Annex 1. Logframe Template for STATCAP Program
Narrative Summary / Key Performance Indicators / Means of Verification / AssumptionsSector Related CAS Goal
/ Sector Indicators / Sector ReportsPublic Sector and private sectors policy, program and expenditure management decisions are improved
MDGs strategies, targets, and implementation are in line to achieve MDGs / Improved management of public resources and streamline public expenditure
MDG figures / Readiness, Assessment such as ROSC report on Data Dissemination, IMF Multi-sector statistics mission report or equivalent / Commitment to macroeconomic progress and social advancement
Project Development Objective (per country) / Outcome Indicators / Reports / (from Objective to Goal)
To strengthen National Statistical Offices to provide reliable, timely, and accurate economic, financial, socio-demographic and other data, in line with international good practice and frameworks and user needs / Access to information/ dissemination
- Rate of user satisfaction increases from x to y by EOP (include consultation, usefulness of products, etc.)
- Targeted Stat products are easily accessible in relevant media with metadata and interpretation of findings, etc.
- Data sources are sound and relate to the targeted coverage.
- Increase in surveys response rates from % to %
- Validation is carried out for at least % of data sources and stats. products
- Reduction in time lag between data collection and dissemination
- Statistical outputs are released within the time limits and with frequency meeting GDDS requirements
- Survey of users of statistical products/or outcome of user/producer workshop
- Independent assessment of Statistical Products and capacity against original master plan
- same as above
- same as above
- same as above
- same as above
- same as above
Government, business community, and NGOs use information contained in outcomes and outputs to better design and manage policies, programs and resource allocation.
The institutional framework, incentives, roles/responsibilities and capacity for policy makers and analysts to use information are in place.
Other programs address the capacity and incentives of Government to use statistical information for policy and resource decisions (this might include public sector reform, sector reform, institutional change management, etc.)
Output from each component / Output indicators / Reports / (from outputs to PDO Objective)
1. Adequate policy and regulatory framework as well as effective institutional framework, management and human resources for statistics are in place
Master Plan 5.1.1 / 1.1Statistical legislation and regulations provide for institutional and regulatory framework and safeguarding confidentiality of source data
1.2Mechanisms for effective inter-agency coordination are established and operational. Duplication of data collection among agencies is eliminated at national and regional level
1.3Mechanisms for effective dialogue with the data users and respondents (providers) are operational.
1.4MIS systems are used for strategy planning, work programs, accounting, etc
1.5% of staff of data producing agencies who feel management is responsive to their work needs and problem solving oriented / 1.1 Review of regulatory and coordinating framework for production and dissemination of information
1.2same as above
1.3same as above
1.4MIS and management audit
1.5 MIS and management audit
1.6 Post Training Evaluation or Individual HR assessment
1.7 Staff workplace audit and HR training records / The national authorities carry out designated legislative and institutional reforms on statistics.
An understanding on mutual responsibilities, data sharing, and elimination of duplication is reached among statistical agencies at national and regional levels.
2. Statistical infrastructure developed and made operational
Statistical Master Plan 5.2.1 / 2.1Business register compiled and being maintained and used.
2.2Targeted sampling frameworks for surveys compiled and applied.
2.3Required economic and social classifications adapted.
2.4Cost effective and efficient methods used for statistical operation.
2.5 % of staff who have required skills / 2.1 Statistical capacity assessment against original baseline / National authorities are committed to create statistical infrastructure and environment for generating quality data.
All statistical and regulatory agencies agree to cooperate and make joint efforts to build statistical infrastructure.
3. Main statistical agencies have developed/upgraded and put into operation their core statistical programs including surveys.
Statistical Master Plan 5.3.1 / 3.1Internationally accepted standards and methodologies are used in data production
3.2Sound and well-accepted statistical techniques are used for data collection, compilation, and validation
3.3Targeted surveys conducted and results disseminated
3.4Targeted topical statistics produced
3.5Increase in the rate of data provision of administrative statistics
3.6% of staff audited who use and upkeep acquired skills / Statistical products assessment (DQAF) against baseline / Line ministries and regions are willing to provide reliable administrative data to national system
All statistical agencies (including Central Bank, line ministries, regional statistical offices) agree to implement nationally approved standards, methodologies, and procedures to produce and disseminate targeted statistics.
Statistical personnel have incentives to implement changes in the statistical operations.
Sufficient authority and flexibility for staff retention or reassignment
Statistical respondents, cooperate with the upgraded/new statistical initiatives on data collection.
4. Investment in physical infrastructure and equipment to facilitate the production and dissemination of data by statistical agencies are undertaken and adequately maintained.
Statistical Master Plan 5.4.1 / 4.1Capacity for physical operations is adequate and well maintained
4.2MIS systems are used for proper maintenance and use of computer and communication systems / 4.1 Facility and equipment Audit / Government’s commitment to provide flexibility on the choice and use of technology and equipment for statistical purposes.
Components/Sub Components / Inputs (budget for each component) / Reports: / (from components to outputs)
1. Improving Policy, Regulatory, and Institutional Framework (including management and human resources) / PCU quarterly progress reports
Disbursement Reports
IMF GDDS/SDDS –related reports
Data providers/users surveys / Statistics law and regulations enacted or amended.
National Statistical Development Plan is developed and in line with National strategy
2. Statistical Infrastructure Development
3. Upgrading/Developing Statistical Operations
4. Investment in Physical Infrastructure and Equipment