, she closed the door and ran in the house, not realizing that as she did so, the car’s doors automatically locked.

Now, when she came back out, of course, she couldn’t get in. She looked at the coded keypad on the door and thought there was no way she’d be able to guess the right numbers, so she didn’t even try. She went back in and tried to reach Mindy by phone, but no one answered.

So, in desperation, she turned to Jed, our teenage son, and asked him to get on his bike, and ride up to the church, and get the door’s number code.

Well, Jed stepped outside. It was 2:30 in the afternoon and it was hot! There was no way that Jed wanted to pedal two miles just for some numbers.

Now interestingly enough, Jed offered a prayer to Heavenly Father asking Him for help. Now, no sooner had the ”amen” been said – now get this – when a series of numbers came into Jed’s mind. He stepped up to the door, punched in those numbers on the five-button ten-digit keypad and tried the door. Now, what would you think happened? The door opened!

Now, in conclusion: If we expect the blatant and spectacular to answer our prayers, we likely will not be attuned to that quiet little voice that stirs thoughts in our minds, and feelings in our hearts. So subtle are these thoughts that we often pass them by thinking that they come from us – from within our own minds – and not from God. But, if we will learn to look inward, and listen to the thoughts in our minds, and the feelings in our hearts, a whole new world will open up. It’s called the ‘spirit of revelation.’

Glenn Rawson – July 1998

Music: Majesty: Music for the Sabbath, track 1 (Holy Spirit) (edited) – Greg Hansen

Song: Go Ye Now in Peace – Envoy