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April 8, 2014

7:00 P.M.

Members Present – Mayor Bryan Standifer, Councilmembers Cornell Williams, David Wease, Katherine Alexander, and Larry Thurman. Mayor Pro Tem Bobby Jacobs was unable to attend.

Staff Present –City Clerk Peggy Billerman and Police Chief Bobby Norris.

Media Present – Hannah Pope of the Monticello News.

Regular Meeting - Mayor Standifer called the meeting to order. Reverend William Gibson offered the invocation. City Clerk Peggy Billerman called the roll.

Agenda Approval – Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Thurman, to approve the agenda as presented. All in favor.

Citizens Present –Bobby Sutton, Reverend William Gibson, Cissy Benton, Willie C. Standifer, E. R. Lanier, Danny Norris, Frank Jackson, Roberta Anderson, Juanita Norris, Jacqueline Smith, Eugene Cloud, and Reva Standifer.

Citizen Comments I – Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Cissy Benton announced that Barton Lowrey, a field representative for US Senator Johnny Isakson, will meet with citizens in the Chamber from 10 until noon, Thursday, April 10, 2014.

Zoning Public Hearing - Jenean Winston withdrew application 2014Z3, a request to rezone old Washington Park School from Residential to Commercial Highway to allow warehousing.

Police Chief’s Report –For the month of March, Chief Norris reported $3,157 in fines, 328 calls for service and 18 citations. The chief stated that all officers had now qualified at the pistol range.

Monticello VFD Station 3 – Station 3 requested permission to scrap the American LaFrance fire engine that has been stored at the Monticello pole yard for over ten years. They would then use the proceeds to help finance the restoration of the 1939 fire engine the City had turned over to them. Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Wease, to grant permission. All in favor.

MEAG 2013 Year-end Settlement – Motion by Councilmember Alexander, seconded by Councilmember Thurman, to allocate the $113.389 from electricity to the Flexible Short Term Portfolio as well as the $2,789 from Telecommunications. All in favor.

Downtown Development Authority – Vacancies exist in all seven positions. A list of names is being generated. Tabled until next meeting.

Annual Citywide Clean-up – Motion by Mayor Pro Tem Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to table this item. All in favor.

Consent Agenda – Motion by Councilmember Thurman, seconded by Councilmember Wease, to approve the consent agenda with the minutes of March 11 and March 15, 2014 and payables in the amount of $241,507.32. All in favor.

Budget Calendar Review – A calendar listing all dates contained the Budget Resolution was distributed.

Citizen Comments II – Reverend Gibson complimented the effect of public input on a zoning application and expressed concerns that limbs may fall due to storm damage.

Executive Session Personnel and Litigation – Motion by Councilmember Thurman, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to enter executive session to discuss personnel and pending litigation at 7:50 pm. Council returned to regular session at 8:23pm. Motion by Councilmember Thurman, seconded by Councilmember Williams, to raise Police Department administrator Patricia Kennedy to $12.22 an hour on becoming certified as municipal court clerk, and Joseph McElheney, water distribution worker, to $11.07 on leaving trainee status. All in favor.

Council Comments – Councilmembers had no comments. Barbara Whidby was the winner of the $100 drawing conducted by Councilmember Wease.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

______, Mayor ______, City Clerk

City of Monticello

123 West Washington Street

Post Office Box 269

Monticello, GA 31064
