BiologyExam (One)Practice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions. Choose the answer that best answers or completes the question/statement.

  1. Which of these levels of biological organization includes all others?
  2. cell
  3. molecule
  4. organ
  5. tissue
  6. macromolecule

*Be able to list all of the levels we discussed in class from simple (molecule) to most complex (biosphere)

  1. Organisms that are eukaryotes are in the domain(s):
  2. Bacteria and Archaea
  3. Plantae and Animalia
  4. Eukarya only
  5. Archaea and Plantae
  6. Fungi and Bacteria
  7. Which of the following is not an example of a cell type found in domain Eukarya?
  8. Plant cell
  9. Paramecium cell (a protist)
  10. Fungal cell
  11. A cell from your body
  12. Bacteria
  1. The local pond is home to a single type of fish. Together, these fish represent
  2. biosphere
  3. a community
  4. a population
  5. an ecosystem
  6. a biosphere
  1. If you are asked to look into a microscope to see a bacterial cell, you will be looking for a cell that ,
  2. has a membrane bound nucleus.
  3. lacks organelles surrounded by membranes
  4. is much larger than a typical human body cell
  5. does not have DNA
  6. none of the above.
  1. Several tissues together make up a(n)
  1. cell b. tissuec. organd. organ systeme. organism
  1. What is true about a hypothesis?
  2. It is the same as a theory.
  3. It is an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.
  4. It is a widely accepted idea about a phenomenon.
  5. It is falsifiable and testable.
  6. It is written as a question.
  1. A scanning electron microscope,
  2. is used to study the details of internal cell structure.
  3. is used to study the details of living cells
  4. is more powerful than the light microscope.
  5. uses visible light to magnify a specimen.
  6. is none of the above.
  1. The mass number of an atom is equal to the______.
  2. number of neutronsd. average of the mass of all isotopes for that atom
  3. number of neutrons & protonse. valence shell electrons only
  4. number of protons only
  1. If 12C has an atomic number of 6 it has______neutrons.
  1. 4b. 6c. 8d. 18e. there is not enough information
  1. What is the atomic mass of an atom that has 2 protons, 2 neutrons, and 2 electrons?
  1. 2 b. 4c. 6d. -1e. 8
  1. Describe the structure of an atom.
  1. If atom “A” has 2 electrons in its lone orbital (also its valence shell) and atom “B” has 2 orbitals and 4 electrons in its valence shell, which atom is more reactive or more unstable?
  1. Atom “A”b.Atom “B”
  1. Triglycerides are ______.
  1. steroidsb. lipidsc. nucleic acidsd. proteinse.carbohydrates
  1. Polar covalent bonds are formed when,
  2. valence shell electrons are unequally shared.
  3. atoms involved in a bond have a similar electronegativity.
  4. valence shell electrons are equally shared.
  5. valence shell electrons are transferred from one atom to another.
  6. positively charged ions are formed.
  1. What does the octet rule in chemistry state?
  1. What is the fundamental difference between covalent and ionic bonding?
  1. Maltose is made up of two molecules of glucose linked together and therefore is an example of a(n)______.
  1. monosaccharideb. disaccharidec. polysaccharided. lipide. protein
  1. Examine the chemical C6H12O6. Which of the following statements about it is TRUE?
  2. it is a protein
  3. it is a phospholipid
  4. it is a nucleic acid
  5. it is an organic compound
  6. it is an inorganic compound
  1. Which of the following terms includes (can define) all other terms in this list?
  2. steroid
  3. cholesterol
  4. lipid
  5. triglyceride
  6. phospholipid
  1. Which of the following constitutes a polymer of nucleotides?
  1. monosaccharide b. polysaccharide c. polypeptided. polynucleotide e. lipid
  1. An RNA nucleotide contains:
  2. cytosine, ribose, hydroxyl group
  3. guanine, ribose, deoxyribose
  4. uracil, deoxyribose, phosphate group
  5. uracil, ribose, phosphate group
  6. thymine, amino acid, phosphate group
  1. A polysaccharide forms when
  2. two monosaccharides join by dehydration synthesis.
  3. more than two monosaccharides join by dehydration synthesis.
  4. two monosaccharides join by hydrolysis.
  5. two starches join by hydrolysis.
  6. Two fatty acids join by dehydration synthesis
  1. What is the ratio of fatty acids to glycerol in phospholipids?
  1. 1:1b. 2:1c. 3:1d. 4:1e. 6:1
  1. What is special about the “head” and “tail” portion of a phospholipid?
  1. A polypeptide being broken down into amino acids is a good example of a(n) ______reaction.
  2. exchange
  3. reversible
  4. dehydration synthesis
  5. hydrolysis
  1. Which of the following functional groups is a carbonyl group?
  1. –OHb. –NH2c. –COOHd. –SH e. –CO
  1. Water is an example of a ______molecule.
  2. hydrophobic
  3. ionic
  4. nonpolar covalent
  5. polar covalent
  1. When water molecules stick toone another this is called,
  1. adhesionb. polarityc. cohesiond. transpiratione. evaporation
  1. Which of the following statements regarding nucleotides is TRUE?
  2. Nucleotides are the monomers of lipids
  3. Nucleotides contain sugar molecules.
  4. Nucleotides contain sulfur groups.
  5. Nucleotides can be linked together to form polysaccharides.
  6. None of the above
  1. What are all of the important features of the plasma membrane? Think structure and function.

The plasma membrane is a flexible outer boundary found surrounding all cells separating the extracellular fluid from the intracellular fluid. It is composed of two layers of phospholipids arranged so that the fatty acid portion faces inward shielded from the aqueous environments on either side. The plasma or cell membrane also contains a variety of proteins, some that go all the way through the membrane and some that do not. The plasma membrane is constantly changing from moment to moment and plays a dynamic role in cellular activity because it regulates the movement of material into and out of the cell.

  1. What is the diameter (range) of most animal and plant cells?Most animal and plant cells range from 10 to 100 micrometers.
  1. What organelles are found only in plant cells? Only in animal cells?Lysosomes, centrioles, cilia and flagella are only found in animal cells and not in plant cells. Cell walls, chloroplasts, and the central vacuole are found in plant and not animal cells.
  1. You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look at them through a microscope and see cell walls and no membrane-bound organelles. You conclude correctly that the cells
  2. are plant cells.
  3. are animal cells.
  4. are bacterial cells.
  5. could be either plant or bacterial cells.
  6. could be plant, animal, or bacterial cells.
  1. In the plasma membrane, the fatty acid tails,
  2. are hydrophilic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane
  3. are hydrophilic and face inward, shielded from water
  4. are hydrophobic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane
  5. are hydrophobic and face inward, shielded from water
  6. are none of the above

*If you can write a brief definition of the organelles discussed in class, then you will do great on the portion of the exam that focuses on cellular organelles.