Approved March 9, 2013

WhiteOakShores Owner Association

Board of Directors’

Minutes of Meeting


Date: January 26, 2013

Place: WhiteOakShores Association Office

Time: 12:15 p.m.

Board of Directors

President Julie Danford Board of Director Roger Johnson

V. President Jeff Hodgson Board of Director Kenneth Joiner

Secretary Gladys Buchanan Board of Director Donna Gilmore

Treasurer Mitzie Stavinoha


Quorum of Board of Directors is Present

Kenneth Joiner is absent

Jeff Hodgson will be late.

  1. Julie called the meeting to order and established a quorum.
  2. Gladys summarized the December 8, 2012 minutes.

Donna Gilmore motioned to approve minutes as summarized. Mitzie Stavinoha seconded. All voted aye and the motion was carried

  1. Mitzie Stavinoha gave Bank Balances as follows:

Checking acct.46,485.83

Road fund 8,765.55

Legal fund10,553.68

Fundraiser 4,177.16

Road Repair 8,519.16


Petty Cash 163.23


  1. Roger Johnson reported on what projects were being done.

He will give Julie Danford and the Board a list of projects as he knows about them or give a copy of the Log before the next meeting.

  1. Donna Gilmore gave the Fundraiser report. The Cake Auction at Christmas party raised $708.00.

A Chili Cook-off is scheduled for Feb. 23 at 9:00 a.m.

There will be a meeting atTootie’sKitchen to enlist volunteers for the Fundraiser Committee on Feb. 7 at 9:30 a.m.

Aluminum cans brought in $46.00


  1. Dumpster will start 2nd pickup in March.
  2. Julie Danford will proofread the deed restrictions and bylaws after being typed by Mitzie Stavinoha and Tammy Johnson.
  3. WhiteOakShores has been updated as not being sales tax exempt
  4. The Board will be meeting with the new attorney, Mr. Fletcher, to interview and ask questions on Monday, January 28, 2013 at 1:00 p.m.
  5. Julie Danford and Woody Harper are to meet to discuss the website blog. No date has been set.


  1. The contest to name the newsletter was won by Sandra Dickson for the title “Fork Over the News”. She won the $50 gift card to Chili’s.

The newsletter was now turned over to Debi West. Members who want

to submit anything in newsletter, can send it to Debi West – email .

  1. Julie Danford suggested that WhiteOakShores have a liaison to attend the WOSSSC (Sewer Corp) board meetings. Mitzie Stavinoha made motion for WOSOA board member to be liaison to WOSSSC board meetings. Donna Gilmore seconded. All voted aye, motion carried
  2. Lots 312-313 was returned to the possession to WhiteOakShores Association with clear title and taxes. A selling price of $3500.00 per lot plus the remaining road fee has been set.
  3. WhiteOak Shores Association will start billing the Convenience Fee instead of the Sewer Corp. Donna Gilmore made the motion to approve this billing, Gladys Buchanan seconded it. All voted aye and the motion was carried.
  4. D & O Insurance will be paid yearly instead of monthly to save interest charges. Board approved by email.
  5. The purchase of the updatefor Quickbooks was dismissed indefinitely.
  6. Jeff Hodgson will donate metal to fix erosion of wall outside men’s bathroom wall. Gladys Buchanan made motion to build retaining wall. Donna Gilmore seconded, all voted aye, and the motion was carried.
  7. The Front Gate repair was approved by Board via email
  8. A $500.00 limit was set for spending without getting Board approval. The Board is to be advised or informed afterwards. Mitzie Stavinoha motioned that $500 could be spent without notification of board, Jeff Hodgson seconded. All voted aye, motion carried.
  9. Maintenance Person for Park has been tabled.
  10. Julie Danford is to rewrite the job description for the person who cleans the bath house.
  11. The bathrooms need new heaters and light dimmer switch. Donna Gilmore made motion to approve and buy new heaters and dimmer switch. Mitzi Stavinoha seconded. All voted aye and the motion was carried.
  12. There was a discussion on washing and painting the outside of the bath house in April. Volunteers will be needed.
  13. There was discussion on staining the porch, fixing hole in porch, but no action was decided on.
  14. The board decided there were no repairs needed on the boat ramp.
  15. Joe Martino sent in a complaint form about heaters in bath room but problem was solved since he sent the form in. He also requested permission to build a 400 sq. ft. shed. It was denied because the rule states that a 200 sq,ft. is the largest shed that can be built. It was suggested he could build a boat house to get the extra square footage.
  16. New members are Lacey who bought Bob Bambach’s waterfront property.
  17. The next board meeting is set for March 9 at 10:00 a.m.

Gladys Buchanan made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Donna Gilmore seconded, all voted aye and the motion was carried.

Meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by

Gladys Buchanan

Board Director/Secretary

WhiteOakShores Association

